属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-工会的力量 The power in the unio
1 | ||1:尽管没有《婚姻》那么精彩,但人们却可以从故事的字里行间中感受到作者写作时的热情。||2:故事的中心是一个性格复杂的人—托马斯·戴。||3:虽然继承了一大笔遗产,但他憎恶上流社会,拒绝任何奢侈享受,还把钱财施舍给了穷人。||4:他加入了利奇菲尔德一个叫“月球人”的组织。该组织支持政治改革、信仰人权。||5:作为一名早期废奴主义者,他在1773年和朋友约翰·比克内尔写了首诗,名为“即将消亡的黑人奴隶”,因此引发了一场反奴隶制的轰动。虽然在社交场合戴总是笨手笨脚、不懂礼数,头发也是乱蓬蓬的,但他却因刚正不阿、乐观理想受到众人的敬重。 | ||1: Though less ripping than “Wedlock”, this story is told with gusto. ||2: At its centre is Thomas Day, a complex man. ||3: Heir to a large fortune, he abhorred fashionable society, denied himself every luxury and gave to the poor. ||4: He belonged to a group in Lichfield known as the “Lunar Men”, who believed in political reform and the rights of man. ||5: An early abolitionist, in 1773 he wrote a poem with his friend John Bicknell called “The Dying Negro”, which caused an anti-slavery sensation. Day was socially inept and uncouth, his hair unkempt, but he was generally admired for his honesty and idealism . | |
2 | ||1:他的太多产难免会造成不平衡。||2:一些早期的作品将会维持在最佳。||3:它们是墨西哥丰富历史的完整写照,印度人和西班牙人之间世界观的根本矛盾,麦士蒂索人和这个国家在1910-17改革的一段尴尬融合。||4: “La Región Más Transparente”(译为“空气清新的地方”)是他首次野心勃勃在墨西哥城写的小说,反映了现代性对墨西哥身份提出的挑战。 ||5:1962年出版的“阿特米奥克鲁斯之死”记录了在从理想主义革命沦为制度革命党(PRI)长期统治的犬儒主义背景下,他从一位政客变为报业大亨贪污肥足的一生。 | ||1: So prolific was his output that it was inevitably uneven. ||2: Some of the early novels will last the best. ||3: They are panoramic, richly-textured reflections on Mexican history, its underlying contradictions of world view between Indian and Spaniard and their sometimes awkward melding in mestizaje and in the country’s revolution of 1910-17. ||4: “La Región Más Transparente” (translated as “Where the Air is Clear”), his ambitious debut novel set in Mexico City, reflects on the challenge to Mexican identity posed by modernity. ||5: “The Death of Artemio Cruz”, published in 1962, chronicles the descent from the idealism of revolution to the cynicism of the long rule of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) through the life of a politician and newspaper tycoon enriched by graft. | |
3 | ||1:意在赢得罢工农民支持的查韦斯的运动的理论以及他所忍受的绝食引起了公众的猜想。||2:其他劳工领袖惊讶地发现,他建立了一个古怪的,却集合了农民、宗教狂热分子、学生激进分子、政治家、艺术家和工会干部的强大联合。||3:他们齐心协力劝说上百万消费者抵制由拒绝真诚地与农会谈判的农业公司所生产的产品:葡萄、生菜及其它。||4:经他们完善的策略被评论家描述为“受迫害情结”。||5:比如,一幅饥饿的儿童画像下打出的标题是:你购买的每一颗葡萄都让这个孩子挨饿。 | ||1: The idealism of Chávez’s movement and the fasts he endured to win support for striking farmworkers caught the public imagination. ||2: Other labour leaders looked on aghast as he built an odd but strong coalition of farmworkers, religious enthusiasts, student radicals, politicians, artists and union officials. ||3: Working together they persuaded consumers in their millions to boycott the grapes, lettuces and other products of agribusinesses which refused to negotiate sincerely with the United Farm Workers (UFW). ||4: The tactic they perfected was described by critics as “victimhood”. ||5: A photograph of a starving urchin was, for instance, captioned: “Every grape you buy helps keep this child hungry”. | |
4 | “撕裂”:以个体生命感悟消解理想主义--池莉新写实主义小说创作及其意义 | Tear: The Understanding of Idealism From Individual Life--ChiLi’s "New Realism" | |
5 | 20世纪50年代,包括让·保罗·萨特在内的许多知识分子都死抱着苏联理想主义,哪怕是后来斯大林主义的罪恶开始显现也依然如此。 | In the 1950s many intellectuals, including Jean-Paul Sartre, clung to pro-Soviet idealism even after the evils of Stalinism emerged. | |
6 | 奥巴马总统的开罗演说,集中体现了理想与机巧的混合。 | President Obama’s Cairo speech characteristically blended idealism with cunning. | |
7 | 鲍比黑尔一边大笑,一边对这种理想主义想法摇头否认。 | Bob Hare laughed, shaking his head at the idealism of it all. | |
8 | 不过在这下面隐藏着他的热情和好战的完美主义。 | But beneath the surface lies passion and militant idealism . | |
9 | 不论在哪里可口可乐公司都在创造商机,不是出于理想主义,而是出于善良的美国人的正常思维。 | Not out of idealism , but out of good American common sense, Coca-Cola is in the business of creating business wherever it goes. | |
10 | 从现实主义到理想主义的转变并不能让所有人都心服。 | The conversions from realism to idealism are not wholly convincing. | |
11 | 大部分CND老兵认为他们的反战生活至少当做是浪漫的年轻的理想主义。 | Most CND veterans see their peacenik days, at worst, as romantic youthful idealism . | |
12 | 但就像麦克格瑞格的计划中经常体现的那样,在他的动机背后有一种根深蒂固的理想主义。 | But there is, as ever with MacGregor’s plans, a deep-rooted idealism behind his motives. | |
13 | 但是,现实主义、自由主义均无法解决两岸矛盾中最为根本的两岸集体认同的差异和对立。 | But both idealism and realism have neither solved the underlying differences and opposition of collective identification across the Strait. | |
14 | 但在对欧盟实用主义观点中夹杂的一丝纯真的理想主义,让意大利不能放开手脚。 | This utilitarian view of the EU is nevertheless tinged with a genuine idealism that inhibits Italy from playing rough. | |
15 | 的理想化一致,威尼斯商人在展现人类天性和人类冲突的时候迈出了一步。 | with the idealism of other plays , the Merchant of Venice takes a step forward in its realistic | |
16 | 东西方的所有宗教都属于唯心主义。 | All religions, oriental and occidental belong to idealism . | |
17 | 对西方理想主义政治观的理性思考 | Rational Thinking of Western Political Views of Idealism | |
18 | 而不是像西班牙同胞们的理想主义,很多人效仿意大利人到其他国家寻找机会。 | Rather than ape the idealism of their Spanish brethren, many are following the Italian example and seeking opportunities elsewhere. | |
19 | 国际关系理想主义的道德观及其困境 | The International Idealism Moral View and Its Predicament | |
20 | 黑格尔的观念论与费尔巴哈的唯物主义有一个共同点,那就是他们都抽象于真实情境之外。 | Hegel’s idealism and Feuerbach’s materialism had one thing in common and that was their abstraction from real concrete conditions. | |
21 | 黑格尔实践唯心主义产生的历史必然性 | The Historical Certain of Hegel Practical Idealism Producing | |
22 | 后来由于受佛教思想影响,其哲学主导思想转向了主观唯心主义。 | Later on, his main thought of philosophy changed into subjective idealism because of the influence from Buddhism. | |
23 | 建构主义的国家利益理论既有现实性,又带有一定的理想主义色彩。 | The national interests theory of constructivism have not only the existing reality, and also a certain the idealism color. | |
24 | 建议将后面合并在一起:但是他认为,在自由理想主义中融入根植于保守主义历史观的悲观主义是至关重要的。 | But he believed that it was vital to mix liberal idealism with a pessimism rooted in a conservative reading of history. | |
25 | 经过十年体力劳动,当董女士返回家乡时,这些理想主义念头已经褪去。 | Ten years of manual labor later, when Dong returned home, such idealism had faded. | |
26 | 据称这是一群“暴民”——社会主义者,或无政府主义者,或由无望的乌托邦理想主义驱使的左翼运动。 | It’s said to be a "mob" of socialists, or anarchists, or a leftwing movement driven by hopeless utopian idealism . | |
27 | 决定欧元未来的正是这种卑鄙的妥协态度,而不是高尚的理想主义。 | It is this spirit of grubby compromise, not lofty idealism , that will determine the future of the euro. | |
28 | 老布什天真的理想主义和单边主义激发了奥巴马的务实主义和多边主义。 | Bush’s naive idealism and unilateralism encouraged Obama’s realism and multilateralism. | |
29 | 理念与时代的相互创生--柏拉图与黑格尔理念论之比较 | The Interaction of Idea and the Time--comparison between the idealism of Plato and idealism of Hegel | |
30 | 理想国是理念的实现和理念世界在现实社会中最大限度的体现。 | The Republic is the realization of idealism and the fullest manifestation of idealism in the real world. |