1 | "才女"择偶难恐怕不是今天开始的,题诗求对以招婿的故事也不是纯粹的文学虚构 | It’s not at all a newly-started thing for gifted young girls to choose their own ideal spouses. It by no means a pure literary fiction for gifted girls | |
2 | “金园”房产,地处浦东保税区,环境得天独厚,是投资的理想选择。 | The "Golden Park" real estate is located in the Pudong bonded area (Duty-free Zone)and enjoys exceptional advantages in its surroundings. It is an ideal investment. | |
3 | “这是爱侣们共度好时光的理想场所,”郊区一家影院的总经理哈米德-沙哈说,他还补充道,事实证明这样的“角落”很受大学生欢迎。 | "This is the ideal place for couples to spend time together," said Hameed Shaikh, general manager of a suburban cinema, adding the "corners" were proving popular with college students | |
4 | 把理想变为现实 | Translate an ideal into reality | |
5 | 柏拉图哲学柏拉图的哲学,尤指宣称理念形式是绝对的和永恒的实在,而世界中实在的现象却是不完美的和暂时的反映 | The philosophy of Plato,especially insofar as it asserts ideal forms as an absolute and eternal reality of which the phenomena of the world are an imperfect and transitory reflection. | |
6 | 本保税区愿为您提供理想的投资条件,来此投资定会令您宏图大展。 | If you choose to invest here, our bonded area (duty-free zone)will furnish you with ideal investment conditions and assure you of the achievement of your ambitions. | |
7 | 本度假村是过往旅客吃、住、买、娱乐的理想场所。 | Our holiday centre is an ideal place for travellers’ accommodation, shopping and recreation. | |
8 | 本礼品公司集节日佳晶之大全,任君挑选。 | Our gifts company has various ideal gifts for all festive occasions, and please take your choice. | |
9 | 超验主义一种文学和哲学运动,与拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生和玛格丽特·富勒有关,宣称存在一种理想的精神实体,超越于经验和科学之处,通过直觉得以把握 | A literary and philosophical movement,associated with Ralph Waldo Emerson and Margaret Fuller,asserting the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the empirical and scientific and is knowable through intuition. | |
10 | 炽热加上适度的节制,激情加上正确性,这必定就是最理想的 | The union of . . . fervor with measure, passion with correctness, this surely is the ideal | |
11 | 炽热加上适度的节制,激情加上正确性,这必定就是最理想的(威廉·詹姆斯) | The union of.fervor with measure,passion with correctness,this surely is the ideal (William James) | |
12 | 冲绳的海水不仅是欣赏鱼的窗口,而且可以享受所有水下体验。 | More than just a window on fishOkinawa ’s waters are ideal for enjoying the entire underwater experience | |
13 | 此次选美比赛的创始人弗朗茨·赛拉米说:“从古希腊的米洛的维纳斯到20世纪60年代的玛丽莲·梦露,每个时代都有理想中的完美形象,并且每个时代都产生了理想美女的化身。 | "Every age has its ideal of beauty, and every age produces its visual incarnation of that ideal from the Venus de Milo in ancient Greece to Marilyn Monroe in the 1960s," Franz Cerami, the creator of the competition, said | |
14 | 第三个是打算培养出这样一种镇静以致使我能以谦逊来对待成功,不以朋友的爱戴而骄傲(威廉·奥斯勒)。 | And the third [ personal ideal ] has been to cultivate such a measure of equanimity as would enable me to bear success with humility,the affection of my friends without pride(William Osler. | |
15 | 对今生实现的美好生活的强调使无神论者强烈反对那些假借某种无法实现的来世理想来压抑人性欲望的道德规范。 | The stress upon a good life that must be consummated in this world has made atheists vigorous opponents of moral codes which seek to repress human impulses in the name of some unrealizable other-worldly ideal | |
16 | 肝病系病毒感染,目前采用的保肝疗法普遍不理想,而昂贵的干扰素大多数患者难以承受。 | Liver diseases result from virus infection, and liver protection treatments currently adopted are generally not ideal , while the expensive interferon is difficult to bear for the majority of sufferers | |
17 | 固然,那种强烈的梦想,对人的身心自有它的用处,并且通过那条险阻的道路,我们可以达到理想中的至善境界。 | Certainly, these powerful reveries have their moral utility, and by these arduous paths one approaches to ideal perfection | |
18 | 关于节点分析法中理想电压源的附注同样可以应用到回路分析法中出现理想电流源的情况。 | The same remarks for the ideal voltage source in nodal analysis apply to ideal current sources in loop analysis | |
19 | 过假日的理想场所 | An ideal place for a holiday | |
20 | 华清池水温为摄氏43度,水质清醇,含有硫磺等多种矿物元素,最宜沐浴。 | The water here is clear and uncontaminated. At a constant 430C, it contains various kinds of mineral salts and sulphates and is ideal for bathing in | |
21 | 兼备数学家和诗人的气质,热烈而有限度,热情而有节制,这的确是最理想的(威廉·詹姆斯)。 | The union of the mathematician with the poet,fervor with measure,passion with correctness,this surely is the ideal (William James. | |
22 | 交换代数中最核心的概念就是素理想。 | The central notion in commutative algebra is that of a prime ideal | |
23 | 节日送礼之佳品 | Ideal gift for all festive occasions | |
24 | 她父母的婚姻之爱是她理想的爱情境界。她希望有一天会跟一个如意郎君过同样甜蜜的日子,用不着经历震荡或磨擦。 | The conjugal affection of her father and mother constituted her ideal of love-affinity, and she looked forward some day to emerging, without shock or friction, into that same quiet sweetness of existence with a loved one | |
25 | 她却继续毫不放松地寻找称心的仆人,甚至在贝茜使她痛苦地醒悟过来后,还是这样,一直到她死去。 | She carried on an unrelenting search for the ideal servant to the end of her days,even after she had been sadly disillusioned by Bessie. | |
26 | 尽管她一直在指责人性的变化无常,她却继续毫不放松地寻找称心的仆人,一直到她死去。 | While she always decried the fickleness of human nature,she carried on an unrelenting search for the ideal servant to the end of her days. | |
27 | 居家出行理想用品 | It is ideal for daily use at home or while traveling. | |
28 | 开调方法:八个月以上婴儿理想的辅助食品。 | Mixing Directions: An ideal supplement for babies8 months and over. | |
29 | 康熙皇帝喜爱钓鱼,瀛台是他理想的垂钓之处。 | Emperor Kangxi being an enthusiastic angler, Ying’Tai was an ideal fishing spot for him | |
30 | 空想的方案提出不切实际的理想的方案的 | Proposing impracticably ideal schemes. |