属类:经济金融-Arts & Culture 文化艺术-日本荧幕夫妻现实中结婚
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-旅馆卫生 当心遥控器
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-离婚法案 过错游戏(1)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-短期借贷 原则与利率 (1)
1 | 日子好象发着咬牙声似地过去,使她痛苦,却毫无新的东西来到,她渐渐地消瘦了。甚至又管家也注意到了,问她是不是有什么不舒服,甚至唐米·督克斯也重复说她的身体日见不好,虽然她并承认。 | The days seemed to grind by, with curious painfulness, yet nothing happened. Only she was getting thinner; even the housekeeper noticed it, and asked her about herself Even Tommy Dukes insisted she was not well, though she said she was all right. | |
2 | 如今很少有工作的父母雇得起女管家的。 | Nowadays few working parents can afford a housekeeper . | |
3 | 善于持家的人,就如同善于为政者,都是善于理财的人。 | A good housekeeper , like a good government, it an economical manager. | |
4 | 所以她几乎从不离开勒格贝,就是离开也不过一二天,那时是女管家白蒂斯太太照料着克利福,他呢,日子久了自然而然地觉得康妮替他所做的事情是当然的,而他这种感觉毕竟也是自然的呵。 | So she hardly ever went away from Wragby, and never for more than a day or two; when Mrs Betts, the housekeeper , attended to Clifford. He, as was inevitable in the course of time, took all the service for granted. It was natural he should. | |
5 | 他把我介绍给他的女管家。 | He introduced me to his housekeeper | |
6 | 他不愿意雇女管家,宁愿自己料理家务。 | He won’t employ a housekeeper ; he prefers to do for himself | |
7 | 他们的物质生活是很少的。她得监督家务。那多年服侍过佐佛来男爵的女管家是个干枯了的毫无苟且的老东西。她不但不象个女仆,连女人都不象。 | Of physical life they lived very little. She had to superintend the house. But the housekeeper had served Sir Geoffrey for many years, arid the dried-up, elderly, superlatively correct female you could hardly call her a parlour-maid, or even a woman.. | |
8 | 他们有一位老管家,在他们那儿住最后的6个月。 | Theyve had an old housekeeper living in for the last six months | |
9 | 我敢断言,在此之前他绝对意想不到,在我患抑郁症时,他既要当护士,又要当管家,还要成为一个单独照料3个孩子的父亲。 | And I’ m sure he never expected to be nurse, housekeeper and sole functioning parent to three small children when I went into a clinical depression. | |
10 | 我是管家、保姆和总勤杂工。 | I was employed as housekeeper ,nanny,and general factotum. | |
11 | 我有个想法,很想雇一个管家。” | I have a fancy, and mean to get a housekeeper ." | |
12 | 沃尔特斯告诉管家住在他这里的客人是“基尔希曼将军”。 | And then he would try to avoid his housekeeper and lead Kissinger upstairs without being seen | |
13 | 优质网络政府主动服务新思维-民众e管家 | Proactive Service of Ubiquitous Network Government: e-Housekeeper | |
14 | 这个家庭主妇是位特别爱挑剔的人。 | The housekeeper is a very picky woman. | |
15 | 这位有条不紊的管家在管理其事务上严格遵循日程表 | The methodical housekeeper performs tasks according to a schedule. | |
16 | 这一番话,有使女管家信以为真了。 | So the housekeeper accepted what Walters said as true | |
17 | 主妇眼里无废物。 | Everything is of use to a housekeeper . | |
18 | 住在雇主家里的管家. | A housekeeper that sleeps in | |
19 | ||1:小川女士已著有20本书,并包揽了每一个日本文学大奖。||2:2009年,她的小说《女管家和教授》的英译版让她在美国赢得了巨大的关注和成功。||3:那些热衷寻找下一位“村上春树”的出版商已经出版了四本她的小说的英译版。||4:她的译者,斯蒂芬·斯奈德认为小川洋子的作品极其与众不同,独一无二。 | ||1:Ms Ogawa has written more than 20 books and won every big literary prize in Japan.||2:The English translation of her novel “The Housekeeper and the Professor” in 2009 brought her attention and success in America.||3:Publishers keen to spot the next Murakami have now released four of her books in English.||4:Her translator, Stephen Snyder, describes her work as remarkably diverse. | |
20 | ||1:星野源饰演的商人雇佣了由新垣结衣饰演的一位年轻女孩作为管家。||2:他们最初是业务关系。||3:慢慢地两人爱上了彼此。||4:他们决定达成一项类似婚姻的协议,但期限只有3年。||5:这个故事谈到了日本的一个社会问题:年轻人等到很晚才结婚生子。||6:结果导致日本是 全球出生率最低的国家之一。 | ||1:Hoshino played a businessman who hires a young woman, played by Aragaki, as a housekeeper .||2:They begin with a business relationship.||3:They slowly develop feelings of love for each other.||4:They decide on an agreement that is a little like marriage, but only for three years.||5:The story spoke to one problem in Japanese society: young people are waiting until later in life to marry and have children.||6:The result is one of the lowest birth rates in the world. | |
21 | 厕所、洗手池和保洁员手推车里的物品也是细菌量较高的地方, | The toilet, bathroom sink and items from the housekeeper ’s carts also had high levels of bacteria. | |
22 | 她说正是因为丈夫的粗暴对待,包括当着管家的面责骂她,吃饭时从头到尾忽视她,以及种种不可理喻的行为,成了她离婚的理由。 | She said that her husband’s treatment of her, including scolding her in front of their housekeeper and ignoring her over a meal, amounted to unreasonable behaviour, grounds for divorce. | |
23 | 詹姆斯是一名管家,每小时可以挣12美元,她接受了高利贷,但她很快无法用自己的薪资偿还贷款。 | Ms James, a housekeeper making $12 an hour, agreed to the high-interest loan but quickly fell behind on her payments. | |
24 | “我们不纳税,”有传闻说她有一次告诉一个领班:“只有小人物才纳税。” | "We don’t pay taxes, " she was said to have told a housekeeper once; "only the little people pay taxes. " | |
25 | “一幅非常讨人喜欢的肖像,”我对管家说,“像不像他本人?” | A very agreeable portrait, ’ I observed to the housekeeper . `Is it like? ’ | |
26 | 贝克街221座的女房东,不是管家来的。 | Martha Hudson I’m the landlady of the house at 221B Baker Street, not the housekeeper . | |
27 | 不能乘坐客用电梯,除了紧急情况并得到经理的同意。 | Do not use guest elevators, except on extreme emergency case and with permission of Executive Housekeeper . | |
28 | 出自:琼·克劳馥,当她的女管家开始大声祈祷上帝的时候,她如是说。 | Said by: Joan Crawford to her housekeeper who began to pray aloud. | |
29 | 但是,当我长大后,他们就把我送到了管家的屋里,在下面一层。 | But after a while I grew too big for them, and they sent me away to the housekeeper ’s room, so I came to live on the lower story. | |
30 | 给爱车找个好管家 | Look for a housekeeper for your car |