1 | ||1:詹金斯称他的另一个重大发现为“世界上最丑的动物”。||2:这种有着坚硬外壳的海洋生物距今已有2.1亿年。||3:詹金斯先生发现了这种生物所独有的特征:通过抬起上颌来张嘴。||4:在发现人类已知的最早的蛙类上詹金斯也扮演了十分关键的角色,这种蛙类和它的祖先蝾螈不同,它没有用来弹跳的后肢。||5:1989年,詹金斯在亚利桑那沙漠发现了这种生物。||6:他的同事尼尔·舒宾说,最初他们发现这种生物时,它们看起来像是“被车压死的”:四只距今已有1.9亿年的蛙类的骨骼被压碎了搅在一起。||7:詹金斯和舒宾两个人花了14年的时间把这些骨骼分开,又重新组合在一起。||8: 他们将这种蛙类命名为Prosalirus bitis,这一名字由拉丁文中的“向前跳”和纳瓦霍语中的“高于某物”组合而成。 | ||1: Another big find was what he called the “ugliest animal in the world”. ||2: It was a 210m-year-old armoured marine creature. ||3: Mr Jenkins spotted its distinguishing feature: that it opened its mouth by lifting its upper jaw. ||4: He was crucial in discovering the world’s earliest known frog, which unlike its salamander-like ancestors had hind legs for jumping. ||5: He found that in 1981 in the Arizona desert. ||6: It initially looked like “road kill”, his colleague Neil Shubin said: a 190m-year-old mash of four different frog skeletons. ||7: The two men spent the next 14 years picking them apart and putting them back together. ||8: They named their find Prosalirus bitis, combining a Latin word meaning “leap forward” with a Navajo word for “high above it”. | |
2 | 1909年十一月,甘地仅用九天的时间就急速地写出了一本名叫《欣德斯瓦拉杰或者叫做印度自治》的书,并在其中陈述了自己的观点。 | He set out his views in "Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule, " a book written feverishly, in nine days, in November, 1909. | |
3 | 29和30号照片中,尾巴开始紧帖在大腿后面,未端向上弯曲。 | In photos numbered 29 and 30, the tail begins immediately behind the hind leg and end with a up-curve. | |
4 | 艾达长得有点像狐猴,但大小只和一只猫差不多,它的后肢构造说明它是一种直立行走的灵长类动物。 | Ida was a lemur-like animal the size of a cat, and the hind legs shows that this primate was standing upright. | |
5 | 彼得能做的就是抓住她的两条后腿。 | All Peter could do was to throw himself down and seize one of her hind legs. | |
6 | 不要让他躲在责任分散的后面。 | Do not let him hide be-hind the diffusion of responsibility. | |
7 | 布鲁梅尔,是未来的欣德·乔治四世的密友,制定了一套着装准则——任何人,不仅仅是皇族,都可效仿。 | Brummell, buddy to the future Hind George IV, developed a dress code that anyone, not just royalty, could follow. | |
8 | 大鼠后肢舒张血管神经的研究 | Study on vasodilator nerve in rat hind limb | |
9 | 大鼠脑干星形胶质细胞和神经元对一侧胫腓骨骨折后的即刻应激反应及其相互关系 | Instant stress response of astrocytes and neurons in rat brain stem after fracture of unilateral hind leg | |
10 | 大鼠肢体缺血再灌注过程中血及骨骼肌的相应指标变化 | Changes of relevant indices in blood and skeletal muscle of rats during ischemia, reperfusion of hind limbs |