属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 7912-2-1979
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小本生意的旺市与淡市 繁文缛节让人忧郁
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-心理学 当权者都会腐化 败坏?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-心理学 当权者都会腐化 败坏?
1 | ((口语))百依百顺听从[某人][for] | Jump out of hoops [a hoop] | |
2 | 2岁的史宾塞具有明星的潜质,他可以像一个常规赛职业球员一样投篮、扣篮和运球。 | Two-year-old Spencer is a star-in-the-making…he can shoot hoops .slam dunk and dribble a basketball like a seasoned pro. | |
3 | ACIS与HOOPS图形平台的交互 | The Visualization Interaction between ACIS and HOOPS | |
4 | 长袋网一种用箍圈固定开口处的长的袋形渔网 | A long, bag-shaped fishing net held open by hoops . | |
5 | 儿童们玩滚铁环 | Children are bowling their hoops . | |
6 | 凡是经过考验的朋友,就应该把他们紧紧地团结在你的周围。--莎士比亚 | Those friends thou hast, and their adoptiontried. Grapples them to thy owl with hoops of steel.-- William Shakespeare | |
7 | 孩子的咳嗽声使她父母彻夜未眠。 | The child’s hoops kept her parents awake all night. | |
8 | 基于ACIS-HOOPS建立三维桥梁监测模型 | Creating 3D Bridge Monitoring Model Based on ACIS-HOOPS | |
9 | 基于HOOPS接口技术的3D造型的研究 | Research on 3D Modeling Based on HOOPS Interface Technology | |
10 | 加有铁箍的桶. | A barrel bound with iron hoops | |
11 | 容量超过60升的钢桶桶身,通常必须至少有两个扩张式滚箍,或者至少两个分开的滚箍。 | The body or a drum of a capacity greater than 60 litres shall, in general, have at least two expanded rolling hoops or alternatively, at least two separate rolling hoops. | |
12 | 如使用分开式滚箍,则必须在桶身上固定紧,不得移位。滚箍不得点焊。 | If there are separate rolling hoops they shall be fitted tightly on the body and so secured that they cannot shift. Rolling hops shall not be spot welded. | |
13 | 手铐一种管束器具,由一对牢固连接的箍组成,通常扣在手腕上,用于被监禁的犯人的一只或双手上。常用复数 | A restraining device consisting of a pair of strong,connected hoops that can be tightened and locked about the wrists and used on one or both arms of a prisoner in custody;a manacle.Often used in the plural. | |
14 | 他的眼睛肿得跟呼拉圈一样大(洛杉矶时报)很明显,现在针对南非的运动中,有一些运动不过是跟风,是道义上的呼拉圈热(乔治F.威尔) | His eyes swell to the size of hula hoops (Los Angeles Times)Clearly some of the current campaigning against South Africa is a fad,a moral Hula Hoop(George F.Will) | |
15 | 他们沿路滚铁环。 | They bowled their hoops along the road. | |
16 | 体育和体操器械.体操器械.体操环 | Gymnastic equipment; hoops for gymnastic | |
17 | 铁路机车轮箍超声波探伤口诀 | A Pithy Formula for Ultrasonic Testing of the Wheel Hoops of Locomotives | |
18 | 在投篮项目中,一对对参赛选手要一边接吻一边向篮圈内投尽可能多的球。 | In the basketball event, couples had to get as many balls through the hoops as possible while kissing. | |
19 | 轴心受压复合方箍短柱正截面承载力的计算 | The Load-bearing Capacity Calculation of the Concrete Short Column Confined by Overlapping Hoops under Uniaxial Compression | |
20 | ||1:酒吧和饭店经常被严格的配额制度所限制,随着犹他州人口数量的不断增长他们不得不重新申请领的经销许可证。||2:十月份将有很多地方的酒类经营许可证将会被收回,因为人口增长量低于许可证的颁发量。||3:这些地方(被取消许可证)后现在只能出售度数不高于3.2的酒(那里销售的啤酒只占其他地区的3.2%),白酒甚至更低。||4:最糟的是,这些酒吧和餐厅必须和在国营商店里购买酒类的消费者一样支付比原价高80%到90%的金额(为了达到销售的上限,这些酒吧餐馆不得不像在国营商店里购买酒类的消费者们那样拿出涨价额的80%到90%用于酒馆的运营)。||5:有这么多的“火圈”要钻,有这么多的额外支出需要去支付,难怪酒类运营商纷纷放慢了他们在犹他州扩展的步伐转而投资其他地区。||6: 就像是一个纪念杯子上镌刻的文字一样“尽情吃喝, 开怀畅饮吧——明天到了犹他州,就没机会了” | ||1: Bars and restaurants are regularly tripped up by a strict quota system for new licences, which is based on Utah’s population growth. ||2: A number of places that had been awarded permits for all types of alcohol had them taken away in October because the increase in headcount was below projections. ||3: These can now serve only beer that is 3.2% or less alcohol. ||4: To cap it all, pubs and eateries have to pay the same 80-90% markup for their booze as consumers do in the state-run stores. ||5: With so many hoops to jump through and extra costs to absorb, it is no wonder that some chains are slowing their expansion in the state or choosing to focus elsewhere. ||6: As the souvenir shot glasses say: “Eat, drink and be merry—tomorrow you may be in Utah.” | |
21 | ||1:可以肯定的是,像德克萨斯州这样低税收的地方通常排名靠前,评价高;相比而言,想加州和伊利诺斯州这样高税收的却未能博得民心。||2:或许是因为喜欢高税收的政治家们很喜欢发号施令。||3:但也有的特例,比如,明尼苏达州税收高,却赢得了一个令人尊敬的“B”级商业环境等级;可能是因为这里创业很容易。||4:像华盛顿和佛罗里达这样低税收的,却分别得了一个“C”和一个“C+”。||5:企业家把责任归咎于华盛顿苛刻的分区制,还抱怨佛罗里达州的新公司就像海洋世界里海豚跳铁圈一样。 | ||1:To be sure, low-tax states such as Texas generally score well, while high-tax states such as California and Illinois flunk their tests.||2:This may be because the kind of politicians who like high taxes also like bossing people around.||3:But not always. Minnesota, a high-tax state, earns a respectable “B” for business climate, partly because it is easy to start a business there.||4:Washington and Florida, both low-tax states, earn a “C” and a “C+”.||5:Entrepreneurs fault Washington’s harsh zoning laws and gripe that in Florida new firms must jump through hoops like dolphins at SeaWorld. | |
22 | ||1:在如何运用他们的权力的实验中,测试对象们被告知在研究结束后会进行一个价值50美元的抽奖活动,无论他们的角色是什么,每个参与者都有权决定他所评判的对象在完成指定动作后是否有资格参加抽奖。||2:Dr Fast还赋予那些权重的测试对象的另一个角色就是,他们能决策哪些"障碍"是必须翻越之后对方才有资格抽奖,他们还控制着对方努力多少次才能赢取50美元。||3:他们同时被告知另一方则没有控制他们的权力。||4:相反的,权轻的测试者则被告知他们也能决定对方必须翻越的"障碍",可最后,如果权重的这一方不喜欢他们要完成的动作,他们可以直接将权轻的测试对象除名。 | ||1:To manipulate their power, participants were told there would be a draw for a $50 bonus prize at the end of the study and that, regardless of their role, each participant would be able to dictate which activities his partner must engage in to qualify to enter the draw.||2:Participants that Dr Fast wanted to imbue with a sense of power were informed that one other element of their role involved dictating which "hoops " their partners would have to jump through in order to qualify for the draw, and that they controlled the amount of effort the partner had to exert in order to win the $50.||3:They were also told that the partner did not have any such control over them.||4:In contrast, low-power participants were informed that while they had the ability to determine the hoops their partner had to jump through, that partner ultimately had more control because he could remove the low- power participant’s name from the raffle if he did not like the hoops selected. | |
23 | ||1:之后,测试对象们收到一个代表10个"障碍"的列表,要他们说出他们选了几个(至少选1个)"障碍"给他们的评判对象必须翻越的。||2: 测试对象所不知道的是, Dr Halevy and Dr Galinsky 对另外没有参加上述实验的58个人进行了一项独立的测试,即,对这10项行为的贬抑、羞辱、跌份、尴尬、和难受的程度进行打分。 ||3:10项中有5项被评判为极其贬抑,比如像"说5遍‘我是肮脏的’"和"学狗叫3次"。||4:其它5项不被认为是特别的丢脸,包括"讲一个笑话给对方"和"拍手50次"。 | ||1: Participants were then presented with a list of ten hoops and told to select as many as they liked (but a minimum of one) for their partner to jump through. ||2: Unknown to the participants, Dr Halevy and Dr Galinsky had conducted an independent test, using 58 people not involved in the main study, to rate how demeaning, humiliating, degrading, embarrassing and uncomfortable each of the ten possible activities actually was. ||3: Five of the ten were rated as deeply demeaning. These included things like: "say ‘I am filthy’ five times" and "bark like a dog three times". ||4: The other five were not considered particularly demeaning. They included: "tell the experimenter a funny joke" and "clap your hands 50 times". | |
24 | 一旦跨过了程序上的层层关卡,各方会从一份法官名册上挑选5名判决贸易中是否存在不当行为。 | Once various procedural hoops have been jumped through, the parties pick five from a roster of judges, who decide whether there has been wrongdoing. | |
25 | 92年奥运那支拥有魔术师、乔丹和博德的美国队被称为梦之队。 | The ’92 Olympic hoops squad of Magic, Michael and Larry was "the Dream Team. " | |
26 | Forvision摒弃了传统的金属轮毂而采用运动塑料轮毂,这令每个车轮减重3千克。 | The Forvision also sports plastic wheels rather than conventional metal hoops , which save three kilograms at each corner. | |
27 | 产业可能没落;在如今这个PlayStation风行的世界中,呼啦圈怎么样了呢? | Industries can fall out of fashion; what now for hula hoops in a PlayStation world? | |
28 | 飞机地面压力加油系统导管卡箍固定间距的确定 | On the Determination of Fixture Intervals of Pipe Hoops of Aircraft Ground Pressure Refueling System | |
29 | 钢筋混凝土短柱利用外包钢板箍抗震加固的设计 | Aseismatic strengthening of reinforced concrete short column with steel plate hoops | |
30 | 根据世界银行的调查,在孟买为了得到建设仓库的许可证就要跑满37道程序。 | In Mumbai there are, according to the World Bank, 37 procedural hoops to jump through to gain approval to build a warehouse. |