属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-美国初选聚焦南卡罗来纳州
1 | 帮猎人赶猎狗的人在猎狐中帮助猎手管理猎狗的副手 | A person who assists the huntsman in handling a pack of hounds in foxhunting. | |
2 | 第一个打猎人骑着马飞快地从我们身边跑过去了。 | The huntsman who rode foremost passed us with great swiftness | |
3 | 猎人朝那只狮子开了一枪,把它打死了。 | The huntsman fired a single shot at the lion and settled its hash. | |
4 | 猎人吹响他的号角。 | The huntsman blew his horn | |
5 | 猎人和我把动物赶出花园。 | The huntsman and I hunt the animals out of the garden. | |
6 | 猎人或参与打猎的人 | A huntsman or hunting attendant. | |
7 | 猎人说狐狸已逃入洞穴,捉不住了。 | The huntsman said that the fox has gone to earth and could not be caught. | |
8 | 猎人用鞭把那群猎犬驱散。 | The huntsman whipped off his pack of hounds. | |
9 | 猎人用鞭把他那群猎犬驱散。 | The huntsman whipped off his pack of hounds | |
10 | 猎人正在用鞭把他那群猎犬赶在一起。 | The huntsman was whipping in his pack of hounds | |
11 | 猎人正在追逐野兔。 | The huntsman is hunting for hares | |
12 | 鹿嗅出有猎人到来,就向相反的方向逃走了。 | The deer,catching wind of the huntsman ,escaped in the opposite direction. | |
13 | 那位猎人派出一名赶猎助手打前站,先把鹧鸪从隐蔽处赶出来。 | The huntsman sent a beater ahead to scare out the partridge. | |
14 | 三个人高兴极了。猎人剥下狼皮,回家去了 | Then all three were delighted. The huntsman drew off the wolf’s skin and went home with it. | |
15 | 一位猎人碰巧从屋前走过,心想:“这老太太鼾打得好响啊!我要进去看看她是不是出什么事了。” | The huntsman was just passing the house, and thought to himself, how the old woman is snoring. I must just see if she wants anything. | |
16 | ||1:更加糟糕的是,犹他州在酒类存储和销售路径方面的严格限制非但没有放松反而变得更加苛刻。||2:在JONHUNTSMAN任犹他州州长期间对酒类销售的限制曾有所放松,因为他担心他的官员们害怕那些关于“周六晚上比盐湖城还迟钝”的笑话会让想要狂欢的滑雪游客避开犹他。||3:(犹他有一些全北美洲最好的滑雪坡)至少从现在看,酒吧不用像私人俱乐部那样向可能的饮酒者收取会费。||4:后来亨斯顿进入奥巴马政府并去了中国任驻华大使,反对酒类销售的人又开始活跃起来。 | ||1:Worse, Utah’s famously tough and complicated rules on the way drinks are stored and served in bars and restaurants have been growing more restrictive, not less so.||2:The shackles had loosened a bit during the governorship of Jon Huntsman , whose administration worried that jokes about being “slower than Salt Lake City on a Saturday night” were a turn-off to party-minded skiers (Utah has some of the best slopes in North America).||3:Bars no longer had to set themselves up as private clubs that charged would-be drinkers membership fees, for instance.||4:After Mr Huntsman left to become Barack Obama’s ambassador to China, however, the reactionaries regained the initiative. | |
17 | ||1:事实上,四月传媒跟其他创业公司一样在烧钱(报道称首次投资达到160万美元),并且创业模式令人质疑。||2:但是一些该公司的早期狂热者质疑他们根据经验选择的方向是否正确。||3:发布洪博培视频的唐杰离开该公司并且创立了自己的网站。||4:一些人表示,他认为饶先生对洪博培太软弱,因为后者接受了美大使馆的邀请。||5:唐先生没有回复我们的询问邮件。 | ||1: Indeed, April Media sounds like any start-up with money to burn (reportedly an initial investment of $1.6m) and a doubtful business model. ||2: But some of the company’s early zealots question the direction their experience has taken them. ||3: Tang Jie, who posted the Huntsman video, left to start his own site. ||4: Some say he regarded Mr Rao, who had accepted invitations to events at the American embassy in Beijing, as having gone too soft on Mr Huntsman . ||5: Mr Tang did not respond to an e-mail seeking comment. | |
18 | ||1:这是一个悲剧。||2:饶先生第一次突出的战利品是美国媒体CNN,2008年3月西藏爆发民族骚乱。||3:他的网站抓住了所谓的CNN以及其他网站报道的偏见。||4:2011年2月,四月传媒发表了时任美驻华大使洪博培出现在一起有计划的反政府抗议中的镜头。||5:这次示威没有实现,但是洪博培先生还是在网上受到攻击。||6:他说他只是恰巧出现在那里而已。 | ||1:It is quite a comedown.||2:Mr Rao’s first prominent scalp was CNN, an American news network, in March 2008 after ethnic riots erupted in Tibet.||3:His website seized on what he considered bias in the coverage by CNN and other outlets.||4:In February 2011 April Media posted footage of Jon Huntsman , then the American ambassador to China, at the site of a planned anti-government protest.||5:The demonstration did not materialise, but Mr Huntsman was attacked online for appearing to support it.||6:He said he was there by coincidence. | |
19 | 洪博培:“女士们,先生们!我得说,第三名这个位置是参加竞选的前提。” | JON HUNTSMAN : "I’d say third place is a ticket to ride, ladies and gentleman!" | |
20 | 白宫已经确认,美国驻华大使洪博培将辞职,从他上任到现在还不足18个月。这一切来得很突然。 | The White House has confirmed that, in a highly unusual move, Jon Huntsman is resigning less than 18 months after he was sent to China. | |
21 | 白雪公主的故事中,众所周知,皇后要求猎人杀害她,并将她的心脏带回作证。 | In the tale of snow white that we are all familiar with, the Queen asks a huntsman to kill her and bring her heart back as proof. | |
22 | 但对于洪博培先生的摩门教更难以忍受。 | It may even feel more tolerant of Mr Huntsman ’s Mormonism. | |
23 | 但是猎人已经看到了足够多的让他充满疑问的东西,当他返回去并且向国王描述他所看到的一切。 | but the huntsman had seen enough to make him full of wonder, when he returned and described to the king what he had seen. | |
24 | 但是如果奥巴马先生带着不错的评价结束他的第二个任期,洪博培先生就能够在任期中得到好评。 | But if Mr Obama ends his second term with decent ratings, Mr Huntsman would be sitting pretty. | |
25 | 但这个策略只有当洪博培先生认为奥巴马先生会连任时才会有效。 | However, that strategy only works if Mr Huntsman thinks Mr Obama is going to win re-election. | |
26 | 当然,奥巴马在2008年的完美宣传风暴中获益颇多,可是到2012年洪博培就没有这样好的宣传风暴了。 | Of course, Mr Obama benefited from a perfect storm in 2008. No such storm will exist for Mr Huntsman in 2012. | |
27 | 当然,遇到实际问题时,亨茨曼仍将是一个光荣的使者,服务于总统的意志。 | As a practical matter, then, Huntsman still will be a glorified messenger, serving at the will of the president. | |
28 | 该剧主要围绕原著童话中的情节展开:王后嫉妒白雪公主的美貌,因而派猎人追杀白雪公主。 | The plot revolves around the traditional tale of the queen becoming jealous of Snow White’s beauty and sending the huntsman to kill her. | |
29 | 亨茨曼可以在中国扮演重要角色 | Huntsman Can Play Key Role In China | |
30 | 亨茨曼是共和党党员,许多人认为他是下届总统的潜在候选人。 | Seen by many as a potential Republican presidential contender, Huntsman is fluent in Chinese from his days as a Mormon missionary in Taiwan. |