属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-技工 乔治亚州电影工作人员严重短缺
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-足球大决战的教训 巴西需要新的想法
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-反攻 The fightback
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-血色花瓣 Petals of blood
1 | 失业率仍在11%上下波动。 | Unemployment still hovers around 11 percent. | |
2 | 我给狗儿们弄吃的时候它们围着我转。 | The dog hovers around me while I am fixing their dinner. | |
3 | 一只母鸡在孵小鸡。 | A hen hovers her chicks. | |
4 | 勇敢、善良、目不识丁的纳蒂,徘徊于印第安人与白人世界之间。 | natty, brave, kindly, and illiterate hovers between the two worlds of Indian and white man | |
5 | 战争的阴影笼罩着全国。 | The shadow of war hovers over the whole country. | |
6 | ||1:比起电影工业,乔治亚州技工的缺失更为严重。||2:即使州失业率徘徊在7.4%,且远高于国家失业率,四个商人退休也只有一个人顶替。||3:然而,一个类似的问题,尽管没那么急型,在美国却显而易见。||4:超过有一半的商人年龄高于45岁。||5:劳工部称,到2022年,美国将还需要4.17万名泥瓦匠、11.47万名电工以及21.82万名木匠。||6:政府每年已经花费170亿美元,努力去解决奥巴马总统口中的“技能鸿沟”问题。||7:7月22日,奥巴马总统签署了法律文件,该法律将使得由联邦出资的岗位培训项目“更加高效、更加负责”。 | ||1:Georgia’s skills shortage goes beyond the film industry.||2:For every four tradesmen that retire just one takes their place, even though the state’s unemployment rate hovers around 7.4%, over a point higher than the national rate.||3:But a similar problem, albeit in less acute form, is in evidence across America.||4:More than half of the country’s tradesmen are aged over 45.||5:According to the Department of Labour, America will need 41,700 more cement masons, 114,700 more electricians and 218,200 more carpenters by 2022.||6:The government already spends around $17 billion a year trying to close what the president, Barack Obama, calls the “skills gap”.||7:On July 22nd Mr Obama signed laws that he said would make job-training programmes that receive federal money “more effective, more responsive to employers and more accountable for results”. | |
7 | ||1:但是,在更深的层面,米内罗体育场的羞辱很有可能加强国家的负面情绪。||2:这对罗塞夫来说是潜在的危险。||3:尽管民调显示她仍然是最受欢迎的,但是战役现在才开始真正打响。||4:她的支持率勉强在40%以上徘徊,民调持续显示60%到70%的巴西人希望改变。||5:左翼工人党已经执政12年,她还能续写它吗?她的最大竞争力本质上是过往取得的成功—就业和实际工资水平的大幅提升,而这两项恰巧开始反转。 | ||1:At a deeper level, however, the humiliation of the Mineir?o is likely to reinforce the country’s negative mood.||2:And that is potentially dangerous for Ms Rousseff.||3:Though polls still make her the favourite, the campaign will only now start in earnest.||4:Her approval rating hovers barely above 40%, and polls consistently show between 60% and 70% of Brazilians wanting change.||5:With her centre-left Workers’ Party having been in power for 12 years, can she offer it? Her appeal is in essence to past achievements—to a huge rise in employment and real wages, both of which are only just starting to move into reverse. | |
8 | ||1:两者现在的处境有所不同。||2:劳埃德斯的股价在过去的三个月中上涨了33%,在去年上涨了133%。||3:该银行的股价稍稍低于英国政府购买其39%股份时的价格,英国政府很快就会将这笔股份卖掉。||4:德国商业银行的处境则要惨得多。||5:德国政府救助与其交易的时候,银行老板Martin Blessing说,国有权最多持续36个月。||6:而现在,四年过去了,其股价仍旧低于欧洲银行的大盘指数。||7:其市净率在欧洲处于最低水平。||8:而在2012年的净利润也只有600万欧(770万美元)。 | ||1:The parallels between the two are less obvious now.||2:LBG’s shares have risen by 33% in the past three months, and by 133% in the past year.||3:The bank’s share price hovers just below the price the British government paid to buy its 39% stake, which will soon be sold.||4:Things look far less fizzy at Commerzbank.||5:At the time of the rescue deal the bank’s boss, Martin Blessing, declared that state ownership should last a maximum of 36 months.||6:More than four years on, its shares still lag the broader index of European banks; its price-to-book ratio is one of the lowest on the continent (see chart).||7:Its 2012 net profit came in at a mere 6m euros(7.||8:7m dollars). | |
9 | ||1:瑞典家居连锁巨头宜家公司宣布决定在印度投入15亿欧元(约19亿美元)资金——尽管这笔巨额投资被安排在数年时间里逐批投放,但也为当地经济的提振带来了利好消息。||2:可口可乐公司也紧随其后,宣布将会追加30亿美元拨入印度市场,到2020年时印度将接受总额达50亿美元的投资。||3:一家评级机构也出乎意料地帮了个忙:本月25日,穆迪宣布其不会跟随标普和惠誉之后,警告会将印度的信用评级降至垃圾级。||4:穆迪确认,印度目前所拥有的投资级依然稳定。 | ||1: IKEA, a Swedish furniture chain, boosted morale by saying it would invest up to 1.5 billion EURO(1.9 billion Dollar) in India—although on closer inspection that sum was spread over many years. ||2: Coca-Cola followed suit with the announcement of an additional 3 billion Dollar in investment, taking the total earmarked for India by 2020 to 5 billion Dollar. ||3: A ratings agency proved oddly helpful, too: on June 25th Moody’s signalled it would not follow Standard and Poor’s and Fitch, which have both warned of a possible downgrade of India to junk status. ||4: Its rating, which hovers just within investment grade, remains stable, the agency said. | |
10 | ||1:用几许宽恕来医治他们人生中的发热症,是他们朝圣之旅中挥之不去的话题。||2:该小说提示了几种希望——几种用犹太历史故事来实施救赎的希望:踏上希望的朝圣之旅,以期救世主的降临,进而重履救世主和其子民间的契约。||3:不过,这些提示不是大卫的本意。||4:大卫的的内心是世俗而非宗教的、具有自省及冷讽精神。||5:他以凄美情怀思虑着的以色列没有打算靠神的力量救赎自己。 | ||1:The question of a cure for their lives, of some kind of forgiveness, hovers around their words.||2:The novel alludes to the hopes for redemption in the stories of the Jewish tradition: the journey into the promised land, the coming of the Messiah, the renewal of the covenant between God and his chosen people.||3:But these allusions are not endorsements.||4:Mr Grossman’s imagination is secular, worldly, self-questioning and ironic.||5:The Israel he imagines, beautifully and sorrowfully, is not going to be saved by any divine intervention. | |
11 | title属性告诉API,当用户的鼠标悬停在该标记上时,显示什么内容作为工具提示。 | The title attribute tells the API what to display as a tooltip when the user’s mouse hovers over the marker. | |
12 | 巴哈马群岛,清澈的水域,一对大西洋斑点海豚,旋转嬉戏,摄影弗莱.尼克伦(FlipNicklen)。 | A pair of Atlantic spotted dolphins hovers in the clear waters of the Bahamas in Flip Nicklen’s cover photograph. | |
13 | 比如,当鼠标箭头在其中一个条上悬浮时,实际的数值就会出现(正如工具提示那样)。 | For instance, when your mouse pointer hovers over a bar, the exact stat could appear (like a tool tip does). | |
14 | 插入代码段后,当鼠标悬停于文本或对象上方时,便会显示工具提示文本。 | The ToolTip text is displayed when the mouse hovers over the literal or object after the code snippet has been inserted. | |
15 | 处于年人均收入徘徊在2000美元的国家,其平均家庭资产合计15万美元。 | Average family assets total $150, 000 in a nation where annual per capita income hovers around $2, 000. | |
16 | 大约有三分之二的资金购买了日本政府债券,而这种债券的十年期收益率仅仅徘徊在1.6%左右。 | Around two-thirds is parked in Japanese government bonds (JGBs), whose ten-year yield hovers at a modest 1. 6%. | |
17 | 当鼠标在该图像上停留的时候,它能让CSS规则就绪。 | That’s just a way to allow for a CSS rule to be put in place when the mouse hovers over the image. | |
18 | 当鼠标指针悬停在该拆分条上时,光标将相应地更改以显示该拆分条是可移动的。 | When the mouse pointer hovers over the bar, the cursor changes to show that the bar is movable. | |
19 | 当用户从邮政编码移开时,将调用hideDialog函数以隐藏弹出对话框。 | When the user hovers away from the zip code, the hideDialog function is called to hide the pop-up dialog. | |
20 | 德克萨斯州柴尔德里斯上空盘旋着罕见的母舰云体。 | A rare mother ship cloud formation hovers over Childress, Texas. | |
21 | 对Apple粉丝来说,OSX当前以14.87%左右的份额排第四。 | And for Apple fans only, OS X currently hovers at a desktop market share of around 14. 87 percent. | |
22 | 高高的天空,雄鹰在飞翔好像在守卫,辽阔美丽的土地一会儿在草原,一会儿又向森林飞去 | The eagle flies high in the sky As if guarding the vast and beautiful land For a moment, it hovers above the | |
23 | 各成员国政府才真正有权任意配置资金(整个欧盟预算只约占欧盟各成员国GDP的1%)。 | National governments are the ones with real money to throw about (the entire EU budget hovers around 1% of overall GDP). | |
24 | 工具提示(Tooltips)通常是一些提供上下文内容的小型窗口,将鼠标悬停在一个触发器元素上就会显示。 | Tooltips are typically small windows that provide contextual content, usually when the user hovers over a trigger element. | |
25 | 工业区的日常生活充满压抑,魔毯盘旋在上空。 | A magic carpet hovers over the depressing reality of every day life in an industrial area. | |
26 | 很不幸,对于那些非黑即白论者,真相处于两极之间。 | Sadly for those who prefer blacks and whites, the truth in this case hovers somewhere between the two extremes. | |
27 | 佳士得的拍品占了大部分,克劳德·洛兰的一幅大气景观的素描拍出326500美元,接近其较低估价。 | Christie’s top lot, an atmospheric landscape by Claude Lorraine, went for $326, 500, which hovers near its low estimate. | |
28 | 尽管美国总体失业率一直在10%的高位徘徊不下,但社交媒体业的招聘需求却出现了猛增。 | The demand for social media jobs has exploded, even as overall unemployment hovers around 10%. | |
29 | 近岸的海面上,有一条帆船在幽暗中航行,看上去像是悬挂在半空中的幽灵船。 | Close to shore, a vessel hovers in the gloom like a ghost ship suspended in mid-air. | |
30 | 军事和情报开支无情地与官方公布的失业率同时增加,经济出现严重赤字。 | Military and intelligence spending relentlessly increase as the official unemployment figure hovers near 10% and the economy bleeds red ink. |