属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-驼鹿和人 Of moose and men
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天文学 宇宙中的摇滚乐
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天文学 宇宙中的摇滚乐
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天文学 宇宙中的摇滚乐
1 | 一阵嘶嘶的声音说明氧气正在放出。 | A steady hiss denoted that the oxygen was on | |
2 | 音乐光盘播放音乐的效果非常完美,没有像用其他唱片那样的嘶嘶声和噼啪声。 | The playback effect of optical discs for music is very perfect, no hiss and crackle as with other photo-records | |
3 | 雨打那些竹门的唦唦的声音,现在是更急更响了,雷在草棚顶上滚;可是那一带草棚的人声比雨比雷更凶。 | The hiss of the rain on the bamboo doors was louder and more insistent than ever and overhead the rumble of thunder still rolled across the sky, but the sound of voices which rose from the huts was even fiercer than the angry roar of the storm | |
4 | “什么?皇上又自己睡下了?”反面角色高贵妃嘟囔着。 | "What? His majesty is sleeping alone again?" grumbles Noble Consort Gao, a boo-hiss villain. | |
5 | ||1:第一个故事,“长跑奇迹”是最成功的故事。||2:开场就吸引读者:“迈克尔·泰森咬掉霍利菲尔德耳朵那一天”。||3:故事以竞跑着的口吻叙述,捕捉赛前种种细节:液压门的嘶嘶声。酷爽天气中掠过一丝丝热浪,不可思议的绝望也随之而来。 | ||1: The first story, “Miracle Mile”, is the best. ||2: It mesmerizes from its opening: “This was the day after Mike Tyson bit off Evander Holyfield’s ear.” ||3: Narrated by a competitive runner, it captures the minutiae of pre-race nerves—the “hiss ” of a coach’s hydraulic door ; the temperature “just inching its way over toward cool”—as well as the “miraculous desperation” that is winning. | |
6 | 但是,他们却发现了射电噪声的一种背景杂音,这让人联想到彭齐亚斯博士和威尔逊博士当时注意到的嘶声。 | What they found, however, was a background hiss of radio noise, reminiscent of the hiss noticed by Dr Penzias and Dr Wilson. | |
7 | 赛佛教授和科格特教授排除了附近辐射波的干扰,认为这种杂音同样来自银河之外,构成了一个辐射背景。 | After ruling out nearby sources of radio waves, they concluded that their own hiss also comes from beyond the Milky Way and thus constitutes a cosmic radio background. | |
8 | 这过程中,两位天文学家发现了某一特定频率的嘶音,恰好证明了当时争议不断的大爆炸理论。 | The hiss they found at one particular frequency turned out to be evidence for the then-controversial idea that the universe had been born in a Big Bang. | |
9 | 鞭炮的巨响和火硝味弥漫在空气中,似乎是在向先人世界通报大师的到来。 | The hiss and pop of fireworks filled the air, alerting the spirit world to the master’s arrival. | |
10 | 车门随着一阵抽气声打开。黑暗中走出一个女黑人,身躯硕大,衣着艳丽,面有愠色,带着一个小男孩上车。 | The door opened with a sucking hiss and out of the dark a large, gaily-dressed, sullen-looking colored woman got on with a little boy. | |
11 | 但是这对Hiss的上诉没什么帮助。因为泰特尔依然不能描述其打字机的梦想或政治意愿。 | But it was no help to Hiss ’s appeal; for Mr Tytell still could not account for his typewriter’s politics, or its dreams. | |
12 | 梅克芭女士既可以像歌剧演员那样扬声高唱,也可以转而轻声细语,或发出低吼、嘶嘶声、咆哮及喊叫。 | Ms Makeba could soar like an opera singer, but she could also whisper, roar, hiss , growl and shout. | |
13 | 我让他把我带到桌子上的位置,打开我穿的睡袍的上半部分,略微弯着的身子发出嘶嘶声。 | I let him guide me into position on the table and open the top half of my gown, the little bow giving way with a hiss . | |
14 | 鲜血从伤口往外汩汩直喷,落到地上还嘶嘶有声。 | And from the wound his life’s blood was spouting in a stream, and falling with a hiss into the road. | |
15 | 幽灵般的图像在屏幕上闪闪烁烁,但是,除了静电发出的沙沙声外,没有任何声音。 | Ghostly images flickered in and out. There was no audio except for a static hiss . | |
16 | 针对不同的破坏类型提出相应的防治措施,以指导设计与施工。 | According to the different failure modes in HISs , stabilization methods are recommended to be the guideline of design and construction. |