属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 750-1999(包括修改件1:1998)
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 750-1996
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-气候变化 终于来了好消息?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-气候变化 最终难道是个好消息?
1 | 我究竟为什么要去看那糟糕的冰球比赛呢? | Now why the hell should I want to go to a lousy hockey game? | |
2 | 我觉得曲棍球很像足球。 | And I found the field hockey is like football. | |
3 | 我们在曲棍球赛中把他们打得一败涂地. | We slaughtered them at hockey . | |
4 | 星期四,在英国雷丁举行的国际女子曲棍球赛中,澳大利亚队以3:O击败英国队,继续保持了26场不败的纪录。 | Australia extended their unbeaten run to 26 matches with 3-0 win over Great Britain in a women Ts Hockey International in Reading,England on Thursday. | |
5 | 星期天,在阿德莱德举行的冠军杯曲棍球赛中,比奇曼上演了帽子戏法(连中三元),使得德国队在突然死亡法的加时赛中以3:2击败澳大利亚队 | Bechmann completes his hat-trick in sudden-death extra-time on Sunday to claim a 3-2 victory for Germany over Australia and claim the Field Hockey Champion Trophy in Adelaide. | |
6 | 要参加体育活动--篮球、冰球、游泳之类的活动. | Take any sport basketball,ice hockey ,swimming or whatever. | |
7 | 一个冰球运动员在溜冰速率为5米;秒时跌倒在冰上,滑了20米才停下。 | A hockey player who is skating at a speed of 5m/s falls and slides along the ice for 20m before stopping | |
8 | 以曲棍球棒形的照野照射颅脊轴之剂量术与临床应用 | Dosimetry and Clinical Application of a Single Hockey Stick Portal for Cranio-Spinal Axis Irradiation | |
9 | 印度曲棍球的簧金时代是在1928年至1956年间,在此期间,印度连续夺得6枚奥运金牌。 | The g01den era for hockey in India was the period from 1928-1956 when India won 6 consecutive gold medals in the Olympics. | |
10 | 英迪拉.甘地杯女子曲棍球赛 | Indira Ghandi Women’s Hockey Cup | |
11 | 有点像曲棍球或冰球。但因球是木制的圆柱体,比其它的球更难控制。 | Yes. It is similar to field or ice hockey . But because the ball is a cylinder made of wood, it is more difficult to control than the one used in the hockey. | |
12 | 有许多种世界杯赛,每一杯赛象征着该体育项目在世界上的最高水准。最著名和最重要的杯赛是足球,高尔夫,网球,曲棍球等也有杯赛。 | There are several World Cups, each emblematic of international supremacy in a specific sport. The best known and most important of them is awarded in soccer, and World Cups are also awarded in golf, tennis, field hockey , and others. | |
13 | 约翰在那个曲棍队当守门员。 | John played goal for the hockey team | |
14 | 运动场地器材.曲棍球门.功能和安全技术要求,检验方法 | Playing field equipment-Hockey goals-Functional and safety requirements, test methods (including amendment 1:1998); | |
15 | 运动场设备.曲棍球球门.功能和安全要求及试验方法 | Playing field equipment-Hockey goals-Functional and safety requirements, test methods | |
16 | 在奥运男子曲棍球赛中,波维兰德3分钟之内的2个角球使荷兰队迅速以3:1击败西班牙队获得金牌。 | Bovelander hammered two corner goals within three minutes to help the Netherlands sweep to a 3-1 victory over Spain and take the gold medal in the Olympic men’s field hockey tournament. | |
17 | 在近代最突出的外来词是有关长曲棍球和曲棍球运动方面的词汇。 | In recent times the most striking exports have been in the vocabulary of lacrosse and hockey | |
18 | 在曲棍球比赛中他断了腿,他们就用他的球棒给他作绑腿的木板条用,这真是需要是发明之母啊。 | They used his hockey stick as a splint when he broke his leg during the game.Talk about necessity being the mother of invention. | |
19 | 在曲棍球或长曲棍球场上标识在球门前的一个长方形区域. | A rectangular area marked off in front of the goal in hockey and lacrosse. | |
20 | 在新德里举行的英迪拉·甘地杯女子曲棍球赛中,印度队表现出色,以3:O击败奥运会和世界锦标赛冠军澳大利亚队而获胜。 | India produced a faultless performance,when they beat Olympic and world champions Australia 3-0 in the Ghandi Women’s Hockey Cup in New Delhi. | |
21 | 在英国曲棍球界,简·史密斯正渐成为传奇式人物。 | Jane Smith is approaching legendary status in British hockey . | |
22 | 助杀,助攻在篮球赛或冰球比赛中传球以使同队伙伴进球得分 | A pass of a basketball or an ice hockey puck that enables a teammate to score a goal. | |
23 | 足球和曲棍球球员都戴垫肩。 | Football and hockey players wear shoulder pads. | |
24 | 阻碍在冰球比赛中两手握球棍举离冰面以阻挡对手前进,并且被认为是犯规的行为 | To check illegally in ice hockey by striking an opponent with one’s hockey stick held in both hands and lifted off the ice. | |
25 | 阻拦冰球运动中阻拦或挤贴控制着冰球的对队员 | To block or impede an opposing player carrying the puck in ice hockey . | |
26 | 作为一个孩子,若是从冰球队刷下来或是进不了游泳队,则会带来极为沉重的沮丧心情--但对于情感与精神走向成熟也可 | For a child, being cut from the hockey team or denied a spot on the swimming is a grave disappointment-and perhaps an opportunity for emotional or spiritual growth | |
27 | ||1:但是在你把SUV开出去兜风以作庆祝之前,要记住这只是一项研究而已,并且——就如同所有这类研究一样——研究自身也有缺陷。||2:施密特纳博士承认,该研究采用的电脑模型的复杂程度一般。||3:这可能也是他的团队实验结果范围较窄的一个原因。||4:而且,尽管这项研究的地理覆盖范围是迄今为止同类中最大的,它仍有空白区域——尤其指澳洲,中亚,南美和北太平洋地区。||5:此外,一些怀疑论者对这些远古数据被用来构建一个不同的但是相关的气候学分支:所谓的"曲棍球棒模型"(认为气温自从工业革命以后就突然上升)满腹牢骚。||6:看看当远古数据支持这些怀疑论者的观点时,这些人是否还愿意以同等的怀疑态度对待,这一定会非常有趣。 | ||1:Before you take the SUV out for a celebratory spin, though, it is worth bearing in mind that this is only one study, and, like all such, it has its flaws.||2:The computer model used is of only middling sophistication, Dr Schmittner admits.||3:That may be one reason for the narrow range of his team’s results.||4:And although the study’s geographical coverage is the most comprehensive so far for work of this type, there are still blank areas-notably in Australia, Central Asia, South America and the northern Pacific Ocean.||5:Moreover, some sceptics complain about the way ancient data of this type were used to construct a different but related piece of climate science: the so-called hockey -stick model, which suggests that temperatures have risen suddenly since the beginning of the industrial revolution.||6:It will be interesting to see if such sceptics are willing to be equally sceptical about ancient data when they support their point of view. | |
28 | ||1:但是在你把SUV开出去兜风以作庆祝之前,要记住这只是一项研究而已,并且——就如同所有这类研究一样——研究自身也有缺陷。||2:施密特纳博士承认,该研究采用的电脑模型的复杂程度一般。||3:这可能也是他的团队实验结果范围较窄的一个原因。||4:而且,尽管这项研究的地理覆盖范围是迄今为止同类中最大的,它仍有空白区域——尤其指澳洲,中亚,南美和北太平洋地区。||5:此外,一些怀疑论者对这些远古数据被用来构建一个不同的但是相关的气候学分支:所谓的“曲棍球棒模型”(认为气温自从工业革命以后就突然上升)满腹牢骚。||6:看看当远古数据支持这些怀疑论者的观点时,这些人是否还愿意以同等的怀疑态度对待,这一定会非常有趣。 | ||1:Before you take the SUV out for a celebratory spin, though, it is worth bearing in mind that this is only one study, and, like all such, it has its flaws.||2:The computer model used is of only middling sophistication, Dr Schmittner admits.||3:That may be one reason for the narrow range of his team’s results.||4:And although the study’s geographical coverage is the most comprehensive so far for work of this type, there are still blank areas—notably in Australia, Central Asia, South America and the northern Pacific Ocean.||5:Moreover, some sceptics complain about the way ancient data of this type were used to construct a different but related piece of climate science: the so-called hockey -stick model, which suggests that temperatures have risen suddenly since the beginning of the industrial revolution.||6:It will be interesting to see if such sceptics are willing to be equally sceptical about ancient data when they support their point of view. | |
29 | ||1:当你正为此而兴奋地冲入你的SUV来一次飚车,或者诸如此类的行为,稍等片刻,你的大脑应该想一想,这个理论固然有它的瑕疵。||2:Schmittner博士承认,计算机模型的精度仅中等水平。||3:这也许是其团队结果具有的一个局限性。||4:另一个方面,尽管研究的区域覆盖范围在这一领域是最全面的,但仍然存在空白,特别是在澳大利亚,中亚,南美和北太平洋。||5:另外,气候科学界一些对此持怀疑态度的人质疑,所使用的这些年代久远的数据,是一堆一个本质上不同但貌似有关联的片段,一个俗称为的曲棍球模型的现象。||6:他们认为温度在工业革命初期,温度徒然升高。如果这些质疑者使用与怀疑那些年代久远的数据相同眼光审视他们支持的观点,这将会是一个非常有趣的现象。 | ||1:Before you take the SUV out for acelebratory spin, though, it is worth bearing in mind that this is only onestudy, and, like all such, it has its flaws.||2:The computer model used is of only middlingsophistication, Dr Schmittner admits.||3:That may be one reason for the narrowrange of his team’s results.||4:And although the study’s geographical coverage isthe most comprehensive so far for work of this type, there are still blankareas-notably in Australia, Central Asia, South America and the northernPacific Ocean.||5:Moreover, some sceptics complain about the way ancient data ofthis type were used to construct a different but related piece of climatescience: the so-called hockey -stick model, which suggests that temperatureshave risen suddenly since the beginning of the industrial revolution.||6:It willbe interesting to see if such sceptics are willing to be equally scepticalabout ancient data when they support their point of view. | |
30 | ||1:然而,恐惧是会传染的。||2:立法机构在全国范围内推动加强安全措施,就像多伦多这样的大城市做的那样。||3:原定于10月22日在渥太华举行的两国冰球联盟赛被取消了。||4:在魁北克,士兵们被提醒他们仍有可能是别人的目标,且不当值时最好不要穿制服。 | ||1:Yet intimidation seemed contagious.||2:Legislatures across the country boosted security, as did some large cities like Toronto.||3:An ice-hockey game scheduled for October 22nd in Ottawa between two National Hockey League teams was cancelled.||4:In the province of Quebec, soldiers were warned they could be targets and should avoid wearing their uniforms when off duty. |