属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-就业市场萧条 最低工资的意义何在?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-动物的认知 人类的挚友
1 | 我们曾经犹豫了很长时间才决定买这幢房子。 | We hummed and hawed before deciding to buy the house. | |
2 | 现在喷气机冲向我们!我们的前炮塔发疯似地旋转着跟随它。炮塔的电动机嗡嗡叫。机枪手试图带着他的枪转动。 | And now the jet came at us! Our nose turret turned wildly to follow it .The electric motors of the turret hummed . The gunner tried to bring his guns around. | |
3 | 小姑娘轻快地哼着曲子,完全忘了怒气。 | The little girl hummed merrily, her temper quite forgotten | |
4 | 一架飞机在头顶嗡嗡响。 | A plane hummed overhead. | |
5 | 整个大厅里充斥着上百个通风器的嗡鸣声,并且由于大厅下面转动着巨大蒸汽机而颤动着。 | The whole hall hummed from its hundred ventilators and vibrated with the turn of the great engines below | |
6 | ||1:事实上,实际工资大削减有助于解释为什么就业市场在萧条的经济中仍高歌猛进。||2:例如像商店、酒店、酒吧、办公服务,如此等等低收入行业往往比报酬更高的的工作的就业率要高。||3:律师事务所、银行和会计等行业可以承受起最低工资标准,因此他们很少雇佣那些低薪劳动者。 | ||1:Indeed, large cuts in real wages help explain why the jobs market has hummed along in an otherwise sluggish economy.||2:Employment growth has been stronger in low-paid industries—in shops, hotels, bars, office services and so on—than in higher-paid work.||3:The law firms, banks and accountants who have embraced the living wage can afford it, as they employ few low-paid workers. | |
7 | ||1:正如他们在《动物的认知》中描述的一样,不管是陌生人还是狗的主人哼唱小曲儿,有时候狗的确会对人类的这些活动作出一定回应,但哭泣的人吸引到狗注意的概率比唱歌的人要高出两倍以上。||2:这表明狗能区分哭泣与其他一些奇怪的行为。||3:在此次实验中有15条狗在看到陌生人哭泣时表现出了同情人类的行为,这些狗都把注意力转向了哭泣的陌生人而非它们的主人。 | ||1:As they report in Animal Cognition, "person-oriented behaviour" did sometimes take place when either the stranger or the owner hummed , but it was more than twice as likely to occur if someone was crying.||2:This indicated that dogs were differentiating between odd behaviour and crying.||3:And of the 15 dogs in the experiment that showed person-oriented responses when the stranger cried, all of them directed their attention towards the stranger rather than their owner. | |
8 | 事实上,对现金的需求相对较低。在电子支付网络—统一支付界面(UPI)上活跃的交易 | In fact the demand for cash was relatively subdued. Activity hummed along the Unified Payment Interface (UPI), | |
9 | 正如他们在动物的认知中描述的一样,不管是陌生人还是狗的主人哼唱小曲儿,有时候狗的确会对人类的这些活动作出一定回应, | As they report in Animal Cognition, person-oriented behaviour did sometimes take place when either the stranger or the owner hummed , | |
10 | 果然,机器旋转轰鸣了起来,我的神经随着它人造的声音震颤不已。 | As expected, the machine whirred and hummed into action, my nerves tingling at its synthetic sounds. | |
11 | 过去十年内的大部分时间,该基金走势总体乐观。 | For most of the past ten years it has hummed along happily. | |
12 | 玛丽一路走过去,苍蝇成群结队地在她头上嗡嗡地叫。 | Flies hummed round Mary’s head in a cloud as she walked. | |
13 | 塞萨尔把我拉近一些,在我耳边哼唱着,用手指在我背上打着拍子。 | Cesar pulled me closer and hummed in my ear. He tapped his fingers against my back. | |
14 | 他嘴里哼哼着不满意地摇了摇头。 | He hummed and shaked his head. | |
15 | 我尖叫,发出嗡嗡声,但是随着长大,我有了进步。 | I hummed . But as I grew up, I improved. | |
16 | 我们的处事方法很快传了开来,公司高速运转,就像一台上足了油的机器。 | Word of our approach quickly spread and our firm hummed like a well-oiled machine. | |
17 | 我也同意他的话;整间屋子里的人都激动地自豪地跟着他们哼唱着。 | And I believed him; the whole room hummed with enthusiasm and pride. | |
18 | 小狐狸哼哼着把柠檬水倒进模子里,打算把它做成冰棒。 | Fox hummed as he poured lemonade into molds for ice pops. | |
19 | 小时候,她在花园里给她父亲打帮手,手脚肌肉都开心到嗡嗡作响。 | Her arm and leg muscles hummed pleasantly as they had when she was a girl, helping her father in the garden. | |
20 | 与此同时,由于廉价信贷资金推动了英国(及其它)经济体房地产市场的繁荣,零售金融市场也活跃了起来。 | Meanwhile, retail financial markets have hummed as cheap credit powered housing booms in the Anglo (and other) economies. | |
21 | 整条航母充满了活力和高效。 | The entire ship hummed with energy and high performance. |