1 | 医生垂头丧气的。 | The doctor was down in the hip . | |
2 | 医生用一个金属球体置换了他的股骨头。 | Doctors have replaced the top of his hip bone with a metal sphere. | |
3 | 用卷尺围臀围最丰满处。该尺寸要量得不松不紧。 | Place the tape around the fullest part of the hip . Use the hip bone (trochanter)as a guide. This measurement should be taken firmly. | |
4 | 与此同时,芭比娃娃在玩具市场中也有一些时髦的新对手。 | Meanwhile, barbie has some hip new rivals on the scene | |
5 | 灾难性的车祸使我失去知觉,情况危急。我醒来时发现两条腿已打上了石膏,左腿拉着牵引,以帮助髋骨和骨盆愈合。 | My catastrophic car accident had left me unconscious and in critical condition. I awakened to find both legs swathed in casts, the left one in traction to aid the healing of a broken hip and pelvis. | |
6 | 在上述规定的实际应用上,臀部的定义为股骨横向最宽点的上方之处。而腰带的上缘不得低于此骨顶部。 | For purposes of these regulations, the hip is defined as the furthest lateral points of the top of the femur. The top of the belt shall not be positioned below the top of this bone. | |
7 | 这类人的典型代表是摩亨朱达罗出土文物中最有魅力的跳舞姑娘的铜像。她挑逗地歪着头,右臂放在臀部,身体好像在摇摆。 | This type is strikingly represented by the most charming of all the objects found at Mohenjo-daro, a bronze statuette of a dancing girl, with head provocatively tilted and right arm on hip as if about to do a suggestive body-shake | |
8 | 这三十六架“企业号”上的俯冲轰炸机正被孤注一掷。 | The thirty-six Enterprise divebombers were being squandered in a jittery shot from the hip | |
9 | 装船后,我到保险公司去投保 | After loading the goods on board the hip , I go to the insurance company to have them insured. | |
10 | 作品通过简要、准确地雕琢,尤其是在马的腿、股、头和颈部凿刻了较深的阴线,使勇敢而忠实的战马跃然而出。 | The spare but accurate carvings of the sculpture, especially the deep lines on the horse’s leg, hip , head and neck, convey a sense of movement and make the animal appear very powerful. |