属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电子商务与数据安全 数据大失窃
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味观点React 第2期:最好的大学时光
1 | 这件事不应该掩盖起来,而应公开自由讨论。 | The matter should not be hushed up, but freely ventilated | |
2 | 这件事不应掩盖起来,而应该公开自由讨论。 | The matter should not be hushed up, but freely ventilated. | |
3 | 这事不该掩盖起来, 而应公开自由讨论。 | The matter should not be hushed up, but freely ventilated. | |
4 | ||1:丽莲·海尔曼知道怎样才能叙述出一个好的故事,并且她喜欢编写关于自己的故事。||2:正因为这样,她废弃了旧的书信,禁止写记录性的文件,缄默朋友。||3:用充满感情的回忆录,取代了生硬刻板的文件。一个犹太人,在新奥尔良度过了自己的童年时光,成年时期经历了大萧条,并且在歇斯底里的冷战时期捍卫她的左翼思想。||4:在二十世纪五十年代,她被列入黑名单,原因是她不愿意承认自己犯了不忠罪,她觉得自己从来没有犯过。||5:虽然顽固了点,可是却很绚烂。在回忆录与轶事里,海尔曼这样呈现自己——一个有勇气且正直的女英雄,并且试图摧毁或是捣碎一切。 | ||1: Lillian Hellman knew how to tell a good story, and she liked to spin her own. ||2: So she destroyed old letters, suppressed records and hushed friends. ||3: She replaced hard documentation with soulful reminiscences of a Jewish childhood in New Orleans, of coming of age during the Depression and of defending her leftist ideals amid the hysteria of the cold war. ||4: Flinty yet glamorous, she was blacklisted in the 1950s because she would not confess to a crime of disloyalty she felt she never committed. ||5: In memoirs and anecdotes, Hellman presented herself as she wished to be remembered—the courageous and upright heroine of her own play—and tried to destroy or quash everything else. | |
5 | ||1:他们等了两个晚上才获救,不知道熊或者狼会不会先来把他们吃掉。||2:然而他还是享有了这份兴奋。||3:部分原因是这些不幸被官方掩盖了,只留下他的胜利。||4:还有其他的原因。||5:首先,他存活了下来。||6:令人惊讶的是,他总是能化险为夷。||7:列昂诺夫的汽车在冰冻的湖面上侧翻了,他没有被淹死。||8:1969年,他跟在当时苏联领导人列昂尼德·勃列日涅夫后面的车队里,身中数弹,有四发子弹穿过他的大衣,但是没有穿过他。 | ||1:They waited two nights to be rescued, wondering whether bears or wolves would get them first.||2:Yet the elation did not leave him.||3:Partly this was because the mishaps were officially hushed up, leaving only his triumph.||4:And there were other reasons.||5:First, he had survived.||6:Astonishingly, he always did when danger felt his collar.||7:His car flipped over on a frozen lake, and he didn’t drown.||8:In 1969 he got caught in a hail of bullets when he was riding in a motorcade behind Leonid Brezhnev, then Soviet leader; four passed through his coat, but not through him. | |
6 | 他们同样也有理由去担心其他更为严重的泄露都被掩盖住了。 | They also have reason to worry that other, more serious, leaks are being hushed up. | |
7 | 我们之前有埋下一个时间胶囊。在一场单身派对上,在我们几个人中有一个人结婚10年以后,我们回去想把时间胶囊挖出来。可是我们什么也没有找到。只要我们聚在一起,我们就一直在说,“我们要回去找到那个时间胶囊。” | One thing that we did was we buried a time capsule. For a bachelor party, when one of us got married like 10 years later, we went back to dig it up. Couldn’t find the thing. All of us, whenever we get together, we always talk about, (hushed ) "We’re gonna go back and find that thing." | |
8 | 一名男士步入了奥斯汀市中心W酒店的会议室。那里的环境井然有序且安静,一派职场气象。但是男士脚穿的红色蓬松运动鞋和身上的运动外套却在这派气象上加上了一种特殊意味:新型商务。 | A MAN walks into a conference room at the W hotel in downtown Austin. The setting, sleek and hushed , says business. The trainers—red, puffy, and paired with a sports coat—add a wink: new business. | |
9 | “好的,巴顿先生,”她冷冷地答应道。 | "All right, Mr. Button, " she agreed in a hushed voice. | |
10 | “嘘——”玛塔把她的手指压在爱德华的嘴唇上,示意他保持安静。 | Marta placed her fingers over his lips. "Shhh, " she hushed him. | |
11 | 沉寂的大宅里昏暗、沉闷,苍蝇都在天花板上睡着了。 | Murk, dreariness in the hushed manor house; flies asleep on the ceiling. | |
12 | 出生的第一天,刚吃奶时她就被身陷囹圄的母亲嘘唬禁声。母亲因非法酿造和销售啤酒而被关押。 | She was hushed from her first days, as her mother suckled her in the jail to which she had been sent for illegally brewing and selling beer. | |
13 | 此前,无论孩子们怎么问,约翰总是吓止住他们,孩子们就再也不敢问妈妈的黄丝带了。 | Whenever their children asked him about it, he’d always hushed them, and somehow none of the kids had dared ask their mother. | |
14 | 此事将无人知晓。 | It’d all be hushed up. | |
15 | 换句话说,这些社会联结对冲突施加非正式的限定(以致不会玩过火),个人丑闻也会被掩盖。 | On the other hand, those social connections placed informal limits on strife. Personal scandals were hushed up. | |
16 | 较小的神殿中,有一座供奉的是这条河的流水,它看起来像一座时尚制陶棚,却让人感到静谧神圣。 | One of the smaller shrines, dedicated to the river’s flowing water, looks like a stylish potting shed, yet feels hushed and sacred. | |
17 | 律师拉上窗帘,弄暗灯光,然后低声问道,“你想让它等于几。” | The lawyer pulls the drapes, dims the lights and asks in a hushed voice, "How much do you want it to be? " | |
18 | 怕管事的人听到,小女孩的话音很小,她告诉魁格所有这些注射器都是从“医院和街道”上捡来的。 | In a hushed voice so her supervisor wouldn’t hear her, she replied that they had were from "hospitals and off the streets. " | |
19 | 其经济顾问低调地表示:“他是一位自由贸易人士,不要担心。” | "He’s a free trader, " said his economic advisors in hushed tones. "Don’t worry. " | |
20 | 然而他安静的嗓音在他所有的专辑中是一个永恒的元素,这是德雷克最接近于摇滚乐队的一张唱片。 | While his hushed vocals were a constant factor in all of his albums, this was the closest Drake came to being in a rock band. | |
21 | 上次有飞船坠毁在地球上,政府把幸存者带到一个仓库里,解剖了所有人,并掩盖了整个事件。 | The last time a spaceship crashed on Earth the government took the survivors to a warehouse, dissected them, and hushed it all up. | |
22 | 使用维他命D可以消除打鼾。 | Snoring could soon be hushed with vitamin D supplements. | |
23 | 他把食指贴在嘴上告诉我别做声。 | He hushed me with his index finger against his mouth. | |
24 | 他们安静地交谈着,几分钟后,她又回到了大街上。 | They spoke in hushed tones. A few minutes later, she was back on the street. | |
25 | 他说,曾经发现一名警察跟花园里的女人有不轨行为,但这件事最终被隐瞒下来没有揭发。 | He says that a police officer was caught inside the garden in an improper assignation with a woman, but that the incident was hushed up. | |
26 | 他摇摇头,似乎不相信在布达佩斯那个寂静的病房里会出现那么抑郁的喜剧情景。 | He shakes his head, as if he cannot believe how blackly comic the scene must have appeared in that hushed hospital room in Budapest. | |
27 | 我们静静地坐着,抬起头斜身靠近以便能更好的窃听。 | We hushed , raised our eyebrows and leaned closer to eavesdrop better. | |
28 | 现在跨国公司对于信息不透明问题打出了竞争保密的幌子,将太多的信息掩盖了起来。 | Too much information is currently hushed up while multinationals cite competitive confidentiality as the reason for lack of transparency. | |
29 | 学生必须悄无声息地迅速吃完所有食物。 | Everything had to be eaten in hushed silence. | |
30 | 忧愁在我心中沉寂平静,正如黄昏在寂静的林中。 | Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent tr |