1 | (动物跗关节后部的)大肌腱. | Thick tendon at the back of an animal’s hock | |
2 | 《经济观察报》总编何力、壳牌中国集团总裁王郁章以及来自政府、学术界、非政府组织和媒体的代表出席了本次活动。 | Shell Companies in China Country Chair Heng Hock Cheng and Economic Observer Editor-in-chief He Li kicked off the competition with representatives from the government, NGOs and media. | |
3 | 把抵押的某物赎回. | Get sth out of hock | |
4 | 备有好几种德国白葡萄酒. | keep several hock s | |
5 | 偿还了当铺老板的债,我赎回了自己的手表。 | Having paid off the pawnbroker, I now had my watch out of hock . | |
6 | 典当一颗钻石戒指 | hock a diamond ring. | |
7 | 割断跗关节的筋使残废;割断腿腱 | To disable by cutting the tendons of the hock ;hamstring. | |
8 | 杭州市燃气(集团)有限公司董事长章维明、壳牌中国集团总裁兼天然气及发电业务董事总经理王郁章. | The joint venture contract was signed? by Zhang Weiming, President of the Hangzhou Gas (Group)Company Limited, Heng Hock Cheng, Chair of Shell Companies in China and Managing Director of Shell China Gas & Power, | |
9 | 后腿腱四足动物跗关节后的一个大肌腱 | The large tendon in the back of the hock of a quadruped. | |
10 | 她当掉了所有的首饰. | Her jewellery is all in hock . | |
11 | 壳牌中国集团天然气及发电业务部董事总经理王郁章说:“这项气化技术使中国丰富的煤炭资源能够得到更洁净、更环保的可持续利用。 | Heng Hock Cheng, Managing Director of Gas and Power for Shell China, said: ″ This gasification process enables the use of China′s abundant coal reserves in a cleaner and more environmentally sustainable way.″ | |
12 | 壳牌中国集团主席王郁章说:“目前我们已经在华投资约20亿美元.,” | Heng Hock Cheng, Country Chair for Shell Companies in China, said: ″ We have invested about US$2 billion in the country so far.″ | |
13 | 壳牌中国集团主席王郁章说:“太阳能电力的优点是节约时间,举手之劳便可获得优质电力照明,也可免受点油灯带来的危害。” | Heng Hock Cheng, Country Chair of Shell Companies in China, said: “Solar power has the potential to save time, provide high quality electric lighting at the flip of a switch and relief from associated hazards from oil lanterns.” | |
14 | 壳牌中国集团主席王郁章说:“这是一个令人激动的项目,将为中国贫困地区的人们提供电力,这些地区有的还没有通路。” | Shell China Country Chair Heng Hock Cheng said: ″This is an exciting project that will help bring electricity to people in impoverished parts of China where in some cases there are not even roads.″ | |
15 | 壳牌中国集团总裁王郁章和上海浦东巴士交通股份有限公司副总经理王军民在上海科技馆中央大厅启动了该项试车活动。 | The trial was launched at the Central Hall of the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum by Heng Hock Cheng, Chair of Shell Companies in China, and Wang Junmin, Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Pudong Bus Transportation Co., Ltd. | |
16 | 壳牌中国集团总裁王郁章说:“这是一个令人兴奋的项目,将为中国部分贫困地区的人们提供以前没有过的电力。 | Shell China Country Chair Heng Hock Cheng said: ″This is an exciting project that will help bring electricity to people in impoverished parts of China for the first time. | |
17 | 壳牌中国集团总裁王郁章说:“作为城市可持续发展计划的一部分,上海正致力于建设现代化的高效运输体系。” | Heng Hock Cheng, Chair of Shell Companies in China, said: ″ We are proud to test our new technology and product in Shanghai which is committed to developing a modern.″ | |
18 | 欧进福政务部长在一个电视节目上也提问,是不是我们的教育出了问题?为什么这一小部分万里挑一的精英如此漠视自己的社会责任,并且丝毫不觉得理亏 | No wonder, in a recent TV programme, Minister of State Ow Chin Hock asked whether anything had gone wrong in our education system and what had made our one-in-a-thousand elite so indifferent to their social obligations without feeling guilty. | |
19 | 炮骨,管骨某些有蹄哺乳动物小腿的部分,位于跗关节或膝关节与球关节之间,含有炮骨 | The section of the lower leg in some hoofed mammals between the hock or knee and the fetlock,containing the cannon bone. | |
20 | 胚部马或其他有关动物后肢膝关节和跗关节之间的部位 | The part of the hind leg of a horse or related animal between the stifle and the hock . | |
21 | 浅析林业企业负债经营 | Superficial Analysis of Enterprise’s Management in Hock | |
22 | 他的表已经拿去当了。 | His watch was in hock . | |
23 | 他坐了3年牢。 | He was in hock for three years. | |
24 | 王郁章说:“本次大赛提供了一个与大家分享我们的价值观和业务实践的难得机会.” | Heng Hock Cheng said:? “Shell is proud to support this worthy endeavour, and believes that the case study competition .”? | |
25 | 王郁章说:“如果目前的项目全都能实现,我们的投资总额将在未来五年里达到50亿美元。” | Heng Hock Cheng said: ″ If all our current projects are realised, we expect our investment to rise to US$ 5 billion over the next five years.″ | |
26 | 我负债总数达5000英镑. | I’m in hock to the tune of(ie I owe a total of)5000. | |
27 | 我们再也不可能还清债务 | thought we’d never get out of hock . | |
28 | 沿着牛腿,从蹄部到跗关节下6英寸处除去每条后腿上的皮。 | Split the hide from the dewclaws down the leg to the hock and over the rear of the round to a point about 6 inches below the hock and remove the hide from each hind leg. | |
29 | 一杯德国白葡萄酒. | a glass of hock | |
30 | 在“2003 CCTV中国经济年度人物”颁奖仪式上,壳牌中国集团主席王郁章从全国人大财经委员会副主任石广生手中接过奖牌。 | Heng Hock Cheng, Country Chair of Shell Companies in China, accepted the award from Shi Guangsheng, Vice Chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee of the National People′s Congress, at the 2003 CCTV Economic Annual Figure Awards |