属类:IT行业-功能介绍-Borland JBuilder38 的新特性
属类:IT行业-功能介绍-Borland JBuilder36 的新特性
1 | 您已处于联机方式。单击此图符转为脱机方式。 | You are online. Click icon to go offline. | |
2 | 您已处于脱机方式。单击此图符转为联机方式。 | You are offline. Click icon to go online | |
3 | 请单击`安全性’图标’,以获取与证书有关的更多信息。 | Click on the `Security’ icon for more information about certificates. | |
4 | 如果“打印机”图标或该命令旁有复选标记,则该打印机已设置为默认打印机。 | If there is a check mark next to the Printer icon or this command, the printer is already set as the default printer. | |
5 | 如果不知道文件的名称,可以单击框旁边的“浏览”按钮,然后使用“图标浏览器”来查找文件。 | If you don′t know the name of the file, click the build button next to the box, and then use the Icon Browser to locate the file. | |
6 | 如果你要缩小文本尺寸,点击图标旁边的向下箭头并选择Zoom Out。如果你要回到缺省的文本尺寸,点击图标旁边的向下箭头并选择Normal。 | To zoom out and decrease the size of the text, click the down-arrow beside the icon and choose Zoom Out. To return to the default text size, click the down-arrow and choose Normal. | |
7 | 如果你用的是Windows系统,可以在程序菜单上双击talk图标,然后键入对方的信箱名。 | If you’re using a windowed system, you probably doubleclick the talk icon in a program menu and then type the recipient’s name in a box . | |
8 | 如果您想进一步了解通用汽车产品的信息,可以点击 索取产品手册 按钮并通过索取表格与我们取得联系。 | If you would like additional information on any GM product, click on the Request for Brochure icon and fill out the form. | |
9 | 如果您正在打印一个短文档,则“打印机”图标可能在状态栏中显示的时间很短,因此无法通过单击该图标来检查打印进度。 | If you′re printing a short document the printer icon may not appear on the status bar long enough for you to click it to check printing progress. | |
10 | 如果您正在打印一个短文档,则“打印机”图标可能在状态栏中显示的时间很短,因此无法通过单击该图标来取消打印。 | If you′re printing a short document the Printer icon may not appear on the status bar long enough for you to click it to cancel printing. | |
11 | 如果使用屏幕阅读器,可能需要选中“图标选项”列表中的“小图标”以及“文字选项”列表中的“无文字标签”,使显示Web内容的屏幕空间最大。 | If you are using a screen reader, you might want to select Small Icons in the Icon Options list, and No text labels in the Text Options list to maximize the amount of screen space available for Web content. | |
12 | 如果要发布自己的应用程序,建议将图标文件与 Microsoft Access 应用程序放在同一个文件夹中。 | If you′ll be distributing your application, it′s recommended that the icon file reside in the same folder as your Microsoft Access application. | |
13 | 如果已经下载了包含在 .zip 文件中的字体,则可以双击该字体图标,然后按照屏幕上的说明来进行解压缩。 | If you have downloaded a font that is saved in .zip format, you can ″unzip″ it by double-clicking the icon for the font and following the instructions on the screen. | |
14 | 如果在 Microsoft Access 的以前版本中打开应用程序,图标将显示在该应用程序的标题栏中,而不是显示在应用程序的窗体和报表的标题栏中。 | If you open your application in a previous version of Microsoft Access, the icon will appear in the title bar of the application, but not in the title bar of the application′s form and reports. | |
15 | 如果在快捷菜单上选择了“默认样式”选项,然后将命令复制或移动到工具栏,则该命令将显示为工具栏上的图标。 | If you select the Default Style option on the shortcut menu and then copy or move the command to a toolbar, the command is displayed as an icon on the toolbar. | |
16 | 如果在快捷菜单上选择了“默认样式”选项,再将命令复制或移动到工具栏,则该命令将显示为工具栏上的图标。 | If you select the Default Style option on the shortcut menu and then copy or move the command to a toolbar, the command is displayed as an icon on the toolbar. | |
17 | 若要更改 Windows 的虚拟内存设置,在 Windows“控制面板”中,双击“系统”图标,单击“性能”选项卡,单击“虚拟内存”,单击“用户自己指定虚拟内存设置”。 | To change Windows virtual memory parameters, in Windows Control Panel, double-click the System icon , click the Performance tab, click Virtual Memory, and then click Let Me Specify My Own Virtual Memory Settings. | |
18 | 若要在窗体或报表的标题栏中显示图标,请选择“用作窗体和报表的图标”复选框。 | To also display the icon in the title bar of your forms and reports, select the Use as Form and Report Icon check box. | |
19 | 若要在应用程序的标题栏显示自定义图标,请输入 .ico 或 .bmp 文件的名称,这些文件中包含要用在“应用程序图标”框中的图标。 | To display a custom icon in the title bar of your application, enter the name of the .ico or .bmp file that contains the icon you′d like to use in the Application Icon box. | |
20 | 使用此命令在主窗口的底部排列用于最小化窗口的图标 | Use this command to arrange the icon for minimize window at the bottom of the main window | |
21 | 双击 Windows 任务栏的 MSSQLServer 图标。 | Double-click the MSSQLServer icon in the icon tray of your windows task bar. | |
22 | 双击任务栏状态区域中的“打印机”图标。 | Double-click the Printer icon in the status area of the taskbar. | |
23 | 双击任务栏状态区域中的“打印机”图标。 | Double-click the Printer icon on the status area of the task bar. | |
24 | 缩放工具;在编辑器的底部有一个放大镜图标,让你随时调解文本的尺寸。 | Zoom tool: There is a magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the editor that lets you instantly adjust the size of your text. | |
25 | 他对体育的执着精神与顽强的竞争意识使他的对手胆战心惊,但是他和蔼可亲,这使他成为美国,乃至世界人们的偶像。 | His athleticism and fierce competitiveness frightened his opponents, but his graciousness made him an American and international icon . | |
26 | 图像(图标):在电脑显示器上,代替一个物体划功能的细小图形。 | Icon : A small pictorial representation of an object or function in a computer display. | |
27 | 拖动此图符以创建到此窗口的一个链 | Drag this icon to create a link to this window | |
28 | 为了利用"灵活更新"功能,必须先启用"首选项"->"高级"屏面中的Java、JavaScript,然后单击本页中的插入部件图符。 | To take advantage of SmartUpdate, you must enable Java, JavaScript in the Advanced panel of the Preferences, then click the plug-in icon on the page. | |
29 | 为应用程序自定义图标 | Display a custom icon for an application | |
30 | 我们假定你已安装了Eudora,启动Eudora时需单南击程序管理器上的图标,图标像一个信封。 | We assume here that you have already set up Eudora, for start Eudora by clicking her Program Manager icon , which looks like an envelope. |