属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 7988-1972
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 7987-1972
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 63-1972
属类:文学表达-外国名著-EUGENE ONEGIN
1 | 甚至海丝特怀中那可怜的婴儿都受到了同样的感染:因为她此时正转动始终还是空泛的视线,盯向丁梅斯代尔先生,还举起两条小胳膊,发出一阵似忧似喜的声音。 | Even the poor baby, at Hester’s bosom, was affected by the same influence; for it directed its hitherto vacant gaze towards Mr. Dimmesdale, and held up its little arms, with a half-pleased, half-plaintive murmur. | |
2 | 十字槽沉头螺钉(目前采用的半圆头沉头形式) | Cross Recessed Raised Countersunk (Oval)Head Screws (Raised Countersunk Heads of Type Hitherto Used) | |
3 | 十字槽沉头螺钉(目前采用的沉头形式) | Cross Recessed Countersunk (Flat)Head Screws (Countersunk Heads of Type Hitherto Used) | |
4 | 他决定要完成一件至今尚无希望的事情。 | He proposed to himself to achieve what hitherto he had been promised in vain. | |
5 | 他开始盘算事情,开始往四处看,并且摆脱那一直像毒蛇似的纠缠他的愤怒之气,让头脑渐渐清醒过来。 | He began to think, and look about him, and to disengage his senses from the coil of angry passions which hitherto had held them prisoner | |
6 | 他们就在这片百里无村寨,千里无人烟的荒滩上,结草为屋,居住下来,开荒种地,过着夫唱妇随,自由自在,美好幸福的生活。 | After this they built a thatched hut on this hitherto uninhabited cape and working together, turned it into fertile farmland, beginning their free and happy life together | |
7 | 他一向幽默风趣,善于开玩笑,很受伙伴们欢迎,但是由于词语不丰、训练不足,他在她面前却无从施展。 | It was his old spirit of humor and badinage that had made him a favorite in his own class, but which he had hitherto been unable to use in her presence through lack of words and training | |
8 | 同样,我们的社会主义宣传也在揭示此前隐而不见、梦想不到的人性的能量与力量。 | And so, in like manner, our Socialist propaganda is revealing hidden and hitherto undreamed of powers and forces in human nature | |
9 | 威洛比爵士一直把她视为一个地位低微的亲密朋友。 | Sir Willoughby had hitherto treated her as a dear insignificant friend | |
10 | 我对这事始终绝口不提,引起了我们族里人的误会。 | The reserve which I have hitherto maintained in this matter has been misinterpreted by members of my family | |
11 | 我们对妇女迄今所受的待遇从心底里感到厌恶 | Our whole heart revolt against the way women have hitherto be treated | |
12 | 我们在爱琴海坚守不退,而敌人想把我们赶走,这就使他们的很大一部分兵力受到了牵制。 | Our tenancy in the Aegean has hitherto caused the enemy to divert considerable forces in attempting to turn us out | |
13 | 我一向没有同党,同那伙人全不认得。 | Hitherto I had had no confederates nor any acquaintance among that tribe | |
14 | 先生,我可以公开声明,我在我的事业中历来坚定地着眼于整个国家的繁荣、尊严以及联邦的长治久安。 | I profess, Sir, in my career hitherto , to have kept steadily in view the prosperity and honor of the whole country, and the preservation of our Federal Union | |
15 | 现代化的设备和技术使得隧道建设比过去容易得多。 | Modern equipment and ingenuity have enabled the construction of tunnels to be far less laborious than hitherto . | |
16 | 一个聪明的女人,由于沉缅于崇高的感情而形成了女性坚贞如一的奇迹,这样的女人也可以在这里激发一个比较年轻的女人去仿效。 | A woman of intellect, steeped in a splendid sentiment, hitherto a miracle of female constancy, might stir a younger woman to some emulation | |
17 | 一字槽的小沉头螺钉.(新式沉头) | Slotted Countersunk Head Screws; Small Head (Countersunk Heads of Type hitherto Used) | |
18 | 因而,也必须由这个基础来解释,而不是像过去那样做得相反。 | And in the light of which these things must therefore be explained instead of vice versa as had hitherto been the case. | |
19 | 因迄今为止从未有过的疲劳,他感到萎靡不振(弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫) | His brain wilted from hitherto unprecedented weariness(Vladimir Nabokov) | |
20 | 由于替“罗汉塔”垫底的演员最近走了一个人,而这项垫底工作既要身体结实,又要头脑机灵,于是路路通就被选来担任这个角色了。 | It happened that the performer who had hitherto formed the base of the Car had quitted the troupe, and as, to fill this part, only strength and adroitness were necessary, Passepartout had been chosen to take his place | |
21 | 原来读书不多的达吉雅娜,读了他的那些书以后,知道了许多人世间的苦难,终于对叶甫盖尼有了更多的了解。在家里,达吉雅娜的母亲对她毫无办法。这位姑娘似乎对追求她的人都不感兴趣,并拒绝了好几次求婚。 | Tatyana, who had hitherto read very little, learned much bitterness from his books and came to know more of Eugene. At home Tatyana’s mother did not know what to do. The girl seemed to have no interest in suitors and had refused several proposals. | |
22 | 原先造成阴影的东西,如今也成了发光体。小溪的河道也愉快地粼粼闪光,溯源而上可以直抵树林的那神秘心脏。此时也已成为一种欢乐的神秘。 | The objects that had made a shadow hitherto , embodied the brightness now. The course of the little brook might be traced by its merry gleam afar into the wood’s heart of mystery, which had become a mystery of joy. | |
23 | 越来越多的单一种族社会逐渐变得多元化。 | More of the hitherto homogeneous societies are becoming plural ones. | |
24 | 在从前是一张白板的专制时代的画面上突然涌现出众多的知名人士(约翰·麦克劳夫林) | New public figures suddenly abound in the hitherto faceless totalitarian tableaux(John McLaughlin) | |
25 | 在这份报告书公布之前,教育政策发展的基调是扩充学额及实施九年强制教育。 | Hitherto , educational policies in Hong Kong had been focused on increasing school vacancies and enforcing 9-year compulsory education in the territory. | |
26 | 这后一种方法是真实的,但尚未有人试用过。 | This latter way is the true one, but hitherto untried | |
27 | 这是林登一直不愿做的事,可现在情况已经到了山穷水尽的地步。 | This was what linden had hitherto shrunk from doing, but the situation was desperate | |
28 | 正像达尔文发现有机界的发展规律一样,马克思发现了人类历史的发展规律,即历来为繁茂芜杂的意识形态所掩盖着的一个简单事实 | Just as Darwin discovered the law of evolution in organic nature, so Marx discovered the law of evolution in human history; he discovered the simple fact, hitherto concealed by an overgrowth of ideology | |
29 | 直到那时,一种责任感激起的兴奋支持着他们。 | hitherto the excitement of fulfilling a duty had sustained them | |
30 | 直到现在,我还只是在替自己着想! | but I have hitherto considered no one but myself |