属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-停车场 四轮热
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-如何赢得99.6%的选票 许多国会议员没有竞争对手
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 技术移民逃离美国 奔向加拿大 (1)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 沙特油轮遇袭 巴西削减教育经费 阿拉巴马禁女
1 | 此俱乐部乃是辩论的场所. | This club is a hotbed of argument. | |
2 | 犯罪的滋长环境 | A hotbed of disease | |
3 | 放在温床中经受耐寒锻炼的幼苗 | Seedlings that are hardened off in a hotbed | |
4 | 各式各样的思想,在上海全有。 | It’s a hotbed of all sorts of ideologies ... | |
5 | 近来这帮人成天泡在那儿。 | Regular hotbed of it lately | |
6 | 决不让《自然辩证法通讯》沦为学术腐败的温床 | Never Degrade Journal of Dialectics of Nature to Hotbed of Academic Corruptions | |
7 | 通过深化改革,不断铲除腐败现象滋生蔓延的土壤。 | By deepening the reform, we should gradually eradicate the hotbed for the breeding and spreading of corruption . | |
8 | 温床与中枢:南宋与明中叶赣南在客家民系中的地位 | Hotbed and Center: Gannan’s Position in Hakka Family in the South Song and Mid Ming Dynasty | |
9 | 现代城市是现代文明的窗口,同时又是犯罪的温床。 | Modern cities are a window of modern civilization and,at the same time,a hotbed of crime. | |
10 | 鱼米之乡物产丰富,故易生夸豪奢侈之习 | The "land of fish and rice" which is quite abundant made a hotbed for luxuries in all aspects of folk life | |
11 | 战乱的土地和悲惨的人民渴望减轻身心苦难和创伤,饥不择食。在引人中国的最初250年间,佛教在天下大乱的温床中得到迅猛的传播。 | The war-tom country and the misery-laden people were hungry for anything working as a relief of physical suffering and a soother of psychological trauma. In the two and a half centuries following its appearance in China it made rapid headway in the hotbed of chaos. | |
12 | 这个城市是犯罪的温床。 | The city is a hotbed of crime. | |
13 | 这就使腐败现象仍有滋生蔓延的条件,也加大了反腐败的难度。 | All this has given corruption a hotbed to breed and spread and has added to the difficulty of our campaign against corruption. | |
14 | 这些是放在温床中经受耐寒锻炼的幼苗。 | These are the seedlings that are hardening off in a hotbed | |
15 | 罪恶的温床. | a hotbed of crime (vice) | |
16 | ||1:阿涅维什在哈里亚纳发现,几乎所有的劳动都是契约劳役,而哈里亚纳是契约劳役的温床。||2:这些工人要么是没有土地的贱民,要么是他们的子女,被迫向当地更高种姓的放债人借钱购买药品或嫁妆。||3:平均贷款约为2000卢比(合27美元),但在利率高达40%或以上的情况下,贷款几乎无法偿还。||4:贷款以劳动者无法逃脱的劳动形式支付,债务代代相传。||5:因此,许多被奴役的工人都是儿童,有些才四、五岁。 | ||1:Almost all this labour, he discovered in Haryana—which was a hotbed of it—was indentured servitude.||2:The workers were landless Dalits or their children, forced to borrow to pay for medicines or dowries from a local, higher-caste moneylender.||3:The average loan was around 2,000 rupees, or $27, but at interest rates of 40% or more it could seldom be paid back.||4:Payment was made in the form of labour from which workers could not escape, and the debt was passed down the generations.||5:Many of these enslaved workers were therefore children, some as young as four or five. | |
17 | ||1:布里斯托尔的克里夫顿不太像是政治激进主义的温床。||2:在满大街独立咖啡馆的后面,精致的食品店、高档的花店坐落在华丽的摄政风格房屋里。||3:然而这已是今年第三次居民和商人们在布里斯托尔街上游行了——第一次带了一个棺材,第二次带了一辆坦克,他们反对George Ferguson市长推出更严格的停车规章计划。||4:他们的不满暗示了英国车主们强烈的权利意识。||5:这也显示出了地方政府的不足。 | ||1:CLIFTON, in Bristol, is an unlikely hotbed of political activism.||2:Behind high streets filled with independent cafés, posh delis and expensive flower shops sit grand Regency houses.||3:Yet three times this year residents and businessmen have marched through the streets of Bristol—first carrying a coffin and then, twice, with a tank—to protest against plans by the mayor, George Ferguson, to roll out stricter parking regulations.||4:Their discontent hints at the powerful sense of entitlement felt by Britain’s car owners.||5:It also highlights the limits of devolved government. | |
18 | ||1:老野猫或许会把科特·迈尔斯称作唯心主义的畜生。||2:他是一名来自布鲁克莱恩的21岁共和党大学生,他在卡普阿诺的地盘之外选择为马萨诸塞州议会增加一个无望的筹码,在他家乡的第十五选区诺福克中组织竞选,这个地方是自由主义的温床,在这名大学生出生之前曾经诞生过共和党候选人。||3:他的选择很务实,就是希望给予他的家乡一场“应有的辩论”。||4:他超过了自己的资金筹集目标25,000美元—这笔钱足够建立起一个网站并购买一些庭院标语了。||5:民主党在职者同意举行公开辩论,即使是“最左翼”分子也说他们很高兴看到他在竞选—尽管他们不会为他投票,这些都极大地鼓舞了他。||6:但不那么让人高兴的是,他的共和党身份已经被人唾弃了三次了。||7:迈尔斯认为他不会参与国会竞选,因为获胜希望同样不大,这对于民主责任制粉丝来说是很不幸的。 | ||1:An old alley-cat might call Curt Myers an idealistic pup.||2:A 21-year old Republican college student from Brookline, just outside Mr Capuano’s fief, he has chosen to mount a hopeless bid for the Massachusetts state House, running in his home district of 15th Norfolk, a hotbed of liberalism which last saw a Republican candidate before he was born.||3:He is realistic about his chances, but wants to give his home town “the debate it deserves”.||4:He has beaten his fund-raising target of 25,000—enough to build a website and buy some yard signs.||5:He is heartened that the Democratic incumbent has agreed to a public debate and that even “far-left” folk say they are glad that he is running—though they will not vote for him.||6:Less hearteningly, he has been spat on three times for being a Republican.||7:Alas for fans of democratic accountability, Mr Myers does not think he would run for Congress against similarly bleak odds. | |
19 | 蒙特利尔是另一片AI温床,这里有研究实验室Element AI,深度学历领域专家Yoshua Bengio是其联合创始人—以及脸书和三星创办的新型实验室。 | Montreal, another AI hotbed , has Element AI, a co-founded by Yoshua Bengio, a specialist in deep learning—and newish labs opened by Facebook and Samsung. | |
20 | 尼日尔与马里边境附近发生伏击,造成至少28名士兵丧生,马里已成为”圣战活动“的温床。 | At least 28 troops in Niger were killed in an ambush near the border with Mali, a region that is a hotbed of jihadist activity. | |
21 | “当你看到公司在这个温床上培育出成果,为人们创造出大量的感观享受时,感觉真好。” | "It kind ofmakes a whole lot of sense for people when you look at the hotbed ofcompanies going on here. " | |
22 | 15世纪初,意大利的佛罗伦萨城是一个艺术创作百家争鸣之地。 | In the early 1400s, Florence, Italy was a hotbed of artistic competition. | |
23 | 德克萨斯向来是反堕胎活动的温床,然而今年相对显得风平浪静,这种情形可不多见。 | It is a rare year, however, when the hotbed of Texas seems relatively calm. | |
24 | 底特律沉睡之际,却是日本转型之时,它从一个重视低成本的经济体渐渐转变为了一个经济创新的温床。 | While Detroit slept, Japan had transformed itself from a low-wage economy into a hotbed of business innovation. | |
25 | 对格罗斯广泛的诋毁似乎并不能否定波兰是滋生反犹主义的温床这一论断。 | Wildly denouncing Mr Gross is unlikely to counter the belief that Poland is a hotbed of anti-Semitism. | |
26 | 而互联网也成了思想随意交融,模因(通过模仿等传递的文化基因)传播的温床。 | And cyberspace has become a promiscuous, meme-spreading hotbed of ideas. | |
27 | 加利福尼亚是高科技生命科学房地产和创业公司的温床其中很多是学校的毕业生。 | Californiais a hotbed for high-tech, life science, real estate and entertainmentcompanies, which house many of the school’s alumni. | |
28 | 教科书成为清末民国社会变革的重要策源地。 | The textbook becomes the important hotbed of the late Qing dynasty and the republic of China changes in society. | |
29 | 利比亚东部的反卡大本营长期以来一直是伊斯兰激进主义的温床。 | Eastern Libya, the anti-Qaddafi rebels’ stronghold, has long been a hotbed of Islamist activism. | |
30 | 马杜赖,印度南部一个充满活力的寺庙城镇。一位普通的游客不会想到这里是医疗改革的温床。 | A casual visitor to Madurai, a vibrant medieval-temple town in southern India, would not think it was a hotbed of innovation. |