属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-管理合伙人制 选举新老板
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-财政乘数 责任该到哪里为止?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴基斯坦的军事力量 失去驾驶权的司机
1 | 这个问题在参议院引起了激烈的争论。 | The question was hotly disputed in the Senate. | |
2 | 这个问题曾经在委员会的委员中作过热烈的辩论。 | The subject was hotly debated among the members of the committee | |
3 | 针刺联合红藤败酱合剂热敷治疗慢性盆腔炎的临床观察 | Analysis on the Clinical Effectiveness of Acupuncture with Mistura of Chinese Herbs (Sargentgloryvine Stem and Patriniae Radix)Hotly Compress to Treat Chronic Pelvic Inflammation | |
4 | ||1:6月11日,超过7万名游戏玩家、开发商和出版商齐聚洛杉矶,在电子娱乐博览会上互相观并展示自己的产品。||2:今年,育碧游戏官方网站和史克威尔·艾尼克斯软件公司等大型发行商利用一年一度的电子游戏盛会来展示新游戏。||3:演员基努?里维斯大肆宣传了《赛博朋克2077》,这是一个备受期待的名字,他在其中扮演了一个重要角色。 | ||1:More than 70,000 gamers, developers and publishers descended on Los Angeles to goggle at each other’s wares and show off their own at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (e3), which began on June 11th.||2:This year big publishers like Ubisoft and Square Enix used the annual videogame jamboree to show off previews of new games.||3:Keanu Reeves, an actor, hyped up “Cyberpunk 2077”, a hotly anticipated title in which he plays a big role. | |
5 | ||1:答案在很大程度上说明了食品外卖行业的巫毒经济学。||2:这是一项竞争激烈的业务,吸引了亚马逊、阿里巴巴和软银行等全球最大的钱袋子。||3:平衡食客、厨师和送餐员的需求极其复杂。||4:大多数创业公司都会损失很多钱。||5:然而,在过去5年里,他们已经从被迷住的风险投资家那里获得了300多亿美元。||6:而且可能会得到更多。 | ||1:The answer says a lot about the voodoo economics of the food delivery industry.||2:It is a hotly competitive business, attracting the world’s biggest moneybags such as Amazon, Alibaba and Soft- Bank.||3:Balancing the needs of diners, cooks and couriers is fiendishly complicated.||4:Most startups lose platefuls of money.||5:Yet they have received more than $30bn from spellbound venture capitalists in the past five years.||6:And they are likely to get more. | |
6 | ||1:想要从埃切瓦里先生手里拿下接力棒也不是件容易的事。||2:自2011以来,在他的领导下,德勤的业绩是非常惊人的。||3:在他任期的前两年,其所在的美国分部收入从119亿美元上升到139亿美元。||4:而四大的其他成员,安永、普华永道和毕马威,现在不得不重新建立他们在安然事件中出售的咨询分支。||5:德勤仍然保持着咨询业务,这也是埃切瓦里先生努力的方向。 | ||1:The race to succeed Mr Echevarria is likely to be hotly contested.||2:Under his stewardship since 2011, Deloitte has grown impressively.||3:In the first two years of his term, revenues at its American arm rose from $11.9 billion to $13.9 billion.||4:The other members of the Big Four—EY, PwC and KPMG—sold their consulting arms after the Enron scandal and have since had to rebuild them from scratch.||5:Deloitte stayed in consulting and Mr Echevarria has pushed that side of the business. | |
7 | 财政乘数是一种简单、有力且争论激烈的思想。 | The multiplier is a simple, powerful and hotly debated idea. | |
8 | 尽管这只是一个非常难以成功的方案,但是政治大量完善与建成被激烈地推崇。 | It is a cause with minimal chance of success, but one hotly promoted by much of the political establishment. | |
9 | Windows710月22日上市销售,也是今年预定最为激烈的产品之一。 | Windows 7, which went on sale on Oct 22, was one of the year’s most hotly anticipated launches. | |
10 | 本文开头引用的这段文字,来自极富争议的中文科幻小说——《盛世:中国2013》。 | So opens an early scene from The Prosperous Time: China 2013, a hotly controversial Chinese science-fiction novel. | |
11 | 别格知道,过不多久他就得清除炉灰,因为炉火烧得不够旺。 | Bigger knew that soon he would have to clean the ashes out, for the fire was not burning as hotly as it should. | |
12 | 稠油热采锅炉结垢物的X射线衍射分析 | X-ray Diffraction Analysis on the Thick Oil Hotly Picks of the Boiler Scaling | |
13 | 存差近些年来成为业界探讨的热点,而其形成机制问题则更是争论的焦点。 | The gap between deposits and loans is a hotly debated issue in the circle of finance, with the focus on its formation mechanism. | |
14 | 大选承诺将以最高程度切合库尔德人当前的黄金自治盛世。 | The elections promise to be the most hotly contested during the Kurds’ current golden era of autonomy. | |
15 | 当然,关于MRV的细节仍然分歧巨大,特别是中国,它对主权的坚持几乎使整场谈判陷入僵局。 | Of course, the details of MRV are hotly contested, especially by China, whose concerns about sovereignty almost sank the entire deal. | |
16 | 地球转暖的原因目前在科学家当中还在热烈争论。 | The cause of global warming is still hotly debated among scientists. | |
17 | 第三个奖项是“最令人恼火的等候消息奖”。2008年,该奖项的争夺像往年一样激烈。 | Third is the award for Most Aggravating On Hold Message, which in 2008 was as hotly contested as ever. | |
18 | 对HFCS的最常见指控,是它加剧了美国人的肥胖,但这种说法仍饱受争议。 | The most common complaint about HFCS is that it has helped to make Americans fat. But that idea is hotly disputed. | |
19 | 对数字领域的法律解释和适用性一直经历激烈的争论。 | The interpretation and applicability of the law to digital realm has become hotly contested. | |
20 | 对体育休闲热的观察与思考 | Observation and Considers on Athletics Leisure Hotly | |
21 | 堕胎法的争论经过国会众议院的两天激烈辩论后落下帷幕。 | The abortion debate came at the end of two hotly contested days in the House of Commons. | |
22 | 俄罗斯总统竞争与美国竞争激烈的总统初选完全不同。 | Russia’s presidential contest stands in sharp contrast to America’s hotly -contested presidential primaries. | |
23 | 该社交网络集团正在步入首次公开募股的压轴阶段,这是继谷歌首次公开募股八年之后令人期待的最炙手可热的股票发售。 | The social networking group is moving into the final stages of the most hotly anticipated share sale since Google’s IPO eight years ago. | |
24 | 工程师和科学家属稀缺资源,BP及其竞争对手埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)、壳牌(Shell)和雪佛龙(Chevron)对他们展开激烈争夺。 | Engineers and scientists are a scarce resource, hotly fought over by BP and its rivals ExxonMobil, Shell and Chevron. | |
25 | 几乎所有大型私人股本公司都对公开上市的好处进行了激烈争论,尤其是在凯雷。 | The merits of going public have been hotly debated within large private equity firms generally and Carlyle particularly. | |
26 | 教育质量的下滑在当时也引起了像现今一样的激烈争论。 | Then, as now, the decline of educational standards was hotly debated. | |
27 | 她离开剧场,被记者穷追不舍。 | She left the theatre, hotly pursued by the press. | |
28 | 仅仅给客户一个炙手可热的项目已经远远不够。 | It is no longer enough to simply place clients in hotly anticipated projects. | |
29 | 尽管如此,资优生和差生的成绩差距还是很大。有(存在激烈争议的)证据表明,学生难以腾出更多的时间进行创作。 | But the achievement gap is still wide, and there is (hotly disputed) evidence that students are afforded less time for creative inquiry. | |
30 | 竞争十分激烈的比赛 | a hotly /fiercely/keenly contested game(= one in which the players try very hard to win and the scores are close) |