1 | 如果我们不领导和平事业,那么和平将无人来领导;如果我们不引导我们的孩子们真心地热爱知识、发挥个性,他们的天分将得不到发挥,理想将难以实现。 | If our country does not lead the cause of freedom, it will not be led. If we do not turn the hearts of children toward knowledge and character, we will lose their gifts and undermine their idealism . | |
2 | 事实上,无论哪个国家,都有唯心主义,都有形而上学,都有毒草。 | As a matter of fact, idealism , metaphysics and poisonous weeds are found in every country | |
3 | 他的理想主义被那个评论所伤害。 | His idealism was injured by the remark. | |
4 | 他们的政治主张是理想主义和自我利益的奇特混合。 | Their politics were a strange brew of idealism and self-interest. | |
5 | 唯识、禅思与意境说的产生和发展 | Idealism , meditation Thoughts and Artistic Ambit’s Coming into Being and Development | |
6 | 唯心论和唯物论是对立的。 | idealism is opposite to / from materialism | |
7 | 唯心论和唯物论是对立的。 | Idealism is opposite to materialism. | |
8 | 唯心主义的毒害. | the poison of idealism | |
9 | 我们公开承认唯物主义和唯心主义、辩证法和形而上学、香花和毒草的斗争。 | We openly recognize the struggle between materialism and idealism , between dialectics and metaphysics, and between fragrant flowers and poisonous weeds | |
10 | 我们是反对历史唯心论的历史唯物论者。 | We are historical materialists, opposed to historical idealism | |
11 | 我们是一个自傲的理想国家,但是谁也不应把理想和软弱混为一谈。 | We are a proud idealistic nation, but let no one confuse our idealism with Weakness | |
12 | 我们要把唯心论切实地反一下,准备搞三个五年计划。 | We must carry out an effective campaign against idealism and we intend to devote a period of three five-year plans to the struggle | |
13 | 我妻子正在写一篇关于主观唯心主义的文章。 | My wife is writing a paper about subjective idealism . | |
14 | 我要求新一代的美国青年作出贡献--按照你们的理想主义行动起来,帮助困难的儿童,同患难者休戚与共,把我们四分五裂的社会重新连接起来。 | I challenge a new generation of young Americans to a season of service-to act on your idealism by helping troubled children, keeping company with those in need, reconnecting our torn communities | |
15 | 无论黑格尔的唯心论或者恩格思的唯物论都强调了一个共同点. | Whether it is Hegel’s idealism or Engels’ materialism, they all converge at a common point. | |
16 | 喜剧视野下的理想主义奇观―堂吉诃德的精神和形象分析 | The Spectacle of Idealism in the View of Comedy-The Analysis on the Spirit and Image of Don Quixote | |
17 | 现代思想有摆脱唯心主义的倾向. | Modern thought is trend ing away from idealism . | |
18 | 一副狂热的理想主义的口吻 | A strain of zealous idealism . | |
19 | 一种类似于唯名论和观念说,现在称为有穷论和直觉主义。 | One, akin to nominalism and idealism , finds its expression today in finitism and intuitionism | |
20 | 意识形态也是一样,要用唯物论代替唯心论,用无神论代替有神论。 | The same applies to ideology, idealism will be replaced by materialism and theism by atheism | |
21 | 与“母性与革命性”相伴生-试析山东现代文学史上女性形象塑造的意识特点 | To Live Together with "The Mothernism and the Evolutionism"-On the Idealism Characters of Female Figures Creation in the Modern Literature History of Shandong | |
22 | 在当代政治生活中,理想主义根本行不通. | Idealism has no place in modern politics. | |
23 | 在社会学法学的某些观点中也已经能够看出某些法律理想主义的因素。 | Certain elements of legal idealism can be noticed already in some versions of sociological jurisprudence | |
24 | 在哲学里边,唯物主义和唯心主义是对立统一,这两个东西是相互斗争的。 | In philosophy, materialism and idealism form a unity of opposites and struggle with each other | |
25 | 在这部小说里,他描述了一个出身于新英格兰世家的男子如何由于为安全问题担忧而背弃了他的理想主义。 | In the novel, he told the story of a man from a distinguished New England family who betrayed his idealism through fear of insecurity. | |
26 | 在这个年代,我们的梦想、浪漫、理想主义是否还在呢?真诚的情感在文学、电影、音乐中都已经所剩无几。 | Do our dreams, romantic thoughts and idealism still exist in this era when very few sincere emotions are left in literature, movies and music? | |
27 | 这些文字记录反映出一种相当成熟的理想主义,这是中国古代音乐的主要遗产。 | These writings reveal an immensely sophisticated idealism that is the principal musical legacy of ancient China. | |
28 | 中国图书馆社会理想的历史演进及现实困境 | The Evolution History of Chinese Library’s Society Idealism and Its Realistic Difficult Position | |
29 | ||1:不论是那些积极参与还是被迫卷入二战的人,马克斯·哈斯丁都会搜集他们留下的文字资料,这是他的技巧。||2:他的二战见证者包括决策造成几百万人死亡的人、执行其命令的普通士兵和默默承受苦难的平民,范围极广。||3:犬儒主义与理想主义、苦难与愉快、勇气与恐惧、残暴不仁与多愁善感,以上种种都能在他们留下的文字里读到。||4:从滇缅公路到北极行动、库尔斯克的杀戮战场再到伦敦的闪电战,现在世人已听到了他们的心声。||5:马克斯?哈斯丁将这些浩如烟海的资料整理成了一部叙事体历史,几乎囊括二战时期地球上发生过战事的每一个角落,实在令人惊叹。 | ||1:Mr Hastings’s technique is to mine the written record of those who took part both actively and passively.||2:His witnesses range from the men whose decisions sent millions to their deaths to the ordinary soldiers who carried out their orders and the civilian victims who found themselves on the receiving end.||3:Cynicism and idealism , suffering and euphoria, courage and terror, brutalisation and sentimentality—all find expression through their own testimony.||4:From the Burma Road to the Arctic convoys, the killing fields of Kursk and the London Blitz, their voices are heard.||5:Mr Hastings’s achievement in organising this unwieldy mass of material into a narrative that sweeps confidently over every contested corner of the globe is impressive. | |
30 | ||1:读后如今可能觉得罗特布拉特的理想简单幼稚,对于一个有九个核电站,还有一个蠢蠢欲动,马上要建的世界,聊聊完全的核裁军简直是一场空谈。||2:然而,20世纪50年代也对核武器的悲观情绪进行了过度渲染,事实证明:核武器扩散速度比在人们担心的原子能初期放慢了许多,核物质储备也自冷战高潮以来减少。||3:对罗特布拉特而言,背上理想主义的罪名也不是个坏事。||4:他喜欢引用好友罗素的话说:“不要为自己持独特看法而感到害怕,因为我们现在所接受的常识都曾是独特看法。 | ||1:Readers may now find Rotblat’s idealism naive.||2:Talk of total nuclear disarmament seems idle in a world with nine nuclear powers and a simmering crisis over a possible tenth.||3:Yet the pessimism of the 1950s has proved overblown as well: nuclear weapons have proliferated much more slowly than many feared at the dawn of the atomic age, and stockpiles have dwindled since the height of the cold war.||4:For Rotblat, to be accused of idealism was no bad thing. |