属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-新任美国最高法院大法官出席白宫仪式
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟:特朗普又放话 巴黎气候变化协议前景堪忧
1 | ||1:国家科学教育中心的乔希-罗西诺(Josh Rosenau)质问道,为何法案规定只应在科学课堂上鼓励学生批判思考。||2:要知道,有人可认为1969年人类登陆月球是假的,还有纳粹大屠杀就是个骗局;何不要求历史老师也告诉学生关于那些事件的两种观点。 | ||1:Josh Rosenau, of the National Centre for Science Education (NCSE), asks why the bill singles out science classrooms as a place where pupils should be urged to think critically.||2:After all, some people believe the 1969 moon landing was faked or that the Holocaust is a hoax ; why not require history teachers to inform pupils of both sides of those issues, too. | |
2 | 川普继续指责民主党成员要对卡瓦诺任命的争议负责。周一,他称这种情况是一种耻辱。他说卡瓦诺陷入了民主党设立的一场骗局中。 | Trump continues to blame members of the Democratic Party for the debate over Kavanaugh’s appointment. On Monday, he called the situation a disgrace. Kavanaugh was, in his words, "caught up in a hoax that was set up by the Democrats." | |
3 | 然而,当选总统唐纳德·特朗普称为全球变暖是一个“骗局”,并明确表示,他打算取消巴黎协议。 | However President-elect Donald Trump, has called global warming a "hoax " and has made it clear that he intends to cancel the Paris deal altogether. | |
4 | 周二,一封邮件威胁致使洛杉矶一千多所学校关闭,这很可能是一场骗局。 | An email threat which led Los Angeles to shut down more than 1,000 public schools on Tuesday is likely a hoax . | |
5 | “新经济”同拿钱办事的媒体提供给美国人的几乎任何别的东西一样,不过是一个骗局。 | The "New Economy" is a hoax like most everything else the bought-and-paid-for-media feeds to Americans. | |
6 | 1798年,当草图和兽皮被公布的时候,许多著名的英国科学家都认为是恶作剧。 | Many prominent British scientists deemed it a hoax when presented with a sketch and pelt, in 1798. | |
7 | 40岁的科恩说:“这可能是一场精心编排的骗局,不过也不能排除这的确是一具外星人尸体的可能。” | Mr Cohen, 40, said: ’This could be an elaborate hoax , however the possibility that this might be a genuine alien should not be discounted. | |
8 | 唉,可惜这封信是伪造的。 | Alas, it was a hoax . | |
9 | 安东尼•韦纳(AnthonyWeiner)坚持认为此事是一个恶作剧。 | Anthony Weiner insisted that the incident was a hoax . | |
10 | 不过,这个骗局还是被戳穿了。为了平息事件,整个医学界因此遭受了极大的难堪。 | Once the hoax was discovered, the medical community suffered great embarrassment. . . to put it mildly. | |
11 | 不是恶作剧,只是马虎出了纰漏 | Not a hoax , just sloppy work. | |
12 | 当然,这是一场闹剧。 | It was, of course, a hoax . | |
13 | 到底沃伊尼克手稿是遗落文明的证据还是精心编制的骗局? | Is the Voynich Manuscript evidence of a forgotten civilization, or merely an elaborate hoax ? | |
14 | 等到人们意识到那个故事是个骗局时,等到人们意识到那个故事是个骗局时全国的意大利面条已经销售一空。已经销售一空。 | By the time people realized that the story was a hoax , all of the spaghetti across the country had been sold out. | |
15 | 恶作剧电话 | hoax calls | |
16 | 而袭击关键基础设施有远比这简单和廉价的方法,从恐吓电话到汽车炸弹以及劫持飞机等不一而足。 | There are far simpler and less costly ways to attack critical infrastructure, from hoax phone calls to truck bombs and hijacked airliners. | |
17 | 而这个女孩儿还没有找到,有关人员正在调查这个电话是不是恶作剧。 | That girl has not been found and authorities are investigating whether the call was a hoax . | |
18 | 官方:“气球男孩”事件是一场骗局 | Authorities: ’Balloon boy’ incident was a hoax | |
19 | 几乎所有人都承认,当他们第一次听说iPhone时,认为这简直是笑话。 | Almost anyone can admit that when they first heard of the iPhone, they thought it was a hoax . | |
20 | 假如它是一个恶作剧,它将是所有恶作剧中最好的一个。我相信这是真的… | If it is a hoax , then it would be the best of all hoaxes. | |
21 | 尽管诺亚方舟在土耳其被找到会支撑圣经真实论者的观点,一位美国寻舟者则认为这项最新发现可能是一场恶作剧。对于本周诺亚方.。 | While Noah’s ark found in Turkey would bolster Bible literalists, an American ark-hunter says the latest discovery could be a hoax . | |
22 | 尽管这本书像恶作剧与伪造品那样完全不可信,但它迄今为止仍在出版并在世界广泛流传。 | Though the book has been completely discredited as a hoax and forgery, it is still in print and remains widely circulated around the world. | |
23 | 警察揭穿了这场骗局。 | The police debunked the hoax , | |
24 | 就在5分钟后,我们看到来自菲律宾的一条类似的信息,后来证明是一场骗局。 | A little over five minutes later, we read a report that a similar text had gone out in the Philippines, and that it turned out to be a hoax . | |
25 | 卡罗琳·伊拉姆,研究文艺复兴的著名学者,认为这幅画是“一个很有技术含量,精心制作的专家级骗局。” | Caroline Elam, a leading scholar on the Renaissance, suggested that the work was "a very skilled, elaborate and expert hoax . " | |
26 | 看了这场非同寻常的展览后,MELIKIAN先生写了一篇火药味十足的评论,暗示这项发现可能是一场骗局。 | After seeing this extraordinary show, Mr Melikian wrote an inflammatory review, insinuating that the discovery could have been a hoax . | |
27 | 论文本身是真实可信的而不是愚弄大众,但是,舆论认为,这一结论很可能被证明有错。 | The consensus seems to be that the paper itself is real rather than some sort of hoax , but the result may well turn out to be wrong. | |
28 | 没有人知道在这精心制作的骗局后面操弄的是谁? | No one knows who’s behind the elaborate hoax . | |
29 | 那些设计骗局的同事则既丢了工作又因丑闻毁了名声。 | The colleagues who perpetrated the hoax lost their jobs and reputations over the scandal. | |
30 | 你可能会认为这是一张动过手脚的老照片,很蹩脚。 | You’ll probably think it’s just a crude hoax from bygone days. |