属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国的蝴蝶 所有事都值得惊奇
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- Facebook和专制统治者(1)
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-越南看到美朝峰会媒体全方位覆盖的有利面
1 | 欣然接受新思想的头脑 | A mind hospitable to new ideas | |
2 | 宜人的气候. | a hospitable climate | |
3 | 易接受新思想 | Be hospitable to new ideas | |
4 | 主教的脸上忽然起了好客的人所特有的那种愉快神情。 | The Bishop’s face at once assumed that expression of gayety which is peculiar to hospitable natures | |
5 | ||1:里奇先生的有趣命题是:19世纪的美国为蝴蝶爱好者,特别是收藏家提供了一个独一无二的热情好客的时代。||2:农业耕作和西部扩张将大批的普通人与广袤无际的未开垦土地紧密联系在一起。||3:大多数19世纪的美国人,里奇先生写道,视自然为“可以从地下挖掘或从地上收割的,可以推倒盖房子或者卖钱的东西”,他的评语尽管尖刻,却也许十分精准。可是因为有如此之多未开垦的土地,即使是最贪婪的财主和建设者也会在他一生中与大自然发生联系,这种联系无论从规模上、在形式上, 都是如今的美国人无法想象的。 | ||1:Mr Leach’s compelling thesis is that 19th-century America provided a uniquely hospitable time and place for lovers, and especially collectors, of butterflies.||2:Agricultural toil and westward expansion brought droves of ordinary people into intimate contact with vast expanses of pristine lands.||3:Most 19th-century Americans, Mr Leach writes—uncharitably but probably accurately—saw nature “as something to dig up or harvest from the earth or to be torn down and transformed into real estate or money”, and yet because there was so much untouched land, even the most rapacious miner or builder would in the course of his life come into contact with the natural world on a scale and in a way unknown to Americans today. | |
6 | ||1:他曾是曼谷的杰伊?盖茨比:腰缠万贯、魅力四射、热情无限,但身世总有一些神秘。||2:他的死亡只能令这种神秘有增无减。||3:1967年的复活节那天他离开马来西亚金马伦高原的度假小屋,似乎是想在午后散个步。||4:然后他就此消失。||5:尽管人们进行了大规模的常规搜索(后来还使用了更多带有异国风情的方法,包括通灵术和派一个廓尔喀族人空降柬埔寨),却未发现他的丝毫踪迹。||6:关于此事的阴谋论之多足以装满一个图书馆,却未能解释他为何消失。 | ||1:HE WAS the Jay Gatsby of Bangkok: rich, charming, glamorous and endlessly hospitable , but with something mysterious in his background.||2:The mystery only deepened with his death.||3:On Easter Sunday in 1967 Jim Thompson left the cottage where he was on holiday in the Cameron Highlands in Malaysia, apparently for an afternoon walk.||4:He vanished.||5:Despite a huge conventional search operation (followed by more exotic efforts involving psychics and a Gurkha parachuted into Cambodia), no trace was ever found of him.||6:A library’s-worth of conspiracy theories has never explained his disappearance. | |
7 | ||1:在一个由专制统治者统治的地区,Facebook声称会给予“自由表达的最大可能范围”。||2:这为它赢得了大量的追随者。||3:与人口相比,这个平台在海湾国家拥有的用户比世界上任何地方都多。||4:它是许多阿拉伯人的主要新闻来源。||5:一些人甚至把它归功于2011年的阿拉伯之春抗议活动。||6:但批评人士说,自2012年上市以来,Facebook越来越关注那些为其提供访问权限的威权主义者,而对积极分子们的热情也越来越低。||7:近几个月来,从突尼斯到伊朗,它已经剔除了数百名用户,并删除了数十万条帖子。||8:“很多人觉得,Facebook不再是一个他们可以用来让权贵们承担责任的平台,”压力集团AccessNow的Marwa Fatafta表示。||9:再加上Facebook在美国面临的挑战,它在美国失去了一大批广告商,原因是它未能监管恶劣内容。 | ||1:In a region ruled by despots, Facebook claims to give “free expression maximum possible range”.||2:That has won it a vast following.||3:The platform has more users in the Gulf states than anywhere else in the world, relative to the population.||4:It is the main source of news for many Arabs.||5:Some even credit it for the Arab spring protests of 2011.||6:But since going public in 2012, Facebook has grown more mindful of the authoritarians who provide it with access, say critics, and less hospitable to activists.||7:In recent months it has culled hundreds of users from Tunisia to Iran and deleted hundreds of thousands of posts.||8:“Many people feel that Facebook is no longer a platform they can use to hold the powerful to account,” says Marwa Fatafta of Access Now, a pressure group.||9:Add to that Facebook’s challenges in America, where it has lost a slew of advertisers over its failure to police hateful content. | |
8 | 但贪污、犯罪和不稳定的政治使得拉丁美洲对投资者来说不那么友好了。 | corruption, crime and volatile politics have made Latin America a less hospitable place for investors than it might have been. | |
9 | ||河内市市长阮德涌(Nguyen Duc Chung)告诉市民要拿出最佳表现,并特别提到外国记者的大量存在。在该市网站的一则消息中,这位市长督促市民要“强化越南人民和河内居民在国际媒体和外国友人眼中文明、优雅、友善和好客的形象。”|| | Hanoi Mayor Nguyen Duc Chung told city residents to be on their best behavior, noting the large presence of foreign reporters.|| In a message on the city’s website, the mayor urged citizens to "heighten the image of civilized, elegant, friendly and hospitable Vietnamese people and Hanoi residents in the eyes of international press and friends."|| | |
10 | FIFA世界杯足球赛给了德国一次绝佳的机会,展示她的热情、快乐、现代化和充满丰富的想象。 | The FIFA World Cup is a unique opportunity for Germany to present herself as a hospitable , joyful and modern nation bursting with ideas. | |
11 | OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb和目前为止我们发现的所有行星一样,大概没法住人。 | OGLE-2005-BLG-390L b, like every planet we’ve discovered to date, probably wouldn’t be hospitable to humans. | |
12 | 巴罗四处寻访,捕捉到了这些。毫无例外的是,在当地人民的善良好客上也不吝笔墨。 | Mr Barlow pokes his nose in everywhere, and almost without exception people are kind and hospitable . | |
13 | 本地的人民非常天真.他们天生好客。 | The native people were very na? ve. They were hospitable by nature. | |
14 | 本人性格稳重,待人热情,真诚。 | I have calm and steady personality, treat people hospitable , sincere. | |
15 | 村民们信仰和遵守宗教惯例,天性非常好客。 | The villages believe in, and observe religious practices, and are very hospitable by nature. | |
16 | 大连人的素质很高,待人也相当的热情。 | Dalian people have high qualities and are very hospitable to people. | |
17 | 当地人很是热情好客,每当人们走进他们的家里时,这些远道而来的客人们总会受到热烈的欢迎。 | And the people are hospitable ; the guests from faraway will receive warm welcome when entering their homes. | |
18 | 第二天晚上,他俩来到一家非常穷的人家休息,但是这个农民和他的妻子都很好客。 | The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife. | |
19 | 对待创新和才智,我们大学还应多一些欢迎的态度,少一些官僚作风和繁文缛节; | But our Universities have to be more hospitable to creativity and genius, and less captive to bureaucracy and procedure. | |
20 | 俄罗斯人热情好客,所以如果你来做客,准备好饮用红茶,吃肥腻的食物(比如腊肠)吧。 | Russians are very hospitable . So if you come by, be ready to drink black tea and eat fattening food (like sausages). | |
21 | 而画廊酒店就像是颗好客的珍珠,一个来圣胡安不得不住的旅店。 | The Gallery Inn just happens to be its hospitable pearl, a hotel that is as much a destination as the historic city around it. | |
22 | 根据一份最近国际海洋状态报告,海洋这个动物栖息地每天正在变得越来越不好客了。 | That habitat is becoming a less hospitable place every day, according to a recent international State of the Oceans report. | |
23 | 共享的或多元文化的未来?社区凝聚力与热情友好的社会资本的(不)可能性 | A Shared or Multicultural Future? Community Cohesion and the (Im)possibilities of Hospitable Social Capital Wun Fung Chan | |
24 | 过去25年间,日本共接受了412名难民,这一数字令该国成为全球最不好客的国家之一。 | In the past quarter-century it has accepted a grand total of 412 refugees, making it one of the world’s least hospitable countries. | |
25 | 很多当地人因此表现得非常好客和友好,这有助于文化的交流 | Many local people are very friendly and hospitable , which promote the cultural communications. | |
26 | 仅仅在几年前,诸如西班牙的一些地方对这些投资者还颇为抵触,而现如今却表现的相当热情。 | Some places, such as Spain, that looked quite uninviting to such investors just a few years ago are now rather hospitable . | |
27 | 居民生活节奏悠闲,热情好客,敦亲睦邻 | Residents leisurely pace of life and hospitable , good neighbor | |
28 | 卡拉卡尔帕克斯坦从来不是一个宜居的地方,由于咸海的生态灾难,这里变成了一个遭受到毁灭性破坏的辽阔区域。 | Never the most hospitable of places, Karakalpakstan was then turned into a vast arena of destruction by the Aral Sea disaster. | |
29 | 留我们住一夜是友好和好客的表示 | Inviting us to stay the night was a friendly and hospitable gesture | |
30 | 伦敦的规则大都很灵活但不松弛,而且征税人对外国人的个人所得的态度也很友好。 | Regulation is mainly deft but not lax, and the taxman takes a hospitable view of foreigners’ personal earnings. |