属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-苹果的未来 不得不进行的改革
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-互联网及文件共享 网站大搜捕
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-店内无童 孩子禁入
1 | 如果你能够克服内心的童子吼:“别忘了还有我呢!” | If you can quell the howling child within-"What about me!" | |
2 | 若有高音啸声,即移离开些耳机和麦克风,或转小音量。 | If a high-pitched howling sound is heard, move the headphones and the microphone farther apart, or reduce the volume. | |
3 | 萨蒂并非安静地呆着,而是不停地嚎叫着。那是一种悲伤心碎的声音。她见到我们后,静了下来,向我走来。透过铁丝网,好像在打量着我。 | She wasn’t sitting quietly. She was howling --a sad, heart-broken noise.As soon as she saw us,she stopped and came over to me,staring at me through the wire. She seemed to be weighing me up. | |
4 | 山洞里回荡着这个咆哮如雷的巨兽的嗥叫声。 | The howling monster with his outcry filled the cavern | |
5 | 事实上,我们沿海岸走了约一百英里,白天只见一起荒芜,杳无人迹;晚上只听到野兽咆哮,此起彼伏。 | And indeed for near an hundred miles together upon this coast, we saw nothing but a waste uninhabited country, by day; and heard nothing but howling and roaring of wild beasts, by night. | |
6 | 随后是《原野》(金湘曲)、《仰天长啸》(萧白曲)、<阿里郎》(崔三明等曲)、<归去来》(徐占海曲)。 | Open Country (music by Jin Xiang), Howling at Heaven (music by Xiao Bai), alilang (music by Cui Sanming)and Come Back (music by Xu Zhanhai). | |
7 | 烫伤的人痛得直号叫。 | The scalded man is howling in agony. | |
8 | 听到狗的吠叫,那孩子吓得发抖。 | The boy shook with fear at the sound of the howling dog. | |
9 | 我恢复知觉后首先听到的是那无休无止的狂风怒吼… | The first thing I heard when I came to myself was the maddening howling of that endless gale… | |
10 | 我们居住的小煤城正是龙卷风途径之地。怒吼的风听上去就像十几辆火车呼啸而过。 | The little coal-mining town in which we lived lay directly in its path. The howling wind sounded as if a dozen locomotives were roaring past. | |
11 | 我在暴风雨呼啸之中仍听得见她的尖叫声。 | I could hear her scream through the howling of the storm. | |
12 | 夕卜面风在呼啸。 | The wind was howling outside. | |
13 | 现在可以越来越经常地在全村各地听到妇女的尖声嚎啕。 | More and more often, the high-pitched howling of a woman would be heard throughout the village now | |
14 | 婴儿在大哭。 | The baby’s howling . | |
15 | 在森林中叫的狼 | Wolves howling in the forest | |
16 | 在逃亡期间,他在人迹罕至的旷野中走了6天。 | In his escape, he walked six days in the midst of howling wilderness | |
17 | 早上九点钟,外滩一带,狂风怒吼。 | It was nine o’clock in the morning, and half a gale was howling along the bund | |
18 | 这家医院是幢庞大的建筑物。它铺着白色的瓷砖,涂有深绿色油漆,是个单调乏味的大蜂巢。 | The hospital was an enormous building,a howling honeycomb wilderness of white tiles and dark green paint. | |
19 | 这就同前清时代的《圣谕广训》一样的东西,应该供在大厅里天然几上的香炉面前,才是正办,怎么让小孩子撒了尿呀!给外边人晓得了,你这脑袋还保得住么?该死,糟了!”此时被吓噤了的孩子也哇的一声哭出来了。 | "Fancy letting the child wet all over this of all books! If people get to hear about this, there’ll be hell to pay! Oh, God! What a thing to happen!"The child, terrified, began howling again | |
20 | 这时候厂里的汽笛又嘟嘟地叫了,足有三分钟,像一匹受伤的野兽哀号求救。 | Just then the factory hooter went again, this time for a good three minutes, howling away like an injured animal in pain | |
21 | 至于那个婴孩,不是打喷嚏就是嚎叫,一刻也不停。 | and as for the baby, it was sneezing and howling alternately without a moment’s pause | |
22 | ||1:当弗朗西斯·德雷克在1577至1580年环游地球时,他随身携带了星盘、指南针和十字测天仪。||2:费迪南德·麦哲伦是世界上第一个著名的环球航海家,1519年,他开始环游地球时,至少带了一个星盘和指南针。||3:1982年,马文·克雷默从新泽西的五月角起航,开始了一次长达3万英里、需要在海上将近一年时间的航行,他遇上了一场狂风暴雨,而让他高兴的是,他根本没有带任何仪器。 | ||1:When Francis Drake rounded the globe in 1577 to 80, he took an astrolabe, compass and cross-staff with him.||2:As Ferdinand Magellan, the first known circumnavigator, started out in 1519, he had at least an astrolabe and compass.||3:But when Marvin Creamer set sail from Cape May, New Jersey in 1982, into thick overcast and a howling gale, on a voyage of 30,000 miles requiring nearly a year at sea, he carried, to his delight, no instruments at all. | |
23 | ||1:这可能是真的——但原因并非大多数人想的那样。||2:消费者、市场分析员、投资者一直都在极力试图证明苹果可以再创乔布斯时代的传奇;然而,iPad近几季的销量已有所下降,于2007年发布的iPhone掀起了一段科技狂潮,它至今仍然占据苹果公司收入的半壁江山。||3:然而,在充斥着时髦的新产品、掌声、美图的狂潮中,被人忽略的是苹果的重大转型:本周发布会表示苹果未来的重心将从硬件转移到“生态系统”——一个集软件、服务、数据、众多合作伙伴于一体的有机系统。 | ||1:It may well be true—but not for the reasons most people might think.||2:Consumers, analysts and investors have been howling for proof that Apple can still do the magic tricks of the Jobs era; iPad sales have weakened in recent quarters and the iPhone, launched a tech aeon ago in 2007, still generates more than half of the firm’s revenues.||3:Yet lost in the maelstrom of snazzy new gadgets, applause and photos was an important shift: this week’s announcements showed that Apple’s future will be less about hardware and more about its “ecosystem”—a combination of software, services, data and a plethora of partners. | |
24 | 这次突然行动发生前不久,好莱坞还在为国会搁置一项打击盗版的法案而大声抱怨。 | The raid occurred just as Hollywood was howling after Congress gave up on a bill to crack down on piracy. | |
25 | 这个场景似曾相识:你在当地的酒吧里安静的喝着啤酒,突然有人开始大哭。与(多数的)成年人不同,好像孩子们不使劲儿哭就点不到酒一样。 | IT IS a familiar sound. You are enjoying a quiet beer in your local watering-hole when someone starts crying. Unlike (most) adults, babies cannot seem to order a refreshing bottle without howling . | |
26 | T-Bag跌在地上,痛得嚎叫。 | T-Bag collapses to the ground, howling in pain. | |
27 | 不过,他在来势汹汹的宽容浪潮面前哀号不已。 | But he is howling at the incoming tide. | |
28 | 成千上万土耳其人涌上街头,誓言要报复。 | Thousands of Turks have taken to the streets howling for revenge. | |
29 | 大雨和狂风试图要打倒白桦妈妈,但她稳稳地站立着。 | Pouring rain and howling wind tried to fell the Mother Birch, but she stood firm. | |
30 | 但随着细则明朗化,掉期商贩以及他们的客户纷纷表示苦不堪言。 | But as details of the rules emerge, swaps peddlers and their clients are howling . |