属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-只为重建信心 For those who have l
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧洲的银行们 忧虑因素
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-The political waning of Ame
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新型晶体管 机械优势
1 | 试试看,看你是否能联系上一个邻近的计算机,最理想的是一台位于同一物理网络电缆上的计算机。 | See whether you can contact a nearby computer-ideally one on the same physical network cable. | |
2 | 数字方式能够理想地导致固态技术,特别是集成电路。因此,数字传输比模拟传输更受电信工程师的欢迎。 | The digital format leads itself ideally to solid state technology and in particular to integrated circuits. | |
3 | 他认为,既然没法达到一种理想中的完美社会,退而求其次的最好办法就是建立一套复杂而严格的 | He believed that, as the ideally perfect society was unattainable, the next best thing was to organize social relationships through a complex code that laid down strict rules of behaviour for each kind of person | |
4 | 为了节约开车的时问,最好是让工厂部分运行,全厂停车的话,事先最好得到管理层的允许,不过显然在紧急状态下不一定来得及。 | It may well be left partially running to save start up time. Ideally management permission should be sought’ before a total shutdown, but obviously there may not be time for this in an emergency. | |
5 | 乌托邦理想中完美的地方,尤指社会,政治和道德方面完美的 | An ideally perfect place,especially in its social,political,and moral aspects. | |
6 | 也许奖学金得主的遴选过程可以重新调整,以便更精确找到正确且符合理想的人选。 | True, the screening process may be readjusted so that only those ideally qualified are selected for scholarships. | |
7 | 影片将于10月1日全面上映,离11月2日的大选正好还有一个月时间。这部影片在这个时候上映正是适逢其时,刚好可以在竞选的最后一段日子里对大众产生一定的影响。 | With a general release date of Oct. 1, just a month before the Nov. 2 election, the film would seem to be ideally timed to have an impact on the final days of the campaign. | |
8 | 用一个不太确切的比喻,新加坡真正达到了过去许多中国人梦寐以求的“中学为体、西学为用”的理想境界。 | In a sense, many people in China look up to it as a materialisation of their dream of utopia guided ideally by traditional Chinese values aided with modern Western management and technology | |
9 | 在此背景下,现代化学工业创造利润是以尽可能把对环境造成的影响控制在可以接受的最小程度作为前提的。 | Against this background the modern chemical industry ideally tries to make a profit whilst making the minimum environmental impact within reason. | |
10 | 在理想的情况下,抽样方案应这样选择,保证有高的概率接受缺陷比例小于或等于AQL值的检验批,并且有高的概率拒收所有其他检验批。 | Ideally , a sampling plan should be selected that has a high probability of accepting a lot whose fraction of defectives is less than or equal to the AQL, as well as a high probability of rejecting all other lots. | |
11 | 在理想状态下,预算是由组织内各级管理者共同参与制定的,并且非常具体和富有操作性。 | Ideally , the budget should be prepared by all managers, at all levels, and be sufficiently comprehensive to be an operational working plan. | |
12 | 最理想的情况是,当地社区参与到基础设施的建设中来。比如,工作计划的食品在建设基础设施的同时提供了社会安全网络。 | Ideally , the infrastructure would be built in a manner that engages the local community. For example, food for work schemes provides a social safety net whilst simultaneously providing infrastructure. | |
13 | 最理想的是,人人都能有平等的机会. | Ideally , everyone would be given equal opportunities. | |
14 | 最理想的是它能在溶剂里溶解成为绝缘漆,但又能像橡胶那样具有可塑性。 | Ideally it would be something that would dissolve in solvents to make insulating varnishes and yet be as moldable as rubber | |
15 | ||1:更广泛地说,Zingales期盼的是拉近并明确资本主义和道德之间的关系。||2:他想要扩大舆论压力,要大家不仅耻于骗子企业,还要耻于行为合法但却危害社会的人,比如一些借款人,仅因为自身价值超越了作为基础产业的房地产的价值而逃避按揭付款。||3:Zingales还指出,当个人以社会为代价获得利益时,商学院理念上要指出这样的行径,但在现实中,它们却对此不闻不问。||4:Zingales相信,这和政治上对资本主义的争论都是一种病态,资本主义已不再是争论热点,取而代之的是对特别利益团体和那些根本就不相信真正市场导向体制的人的热议。||5:尽管美国是成功的,但Zingales警告到,华盛顿正在重蹈罗马的覆辙。 | ||1:More broadly, Mr Zingales wants a closer, explicit, tie between capitalism and morality.||2:He wants to extend the public shaming of corporate crooks to people who take actions that are legal, but damaging to society, such as borrowers who walk away from mortgages merely because their value exceeds the value of the underlying property.||3:Business schools, Mr Zingales says, are ideally positioned to point out when an action that provides a benefit for an individual comes at a cost to society, but in reality they rarely bother.||4:This, he believes, is part of the same malaise that has befallen the political debate on capitalism, which has been taken over by special interests and people who have no faith in a real market-based system.||5:For all America’s success, he warns, Washington is on a trajectory that leads to Rome. | |
16 | ||1:即便没有审查制度,斯大林的统治之下,艺术也会走向超现实主义。||2:不然还有什么方式,可以表达其统治的反复无常,以及其人不可理解的残酷程度和日益增强的偏执呢?伦敦最近的两部新剧,恰好以超现实的幻想曲,让斯大林和小说家米哈?布尔加科夫走到了一起。||3:两者中任一方面都值得玩味,如果你能,也可以兼顾双方。 | ||1:Even without the constraints of censorship, Stalin’s reign lends itself to surrealism.||2:How else to convey its mad caprices, the incomprehensible scale of his cruelty and the spiralling paranoia? Two new London productions that, coincidentally, involve Stalin and the novelist Mikhail Bulgakov, make apt use of surreal fantasia.||3:Catch either, or ideally both, if you can. | |
17 | ||1:实际上, 募集资金是西班牙, 意大利等国家面临的下一个大问题, 他们已经在费尽心思希望说服市场相信其国债的可持续性。||2: 理想的办法是, 他们所需资金能由欧洲稳定机制(ESM)提供, 作为欧洲新的紧急财政援助基金给银行直接注资而非贷款给政府部门, 然后再利用这些资金对其陷入困境的银行进行资本结构调整。 | ||1:Actually raising the capital is the next big problem for countries such as Spain or Italy, which are already struggling to convince markets that their public debt is sustainable.||2:Ideally it should come from the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), Europe’s new bail-out fund, as a direct capital injection into banks rather than as loans to governments, which then use the money to recapitalise their ailing lenders. | |
18 | ||1:这就是伊恩·布雷默在他新著《各自为战》中所预言的世界。||2:像巴西和土耳其这样的国家想要在全球政治中扮演更重要的角色。||3:但是“他们想要避免领导全球所必须承担的风险和负担”。||4:理想主义的观念认为,一个多元化的组织网络和法律可以带来秩序,让那些不驯服的国家服从。||5:但是随着美国没有能力或者不愿意承担全球领导的角色,而中国目前还没有做好准备承担责任,没有一个国家可以来强制执行这些规则。 | ||1: This is an example of what is in store for the world, predicts Ian Bremmer in “Every Nation For Itself”. ||2: Countries like Brazil and Turkey want the status of a bigger global role. ||3: But they “balk at assuming the risks and burdens” that global leadership entails. ||4: Ideally a web of multilateral institutions and laws would impose order and hold wayward countries in line. ||5: But with America unable to afford, or unwilling to exercise, global leadership, and China still not ready to assume its responsibilities, there is no one to enforce these rules. | |
19 | 理想的这种芯片将只有一种晶体管类型,因为这意味着它将会更加容易制造。 | Ideally , such a chip would have only one sort of transistor, since that would mean it was much easier to manufacture. | |
20 | “按照设想,在我们讨论具体技术问题之前,先得商定良好的两性关系模式作为开展性教育的基础,”米勒说。 | "Ideally , we’d discuss healthy relationships as a foundation for sex ed before we discuss mechanics, " Miller says. | |
21 | “理想的情况下,三十出头、甚至偶尔年纪更小的年轻人,我们者乐意聘用。”Pelham这样说。 | "Ideally , we’d like to hire people in their early 30s or occasionally even younger, " Pelham says. | |
22 | “下个季度也许又会出现负增长。理想的状况是GDP每年增长约2.5%。” | "The quarter after that may be negative again. Ideally we need GDP to be growing at around 2. 5% annually. " | |
23 | 1940年有两名海员遭遇沉船后,在海上漂流了70天到达一个岛屿,我们最理想的是在那个地方登陆。 | Ideally , we will land at the very place where two starving seamen arrived in 1940, having been adrift for 70 days since their ship was sunk. | |
24 | Davidson说,氯气在压舱水的水流中发生化学反应,“理论上将迅速氧化或杀死任何活着的生物。” | Davidson says the chlorine is fed back into the ballast stream and "that will ideally oxidize or kill any live organisms. " | |
25 | Nixon博士说,理想的情况是,药物能够在毒性蛋白对大脑产生损伤之前修复这种能够清除废物蛋白的机能。 | Ideally , Dr. Nixon says, drugs would repair the defective mechanism intended to eliminate toxic proteins before damage is done to the brain. | |
26 | Srivastava说,研究者希望能够找到更好的办法,即寻找小分子来替代“三基因鸡尾酒组合”。 | Ideally , Srivastava says, researchers will find small molecules that can replace the three-gene cocktail. | |
27 | 比如,一个老师会一直跟随一个班级,从一年级直到六年级。 | For instance, one teacher ideally stays with a class from first grade through sixth grade. | |
28 | 不断重复整个场景,直到你可以在两秒之内把它从头到尾想完,1秒之内就更好了。 | Replay the whole scene over and over until you can imagine it from beginning to end in under 2 seconds, ideally in under 1 second. | |
29 | 城市的大变革引发了对金融交易场所的新需求,码头区成为构建伦敦水上华尔街的最佳场所。 | As the City’s Big Bang led to a new demand for trading floors, Docklands was ideally suited to become London’s Wall Street on water. | |
30 | 但是杨爱伦补充说:“就智能能源和可再生能源而言,中国拥有成为世界超级大国的绝佳条件。” | But Yang added: "China is ideally placed to. . . [become] the world’s superpower in terms of smart energy and renewable energy. " |