属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧元危机——计划无力 前景渺茫
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 The end of the Sovie
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 行尸走肉
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-卷烟工业 强弩之末
1 | 与此同时,弗洛伊德继续颂扬这种药物的好处,写有关该药的评论文章,除自己服用外还把它当作灵丹妙药推荐给他的未婚妻、朋友们、同事们和病人们。 | Meanwhile Freud continued to extol the virtues of the drug, writing a review essay on the subject, taking it himself and pressing it upon his fiancee, friends as a panacea for all ills | |
2 | 早晨没吃东西,吐的只是酸水,手帕吸不尽,手指缝里汪出来,淋在衣服上,亏得自己抑 | As he had not had any breakfast that morning, what came up was acid, which Ills handkerchief could not absorb, and it seeped through his fingers, dampening his clothes.Luckily he had not vomited very much | |
3 | ||1: 领导人们在法兰克福和布鲁塞尔的聚会并没有达成一项“综合性的”方案来解决议案中陈述的欧元面临的弊病, 但是, 仍有乐观者认为会议还是举得了一定的进展.。 ||2: 欧央行(ECB)已经将其基准利率从1.25%降低到1%以缓和即将到来的经济衰退, 这是欧央行在进几个月内第二次下调基准利率1/4百分点。 ||3: 欧央行已经同意在其主利率水平上为商业银行提供期限可达3年的无限量的现金供应, 以帮助银行替换掉那些私人投资者不愿意再延期的中期借款。 ||4: 同时, 欧央行现在已经开始接受高风险的资产抵押债券和为现金作抵押的贷款, 并且调低了存款准备金率以帮助银行缓解融资压力。 | ||1: The gatherings in Frankfurt and Brussels did not deliver the “comprehensive” solution to the euro’s ills that was billed, but optimists point to some modest progress. ||2: The ECB lowered its benchmark interest rate from 1.25% to 1%, the second quarter-point cut in as many months, to try to mitigate the coming recession. ||3: It agreed to provide unlimited cash to commercial banks for up to three years, at its main interest rate, to replace the medium-term funding that private investors are unwilling to extend. ||4: The central bank will now accept higher-risk asset-backed bonds as well as loans as security for cash, and it has lowered its reserve requirements for banks to ease their funding pressures. | |
4 | ||1:德米特里·杜德科神父开始认识到前苏联大的系统正是国家症结所在。||2:1977年,他向“纽约时报”讲道,说“罪恶的风暴”搅得这个国家天翻地覆。||3:“我们的国家腐败透顶,家庭支离破碎,我们的国家此时就像一个醉汉,卖国贼之间互相叛变。”他没说错。||4:不过,70年代后期国际紧张关系不再处在缓和状态,西方国家不再顾及名声。||5:在脆弱不堪的前苏联领导层面看来,甚至一个单独具有独立思想的神父也成了实实在在并且不能再坐视不管的威胁。||6:异见运动还没孵化就遭到有计划的打击——监禁、流放、强加精神病罪名亦或异见者家人承受着不堪重负的压力。 | ||1: He began to see the Soviet system as the source of his country’s ills . ||2: In 1977 he told the New York Times of the “diabolic storm” that had broken on his country. ||3: “Our nation has become corrupted, the family has fallen apart, the nation has got drunk, traitors have betrayed each other.” That was true. ||4: But by the late 1970s detente was ending. Fame in the West was no protection. ||5: Even a lone independent-minded priest was an existential—and intolerable—threat for the brittle Soviet leadership. ||6: The fledgling dissident movement was systematically crushed—by imprisonment, exile, coercive psychiatry or ferocious pressure on family members. | |
5 | ||1:德米特里杜德科神父开始认识到前苏联大的系统正是国家症结所在。||2:1977年,他向“纽约时报”讲道,说“罪恶的风暴”搅得这个国家天翻地覆。||3:“我们的国家腐败透顶,家庭支离破碎,我们的国家此时就像一个醉汉,卖国贼之间互相叛变。”他没说错。||4:不过,70年代后期国际紧张关系不再处在缓和状态,西方国家不再顾及名声。||5:在脆弱不堪的前苏联领导层面看来,甚至一个单独具有独立思想的神父也成了实实在在并且不能再坐视不管的威胁。||6:异见运动还没孵化就遭到有计划的打击——监禁、流放、强加精神病罪名亦或异见者家人承受着不堪重负的压力。 | ||1: He began to see the Soviet system as the source of his country’s ills . ||2: In 1977 he told the New York Times of the “diabolic storm” that had broken on his country. ||3: “Our nation has become corrupted, the family has fallen apart, the nation has got drunk, traitors have betrayed each other.” That was true. ||4: But by the late 1970s detente was ending. Fame in the West was no protection. ||5: Even a lone independent-minded priest was an existential—and intolerable—threat for the brittle Soviet leadership. ||6: The fledgling dissident movement was systematically crushed—by imprisonment, exile, coercive psychiatry or ferocious pressure on family members. | |
6 | ||1:拉克尔先生提出了许多生动的观点。||2:欧洲危机(就像大多数观察家一样,他也没有预见到)深刻揭示出欧洲大陆的许多经济症结。||3:特别的是,它证实了地中海国家对于提升它们国家的竞争力的紧迫需要的满不在乎。||4:欧洲的人口年龄分布状况令人担忧,老龄化情况严重,而老年人赖以抚养的年轻劳动力数量萎缩,这一情况越往欧洲东部方向,就越为严重。||5:并且,没有一个欧洲国家在融合移民方面具有显著的成功,特别是(但不仅仅是)吸纳那些来自穆斯林国家的移民方面。 | ||1:Mr Laqueur makes many telling points.||2:The euro crisis (which, like most observers, he did not foresee) has laid bare many of the continent’s economic ills .||3:It has confirmed the insouciance of Mediterranean countries, in particular, over the urgent need to improve their competitiveness.||4:Europe’s demographic outlook is worrying, with an ageing population dependent on a shrinking workforce—a picture that gets worse as one moves eastward.||5:And no European country has been a shining success at assimilating immigrants, especially (but not only) from Muslim countries. | |
7 | 在吸烟导致的疾病里,他加入了糖尿病,直肠癌和其它病症,并且提出了终结策略来完全杜绝香烟。 | He added diabetes, colorectal cancer and other ailments to the list of ills it causes, and promised end-game strategies to stamp out cigarettes altogether. | |
8 | “他们总是与社会的祸害相连”,他说“也就并不奇怪他们会在这么紧张的时刻归来。” | "They’ve always been used to skewer the ills of society, " he says. "It’s not surprising they’re making a comeback in these intense times. " | |
9 | Driehaus先生认为美国经济问题一定程度上是由于布什政府做的不好。 | Mr Driehaus’s suggestion that some of the blame for America’s economic ills lies with the Bush administration does not go down well, either. | |
10 | 阿奇比针对尼日利亚的弊端提出了切合实际的解决方案。 | Achebe’s proposed solutions to Nigeria’s ills are straightforward and practical. | |
11 | 爱尔兰人暂时明白了他们得下些猛药才能医治好经济弊病。 | The Irish have known for a while that they would need to take some tough medicine to try to cure their economic ills . | |
12 | 并不是身体不适就一定要被隔离,而对于金融疾病来说,隔离几乎是不可能的事。 | Isolation is not always possible with physical ailments; with financial ills , it almost never is. | |
13 | 不过政府对这些由政府干预引起的病症开出的处方却总是更多的政府干预。 | But the government’s prescription for the ills caused by intervention is always more intervention. | |
14 | 不仅如此,他仍然持有奥秘主义乃是现代性病症的罪魁祸首的基本理论。 | Furthermore, he still held to his basic thesis that esotericism was to blame for the ills of modernity. | |
15 | 参与体育运动几乎被人们描绘成一剂整治社会弊病的灵丹妙药,它可以阻止犯罪、酗酒和吸毒。 | Sports participation is kind of almost rhetorically positioned as a panacea for social ills ; it will stop crime and alcohol and drug use. | |
16 | 除了伊斯兰激进主义,这个位于中东的王国在很大程度上摆脱了这一地区的惯疾。 | The kingdom in the middle has largely avoided regional ills , bar Islamist radicalism. | |
17 | 但对于美国经济的顽疾,人民币的升值并不是一剂包治百病的万能药。 | Nevertheless, a stronger yuan is no cure-all for America’s economic ills . | |
18 | 但该协会认为,其成员大多是社区银行,而这些银行不应为华尔街的弊病背负责任。 | But it argues that the majority of its members are community banks which should not be blamed for the ills of Wall Street. | |
19 | 但是民主也无法治愈巴基斯坦当前所有的顽疾:80年代后期开始的十年民主时期是伤痕累累的。 | Democracy will not cure all Pakistan’s ills : the democratic decade from the late 1980s was ruinous. | |
20 | 但是整理行囊离开伊拉克和阿富汗无法解决我们的问题。 | But packing up and leaving Iraq and Afghanistan will not resolve our ills . | |
21 | 但它同样有助于缓解古巴普通民众的困境,也让古巴政府失去一个用来为其种种顽疾开脱的替罪羊。 | But it would also help ease ordinary Cubans’ plight and remove a scapegoat Havana has used to excuse its many ills . | |
22 | 当前日本种种恶习,从街头犯罪到嗑药成瘾,都归罪于外来人口。 | Foreigners are blamed for many of modern Japan’s ills , from street crime to drugs. | |
23 | 对南方的人来说,那些在公共部门工作者感觉更象受害者,因为他们微薄的报酬仅是对过去所受伤害的补偿。 | From the south, those public-sector workers feel more like victims, whose low-paid jobs are just compensation for past ills . | |
24 | 多彩的食物能帮助你获取均衡的饮食,让你远离众多疾病。 | Colorful foods can help you eat a balanced diet and protect you from a multitude of ills | |
25 | 而,民主党人士谴责全球化和自由贸易的弊端,并强烈要求采取更强硬的措施限制中国发展。 | The Democrats deplore the ills of globalization and free trade, and urge tougher measures against China. | |
26 | 而且新工党也准备处理中产阶层对犯罪和其他社会不良现象的担心。 | But New Labour was also about addressing middle-class worries concerning crime and other social ills . | |
27 | 腐败、滥用职权等种种一党执政的弊端,如今在网络上每天都能看到。 | Corruption, abuse of power and the other ills of one-party rule are now being revealed online every day. | |
28 | 各国央行是世界金融体系的“医生”,拥有针对各种经济病症的强效解药。 | Central banks are the doctors of the world financial system, armed with potent antidotes to economic ills . | |
29 | 黑色幽默家们常常诟病他们在生活中所看到的生活的荒谬,以及社会的弊病。 | Black humorists often attack the absurdity they see in life itself, as well as society’s ills . | |
30 | 很久以来它认为自己能够免受所有的低迷,并且对自己银行业弊病的危重程度醒悟得太晚了。 | For too long it thought it might skip the downturn altogether, and it was late to wake up to the extent of its banks’ ills . |