1 | 当风在户外咆哮的时候,丰盛美味的汤和炖菜都再好不过了。 | Hearty and delicious soups and stews are all very well when the wind is howling outside. | |
2 | 当他把头扎进我的两腿之间,我已经像个疯婆子,嚎叫难抑。 | By the time he had his head buried between my legs I was howling like mad. | |
3 | 当信息交流变得越来越简单时,最重要的事其实是在飓风嚎叫般嘈杂的噪声中检索如耳语一样微弱的有效信息。 | As communication grows ever easier, the important thing is detecting whispers of useful information in a howling hurricane of noise. | |
4 | 低压气团环绕这个星球的底部径自一路向东,它们互相追赶,狂躁如狗类在追击自己尾巴。 | Low-pressure areas are free to chase one another eastward around the bottom of the planet like a howling dog in pursuit of its tail. | |
5 | 而第三句(粗体),是狂吠的谎言。 | And the third sentence, which I’ve bolded , is a howling lie. | |
6 | 高兴之余,中国网民正为一项新税法对欲喜结连理的新人带来影响争论得热火朝天。 | Rather than rejoice, Chinese netizens are howling about new tax regulations that impact couples seeking to marry. | |
7 | 公园护林员说他好像听到了狼嚎声,但这一带没有狼出没,所以他就决定过来看看。 | So the park ranger said he thought he heard wolves howling , but they’re not native to the area, so he came down here to check it out. | |
8 | 回来的时候是冬天,白雪茫茫,狂风怒吼,于是齐桓公的队伍迷失了方向。 | But when they came back it was winter. Everywhere was white with snow and the wind was howling . The troops lost their way. | |
9 | 会议厅扩音机回声啸叫抑制方法研究 | A New Scheme for Suppressing Howling of Conference Hall Amplifier | |
10 | 几秒钟后,我听到她拿开了话筒,在一旁嘀嘀咕咕的,接着办公室里的每个人都在狂笑。 | Seconds later I heard her mumbling off the phone, and then I heard everyone in the office howling with laughter. | |
11 | 可是,我听不到风声,也没有寒冷的感觉;扑面而来的,却是春天的温暖和花草的芬芳。 | But there was no howling wind, I didn’t also sense cold; what greeting to me was spring’s warmness, sweet-smelling flowers and plants. | |
12 | 狂风吹得废墟中的铁屑发出嘎嘎的声音,夹杂着呼呼的口哨声怒吼着从烧焦的窗户中吹进去。 | A stormy wind rattled the scrap-iron in the ruins, whistling and howling through the charred cavities of the windows. | |
13 | 那天晚上是个暴风雨之夜,外面狂风怒吼,雨点劈劈啪啪地打在窗户上。 | It was a wild night. The wind was howling outside, and the rain was beating and splashing against the windows. | |
14 | 那我现在为何每晚在门厅间出没时,嚎叫有如疯妇? | So why was I haunting its halls every night now, howling like Medea? | |
15 | 然后,一辆柴油机车头朝他们驶来,这时候这辆来自远方的列车上进入了众人注视的目光中。 | And the howling cacophony of a diesel locomotive crashes toward them as they watch the train come into focus from the distance. | |
16 | 虽然狂风仍在呼啸,夫妇俩却听见了飞机从云层之上穿过的声音,大概每50分钟就有一架。 | Although the wind was still howling , the couple could hear airplanes flying somewhere over the cloud cover-one every 50 minutes or so. | |
17 | 他的运动衫袖子上沾着鲜血,他不希望有人进来大惊小怪地嚷嚷。 | There was some blood on the sleeve of his sweater and he didn’t want anybody coming in and howling about it. | |
18 | 他快速地铐上她,然后转向DavidDale,他那挣扎的腿踩坏了玫瑰花,愤怒地扭动着咆哮着。 | He quickly cuffed her and then turned to David Dale, who was struggling to his knees amid the crushed roses, writhing and howling in agony. | |
19 | 他躺在床上,谛听着呼啸的风声。 | He lay in bed listening to the howling of the wind. | |
20 | 晚上,我从他们身边跑过时,他们跟疯了一样,嚎叫着,吠声不断。 | At night, as I ran past them, I would set them into a frenzy of howling and barking. | |
21 | 我有个室友,她在床上挂着一串念珠,因为她觉得某种哀嚎的幽灵会在晚上发出动静。 | I had aflatmatewho kept a rosary above her bed because she thought the noisewas beingmade in the night by some sort of howling ghost. | |
22 | 我站在寒风呼啸的左岸,看着右岸的你和她,春暖花开。 | I stood in the cold wind howling leftbank, looking at the right you and she, chun nuanhua leaves. | |
23 | 啸声服务,使包起来的信号是一个良好的开始捕猎,也可能被部分苏醒,在上午举行。 | Howling serves to bring packs together and signal the start of a hunt, or it may be part of waking up in the morning. | |
24 | 一个早于hangover出现50年,且已经淡出使用的同义词是katzenjammer(混乱、宿醉),起源于一个意为“猫叫”的德语单词。 | One synonym that has fallen out of usage was katzenjammer only about 50 years older, that comes from German meaning "cats howling . " | |
25 | 这种大体型的青蛙在叫的时候听上去像一只小狗吠叫。 | The large frogs sound like a small howling dog when they croak. | |
26 | 中国人正在大声叫喊。 | The Chinese have been howling particularly loudly. |