属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-乡村饲蜜 城市居民培养出乡村嗜好
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-蜜蜂和杀虫剂 慢性毒药
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-蜜蜂和杀虫剂 慢性毒药
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-蜂群崩坏症候群 蜂群崩坏
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-蜂群崩坏症候群 蜂群崩坏
1 | 包括神经系统症状,如抽搐、呕吐和燥动(以上是兴奋型);又如麻痹、呼吸或心跳暂停等(神经抑制)、外出血、破坏正常的凝血机制及过敏反应(包括荨痲疹和炎症)。 | they include nervous-system excitation (cramps, vomiting, convulsions)or depression (paralysis, respiratory or cardiac depression or arrest), hemorrhage, red-blood-cell breakdown, circulatory collapse, and allergic reactions (including hives and inflammation). | |
2 | 城市里喧闹的人声和热闹的生活,加上鳞次栉比的楼房建筑,在令人惊愕的同时,又令人怦然心动,教给人们模棱两可的生活意义。 | A blare of sound, a roar of life, a vast array of human hives , appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms. | |
3 | 初期会发生过敏反应(发炎、咳嗽、下午发烧、肝肿大等),粪便会带血,由于虫卵堆积在器官壁上导致纤维化。 | An initial allergic reaction (inflammation, cough, late-afternoon fever, hives , liver tenderness)and blood in the stools and urine give way to a chronic stage, in which eggs impacted in the walls of organs cause fibrous thickening (fibrosis). | |
4 | 毒性可以是急性的(摄入一剂之后立刻出现症状)或者慢性的(反复或持续摄入毒物后最终出现症状,摄入化学性的致癌物质就是这样)。中毒反应可以是局部的(麻疹、水泡、发炎)或全身的(全身出血、抽搐、呕吐、腹泻、感觉模糊、麻痹、呼吸或心跳停止)。 | Poisoning may be acute (a single dose does significant damage)or chronic (repeated or continuous doses produce an eventual effect, as with chemical carcinogens). The effects produced by poisons may be local (hives , blisters, inflammation)or systemic (hemorrhage, convulsions, vomiting, diarrhea, clouding of the senses, paralysis, respiratory or cardiac arrest). | |
5 | 蜂胶蜜蜂采自某些树的花的胶状物,在建筑蜂窝时用作加固或密封材料 | A resinous substance collected from the buds of certain trees by bees and used as a cement or sealant in the construction of their hives . | |
6 | 急性荨麻疹也可能由药物引起,特别是青霉素。吸入花粉一类的过敏原或者毒素,或者某些疾病也会引起荨麻疹。 | Acute hives may also be triggered by drugs, especially penicillin, inhaled allergens or toxins, or diseases. | |
7 | 蜜蜂将蜂蜜储藏在蜂巢里。 | Bees store honey in honeycombs inside hives . | |
8 | 荨麻疹:过敏反应引起的皮肤病,特征是突然出现轻微隆起的、顶部平滑的、非常痒的小肿块。 | Hives (Or urticaria):Allergic skin reaction in which slightly raised, flat-topped, very itchy swellings appear suddenly. | |
9 | 轻者全身散发荨痲疹,常剧烈头痛。发作数分钟内必须开始治疗︰注射肾上腺素,随后给予抗组织胺药、可的松等。过敏反应可在接触极少量抗原后发生。 | Milder cases may involve hives and severe headache. Treatment, consisting of injection of epinephrine, followed by antihistamines, cortisone, or similar drugs, must begin within minutes. Anaphylaxis may be caused by extremely small amounts of antigen. | |
10 | 市声的喧闹,生活的吆喝,鳞次栉比的楼房,用暖昧的言词叩动那受惊的心弦。 | A blare of sound, a roar of life, a vast array of human hives , appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms | |
11 | 水肿可能是局部性的(如荨痲疹),也可能是全身性的(亦称浮肿或积水)。有时身体某一部分的肿胀也称为水肿。 | Edema may be local (e.g., hives from allergies)or generalized (also called dropsy), sometimes involving body cavities as well as tissues. | |
12 | 他把身子往后靠在蜂窝上,仰着脸儿观察起天上的星星来;那些星星凄清的光芒,正在一片一片苍苍的穹窿上,闪烁搏动。 | He leant back against the hives , and with upturned face made observations on the stars, whose cold pulses were beating amid the black hollows above | |
13 | 自古以来,在类似于中国这样一些国家,人们早已知道蜂箱里具有一系列有利于身体健康的物质。 | The health properties of a range of substances found in hives have been recognized since ancient times in countries like China | |
14 | ||1:起初,卡米拉.高达(Camilla Goddard)着手在伦敦饲养蜜蜂时,很难找到合适的驻点,因为附近要么是颇有戒备心理的邻居,要么就是淘气爱搞破坏的青少年。||2:如今九年过去了,而她的蜂箱已经遍布整个城市:公园里、教堂里、小学校园里及旅馆屋顶上都随处可见。||3:她通过收集隐匿在居民阁楼中的蜂巢,然后在自家经营的小超市中出售蜂蜜。||4:而现在,这已俨然成为一种新兴商业模式。 | ||1:WHEN Camilla Goddard first started to keep bees in London, it was difficult to find places away from anxious neighbours or teenage vandals.||2:Nine years later she has hives all over the city: in parks, churchyards, primary schools and on the roofs of hotels.||3:She collects swarms from people’s attics and sells honey at her local shop.||4:A hobby has become a thriving business. | |
15 | 2006年冬,美国养蜂人注意到奇怪的现象,他们的蜜蜂成批死掉,原因不明。 | IN THE winter of 2006 beekeepers in America noticed something odd—lots of their hives were dying for no obvious reason. | |
16 | 给一些蜂群用一定剂量的阿克泰,其他的则不用, | Some hives were given realistic doses of thiamtethoxam, a variety of neonicotinoid, while others were left alone. | |
17 | 还有10个蜂群作为控制组,喂给它们的食物未加杀虫剂。 | A further ten hives were given unspiked food as a control. | |
18 | 为了证实猜测,佩蒂斯博士和同事们把加了吡虫啉的蛋白食物喂给20个蜂群。 | To find out, they gave 20 hives protein food in the other ten it was 20 ppb. | |
19 | “每天晚上蜜蜂熟睡后,我都会称量反转过的蜂箱”,她说,但蜜蜂们继续采回花蜜,像往常一样多。 | "Every night after the bees were asleep, I weighed the flipped hives , " she said, but the bees continued to haul in as much nectar as ever. | |
20 | 不过,有一种e102(列为柠檬黄)色素,可能会令少数人出现瘙痒或荨麻疹。 | However, one colour, E102 (listed as tartrazine) may prompt itching or hives in a small number of people. | |
21 | 虫族建立在区域,用三个大蜂巢(4、5、6),你要将他们除灭。 | The Zerg are well established in the area, with three big Hives (4, 5, and 6) in place that you must destroy. | |
22 | 储存群组或机码中指出版本的值,且不要在各种元件版本之间共用资讯或状态。 | Store values in hives or keys that indicate the version, and do not share information or state across versions of a component. | |
23 | 当蜜蜂最近开始离开蜂巢,再也不回来时,蜂农们陷入恐慌之中。 | WHEN honey bees began to desert their hives recently, never to return, it threw apiarists into a panic. | |
24 | 蜂蜜在她家里的蜂窠里有的是,但是糖浆才是她一心想要的东西,所以卡尔给她买了糖浆,想给她一个意外的惊喜。 | Honey she had in plenty out of her own hives , but treacle was what her soul desired, and Car had been about to give her a treat of surprise. | |
25 | 过敏症在发达国家变得日益普遍,花粉热、湿疹、荨麻疹和哮喘越来越常见。 | Allergies have become increasingly widespread in developed countries with hay fever, eczema, hives and asthma on the rise. | |
26 | 还有一个原因,那就是郊区居民已然成为经济动力源:败落的城市已被工业基地包围,如Detroit。 | One reason is that suburbia is now an economic powerhouse: decaying cities, such as Detroit, are surrounded by hives of industry. | |
27 | 她的同伴不再打搅她,她就向后靠在蜂箱上,比以前更加深沉地思索起来。 | With no longer a companion to distract her, Tess fell more deeply into reverie than ever, her back leaning against the hives . | |
28 | 冒险离开的极少数分子,仍会按照吉奥诺西斯习俗组成工作团体。 | The few that have ventured off world usually do so as work groups that ultimately benefit their home hives . | |
29 | 每位客人临走时还被赠送了一小瓶白宫自产的蜂蜜。 | The guests were given a tiny jar of honey from the White House bee hives to take home. | |
30 | 牛奶是一种常见的过敏原,可以触发引起炎症、胃病、皮疹、麻疹甚至是呼吸困难。 | Milk is a common allergen that can trigger inflammation, stomach problems, skin rashes, hives and even breathing difficulties. |