属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谁主沉浮 Man of the moment
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-心理学 当权者都会腐化 败坏?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-HTC使用安卓系统 面临巨额赔偿的控诉
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人类进化史 似曾相识
1 | 至今她始终跟病魔顽抗,并没就此一病不起。 | Hitherto she had steadily borne up against the pressure of malady, and had not betaken herself finally to bed | |
2 | 至今仍被忽视之点,即空隙流体的增加将使导热率明显降低。 | A point which has been overlooked hitherto is that any build-up of interstitial fluid would produce a marked lowering of the thermal conductivity | |
3 | 至今尚不知属何种类的蛾. | A hitherto unknown species of moth | |
4 | 卓越的天才不屑走旁人走过的路.他寻找迄今未开拓的地区. | Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored. | |
5 | 卓越的天才不屑走旁人走过的路。他寻找迄今未开拓的地区。 | Towering genius disdains a beaten path.It seeks regions hitherto unexplored.--Lincoln | |
6 | ||1:1988年,奥古斯托·皮诺切特将军举行了一次全民公投,他自信这次公投会让他再独裁八年。||2:社会党领袖里卡多·拉各斯当时还鲜为人知,他利用电视直播节目挑衅恐惧气氛,人们担心这次公投是独裁者最强大的政治武器。这是自1973年皮诺切特发动军事政变以来,反对派政治家首次在荧屏亮相。||3:拉各斯用手指指着摄像机,直接对皮诺切特发表演说,表示不许他继续掌权。||4:拉各斯无视主持人打断他的企图,说道:“我在为15年的沉寂代言。” | ||1: In 1988 General Augusto Pinochet organised a plebiscite that he was confident would grant him another eight years of absolute power. ||2: Ricardo Lagos, a hitherto little-known Socialist leader, used a live television programme—the first to feature opposition politicians since Pinochet’s military coup of 1973—to defy the climate of fear that was the dictator’s most powerful political weapon. ||3: Pointing his finger at the camera, he addressed him directly, saying that it was inadmissible that he sought to remain in power. ||4: Ignoring the presenter’s attempt to cut him off, Mr Lagos said “I am speaking for 15 years of silence.” | |
7 | ||1:艾格先生在书中对自然科学的存有一些偏见,但该书在某些领域的也有空白。||2:他不仅将1960年代的分子生物学视为信息科学,还忽视了彼得·米切尔的观点,这位生物化学家的一项突破性研究是细胞能够通过电位差而不是分子储存能量,这个理论体现在生活中的方方面面,至今为止都让人类难以想象。||3:书中也没有对饮水加氟法进行阐述,在营养学方面也较少被提及。 | ||1:Mr Agar’s book is somewhat biased towards the physical sciences and it has some odd gaps.||2:Seeing the molecular biology of the 1960s as an information science, Mr Agar overlooks Peter Mitchell, whose breakthrough in understanding that cells store energy, not in molecules, but in potential differences revealed an aspect of life hitherto undreamed of.||3:There is nothing on the fluoridation of water, and too little on nutrition. | |
8 | ||1:二战期间,有一个骂人的新词"小希特勒"在英语国家中很盛行,如果这样称呼一个人意味这他是一个为了满足自己,很会利用手里的小权力折磨、刁难其他人的位卑但权重的小人物。||2: 从夜总会的保安到阿布扎比监狱里以折磨犯人取乐的狱警, 这样的"小希特勒们"无处不在。 ||3:但这种现象一直没有被科学的分析过。 | ||1: DURING the second world war a new term of abuse entered the English language. To call someone "a little Hitler" meant he was a menial functionary who employed what power he had in order to annoy and frustrate others for his own gratification. ||2: From nightclub bouncers to the squaddies at Abu Ghraib prison who tormented their prisoners for fun, little Hitlers plague the world. ||3: The phenomenon has not, though, hitherto been subject to scientific investigation. | |
9 | ||1:去年HTC解决了另一个关于安卓的赔付要求——它和微软合作,同意支付其昂贵的费用。||2:这样的诉讼可能还会出现,并且都会要求高额的赔付。||3:HTC的股价虽然至今比它的同辈们要好,但仍然从六月初开始下跌了近三分之一。||4:HTC会对美国国际贸易委员的裁决提出上诉,它也会以其他方式反击。||5:这个月它花了30亿美元购买一家总是亏损的软件公司——S3,这使它打赢了一个针对苹果的专利官司,并且也拥有了其他的一些专利可以用于阻击苹果的法律攻势。 | ||1:Last year HTC resolved another claim over Android, with Microsoft, agreeing to pay it hefty royalties.||2:More such suits may yet emerge, and prove costly.||3:HTC’s shares, having hitherto outperformed its peers’, have dropped by a third since early June.||4:HTC will appeal against the trade commission’s ruling; but it will fight back in other ways, too.||5:This month it spent $300m buying a loss-making software firm, S3, which recently won a patent case against Apple and may have other patents that will be useful in fending off Apple’s legal forays. | |
10 | 这表明产生人类的神经系统变化可能早于南方古猿大脑的扩张——大脑扩张至今仍被认为是人类出现的重要因素。 | That suggests the neurological changes which gave rise to humanity may have predated the brain’s expansion—an event that had, hitherto , been regarded as crucial to the emergence of humans. | |
11 | (这种空气,)他从前是一直没有经验过的,可是,现在整个迎着他的脸上袭了来。 | Hitherto he had been utterly ignorant of it, but now it beat full in his face. | |
12 | 1965年的赞比亚,在这之前一直叫做北罗德西亚,正在享受第一年从英国独立出来的喜悦。 | In 1965 Zambia, hitherto called Northern Rhodesia, was enjoying its first year of independence from Britain. | |
13 | 2004年普京宣布各地区的州长,从今往后就改为由他直接任命。 | Mr Putin announced in 2004 that regional governors, hitherto elected, were instead to be appointed by him. | |
14 | 2010年3月,中国官员将南海称为“核心利益”——这一字眼此前仅限于中国对西藏和台湾的主张。 | In March 2010, Chinese officials referred to it as a "core interest" , language hitherto preserved for its claims to Tibet and Taiwan. | |
15 | 4月5日暴露出它已探测到一个好像迄今未知的粒子。 | On April 5th it emerged it had detected what looked like a hitherto unknown particle. | |
16 | HTC的股价,在迄今为止的表现优于其同行,而自六月初以来已经下跌了三分之一。 | HTC’s shares, having hitherto outperformed its peers’, have dropped by a third since early June. | |
17 | KKR已经安排了一位商誉更佳的前通用电气高管来运营在管理方面逐步衰退的VNU。 | KKR has installed a highly-regarded former GE executive to runthe hitherto poorly managed VNU. | |
18 | 报道称她迄今为止仍未觉得有会见他们的必要,着实让人感到不可理解。 | The fact she had hitherto reportedly "not yet felt the need" to meet them raised some eyebrows. | |
19 | 暴动在乡村地区前所未有地激烈。 | The uprising has hitherto been fiercest in rural areas. | |
20 | 但此前,新加坡的政治体系可是连个门缝都没有给反对党留下过。 | But Singapore’s political system has hitherto not afforded the opposition even the slimmest foot in the door. | |
21 | 但迄今为止,消费者一直不愿面对面通话,尽管视频通话在3G出现后已推向市场。 | Yet consumers have hitherto been reluctant to talk face to face, even as video calling became available with the advent of 3G. | |
22 | 但是,不久可能将支援民事司法的计画扩及刑事司法,迄今这里仍是禁区。 | But it may soon extend projects supporting civil justice to criminal justice, hitherto off-limits. | |
23 | 但整体上,新兴世界对全球经济增长的支撑作用减小了。 | But, overall, the emerging world will be less of a buoy to global growth than it has been hitherto . | |
24 | 到目前为止,除了到乌节路逛逛豪华购物中心外,几乎没有什麽乐子可言。 | Hitherto there has been little fun to be had other than hitting Orchard Road’s glitzy shopping malls. | |
25 | 到目前为止,大多数人仍认为军队打击塔利班武装分子是在令人遗憾地为美国服务。 | Hitherto , most have considered the army’s war against the militants as a regrettable service to America. | |
26 | 到目前为止,该计划已基本上为长期受苦的选民所接受,社会凝聚力似乎仍然高得惊人。 | This has hitherto been largely accepted by long-suffering voters; social cohesion still appears surprisingly high. | |
27 | 到目前为止,实用主义盛行,他们站到了土耳其这边。 | Hitherto , pragmatism has prevailed and they have sided with the Turks. | |
28 | 到目前为止,印度的食品供应一直被数千万中间商把持着。 | Hitherto India’s food supplies have been controlled by tens of millions of middlemen. | |
29 | 到目前为止失踪的中国飞行员王伟还没有找到。 | The missing Chinese pilot, Wang Wei, has not been found hitherto . | |
30 | 电影没有招揽一线演员,而是使用了毫无名气的孩子和英国演艺界人才。 | Instead of A-listers the films feature hitherto obscure child actors and British theatrical talent. |