属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-菩提 法律的长臂
1 | 我一定会输。 | I’m hound to lose. | |
2 | 夏天到了,一天他由一群英姿飒爽的贵人护卫着,带着鹰犬骑马出发。 | When the summer was come he rode forth with hawk and hound , one day, in a brilliant company of his nobles | |
3 | 一条巨犬和一只猎犬,身后跟着一群不知来自何方的大驯犬 | A big dog, a hound with a strain of mastiff from somewhere | |
4 | 一条巨犬和一只猎犬,身后跟着一群不知来自何方的大驯犬(威廉·福克纳) | A big dog,a hound with a strain of mastiff from somewhere(William Faulkner) | |
5 | 这个房间里只住着一个男孩和一条大猎狗。 | The room’s sole occupant is the boy and a big hound . | |
6 | 这个房间里只住着一个男孩和一条大猎狗。 | The room’s sole occupants were the boy and a big hound . | |
7 | ||1:但艾森豪威尔需要尼克松来充当他在政治方面的喉舌。||2:尼克松猛烈抨击艾森豪威尔政府的反对者,这样艾森豪威尔就能成为一名政治中立的国家名誉总统。||3:一名助手称这是艾森豪威尔的“肮脏把戏”。||4: 当共和党参议员约瑟夫-麦卡锡过分地从公众生活中抓捕共产党员时,被指定为伊利诺伊州州长的民主党派阿德莱·史蒂文森(Adlai Stevenson)对此直言不讳:“一个内部分裂的政党—一边是麦卡锡、一边是艾森豪威尔——是不能促进国家团结统一的”。 ||5:因此艾森豪威尔决定,是时候让麦卡锡收敛收敛了。||6:尼克松——这名狂热的反共分子、天才的演说家—正适合这一角色。||7:在周六晚的电视节目上,尼克松把麦卡锡劈头盖脸地一顿骂,条理明晰地一一击破了对方的狭隘论点。||8:艾森豪威尔在电话中对尼克松说:“尼克松,干得好”。 | ||1: But Ike needed Dick to be his political hound dog. ||2: Nixon savaged the administration’s opponents, which allowed the president to be an apolitical, national figurehead. ||3: An aide called this Eisenhower’s “dirty work”. ||4: When Joseph McCarthy, a Republican Senator, overreached in his crusade to hunt communists from public life, Adlai Stevenson, a targeted Democratic governor of Illinois, pointedly declared that a “political party divided against itself, half McCarthy and half Eisenhower, cannot produce national unity.” ||5: Eisenhower decided it was time to restrain McCarthy. ||6: A fervent anti-communist and talented orator, Nixon was well placed for this. ||7: He laid into McCarthy on Saturday-night television, logically unweaving his illiberal argument. ||8: “It was just right, Dick,” Eisenhower said over the telephone. | |
8 | ||1:人们仍然认为宠物一定在以某种方式为人类服务,或许是让人们更健康,或许是减轻了焦虑。||2:但这方面的证据并不充分。||3:相反,新的研究表明,狗狗进化出了那些令人难以抗拒的“小狗眼睛”,正是为了控制人类的情绪。这的确奏效了。||4:曾经奴役其他物种的人类现在要辛苦地支付照顾宠物的费用,这些宠物懒洋洋地躺在沙发上,等着被带到美容沙龙。||5:多愁善感的美国人常常称自己为猫的“妈妈”或“爸爸”,而不是猫的主人。||6:韩国人则更甚,他们自称为猫的“管家”,迎合猫的每一个奇想。||7:看着一个倒霉的遛狗人牵着“他的”狗,手里拿着塑料袋捡狗粪,你一定会心生疑问:现在谁是老大? | ||1:People still assume that pets must be working for humanity in some way, perhaps making people healthier or less anxious.||2:But the evidence for that is weak.||3:Rather, new research suggests that canines have evolved those irresistible “puppy-dog eyes” precisely to manipulate human emotions. It has worked.||4:The species that once enslaved others now toils to pay for the care of its pets, which lounge on the sofa waiting to be taken to the grooming salon.||5:Sentimental Americans often refer to themselves not as cat-owners but as the cat’s “mommy” or “daddy”.||6:South Koreans go one further, describing themselves as cat “butlers”, pandering to every feline whim.||7:Watch a hapless dog-walker trailing “his” hound , plastic bag in hand to pick up its mess, and you have to wonder: who’s in charge now? | |
9 | ||1:这其中包含了很多不同的趋势。||2:在印度与巴基斯坦,坚定又独立的司法部门有悠久的激进做派传统。||3:相对于公众心目中陈腐,无能,又阴险的政治家,法院的这一形象更受民众欢迎。||4:公益起诉的资格与独立作出裁决的能力使得印度最高法院乐于干预环境与社会政策。||5:它已经让德里的巴士、的士、嘟嘟车都抛弃了落后的燃料,换上液化天然气,并且接管了全印度的树木。||6:法院的绿色诉求或许能取悦自由派,不过他们也为去年十二月印度最高法院推翻了德里高级法院给同性恋禁令松绑的裁决而感到惋惜。||7:巴基斯坦的法院正对打倒穆沙拉夫有功,不过随后的五年总统任期中,他们又盯上了穆沙拉夫那位文职的总统继任者,阿西夫·阿里·扎尔达里。 | ||1:Various trends are at work.||2:One, evident in India and Pakistan, is an enduring tradition of activism by a robustly independent judiciary.||3:Often this has made the courts popular by comparison with the perceived lethargy, incompetence or malice of politicians.||4:Public-interest litigation and its ability to make rulings suo moto (off its own bat) have encouraged India’s Supreme Court to meddle in environmental and social policy.||5:It has forced Delhi’s buses, taxis and tuk-tuks to convert to compressed natural gas from dirtier fuels and has taken charge of India’s trees.||6:The court’s green interests might please liberals, but they rued a ruling last December that overturned a Delhi High Court decision lifting a ban on homosexuality.||7:In Pakistan the courts helped bring down Mr Musharraf, but then proceeded to hound his civilian successor, Asif Ali Zardari, through his five-year term. | |
10 | Android用户的一个免费应用程式,在过去几天里,因为美国人要为艾琳的到来作准备,飓风猎犬突然受欢迎起来。 | A free app for Android users, Hurricane Hound has surged in popularity over the past few days as Americans brace for Irene. | |
11 | 比如当你发现一个同事在工作时由于墨司卡林的缘故变得很嗨,这是因为他是个失控了的瘾君子。 | Like if you notice a coworker showing up to work high on mescaline, it’s because he’s an out-of-control peyote hound . | |
12 | 彻夜未眠的不止是猎人和猎犬。 | The hunter and the hound weren’t the only ones awake that night. | |
13 | 窗帘如果让阳光暴晒一定会褪色。 | Curtains are hound to fade if they’re exposed to sunlight. | |
14 | 地狱恶犬继续靠近,终于意识到这些声音来自地下的一个大坑里。 | The hound slunk closer, and realized that the voices were coming from a hole in the ground. | |
15 | 对恰范先生咄咄相逼的话,可能会激起党内各派曝光贪污丑闻来打垮对手。 | To hound Mr Chavan may spur party factions to expose other cases of graft as a way of doing down rivals. | |
16 | 耳朵——在它们的正常状态,不同的种类有不同的表现(梗的耳朵放松的时候竖着,猎犬的耳朵放低。) | Ears - at their normal state, depending on the breed (A Terrier’s would be up but relaxed, a Hound ’s would be down) | |
17 | 狗听到口哨声窜了出来。 | The hound whipped out at the whistle. | |
18 | 狗正对月狂吠。 | A hound was baying at the moon. | |
19 | 黑狗做了一个类似耸肩地动作,但是很快它就对这些失去兴趣了,因为他的主人,宇宙的中心开始说话了。 | The hound gave the canine equivalent of a shrug, but immediately lost interest because now the Master, the Center of its Universe, spoke. | |
20 | 狐狸刚一窜出洞,他就命令他的猎犬冲了过去。 | He ordered his hound to hark away when the fox was scurrying out of its cave. | |
21 | 即使在没有犬吠声的晚上,我也难以入睡。 | Even on nights when I couldn’t hear the hound , I couldn’t sleep. | |
22 | 腊肠狗最开始是由猎户家庭饲养的。 | This breed belongs to the hound family. | |
23 | 滥权恶霸:他们毫无怜悯的追逐目标雇员; | Abusive bullies: These bosses hound a target employee without mercy. | |
24 | 罗里,44岁,非常衷爱自己的猎犬温斯顿,他早安排好了,在自己去世的时候,温斯顿的骨灰要与自己一同下葬。 | Ron Lee, 44, is so committed to his basset hound , Winston, that he’s made arrangements to be buried with Winston’s ashes when he dies | |
25 | 那只猎犬忙乎了整晚,到黎明公鸡报晓时才休息。 | The hound hunted all night. He quit when the roosters started crowing at daybreak. | |
26 | 人们一般不会认识到孤独会苏醒起来,而且会开始进入和烦扰一个人的一生。 | They don’t realise that loneliness can come alive, that it can start to snap and hound at a life. | |
27 | 三支最高的桅帆给轻风吹动,轻风像猎犬的吠声一路跟着我们。 | Together the three royals are given to the breeze, that follows out to see like the baying of a hound . | |
28 | 上个月扎尔达里与前总理纳瓦兹•谢里夫联手迫使佩尔韦兹•穆沙拉夫从辞去总统一职。 | Last month Mr Zardari joined forces with Nawaz Sharif, a former prime minister, to hound Pervez Musharraf from the presidency. | |
29 | 是的,就是这些,一只老猎犬身上明白无误的标记。 | Yes, they were all there, the unmistakable marks of a hunting hound . | |
30 | 虽然那只老猎犬毫不知情,但它唤起了回忆,这些记忆于我是无价的珍宝。 | Although the old hound had no way of knowing it, he had stirred memories, and what priceless treasures they were. |