属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自闭症 为什么不是雨女
1 | 总统私下采取行动,给人这样一个虽诱人但却是虚幻的承诺:似乎总统可以避开冗长的辩论和公开表决这些繁复的民主成果,来达到外交政策的目的。(汤姆·威克) | Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy(Tom Wicker) | |
2 | ||1:巴特莱特先生对美国税制提出批评,认为它制造了一种政府影响力的假象,而且成本太高。||2:看上去美国税收收入与GDP之间的比率比欧洲国家要低。两者之间的区别是不真实的。||3:欧洲国家的保健支出在政府账上显示为增加,而美国健康保险的税收优惠却没有增加。||4:但美国和欧洲国家政府的介入一直是一致的。||5:2012年,雇主提供的保险成本扣除数为4340亿美元左右,约占GDP的3%。||6:巴特莱特先生表示,包括这些预算中“税收支出”在内,美国的状况看起来与欧洲任何国家一样庞大。||7:社会净支出增加到GDP的27.2%,超过了意大利和丹麦,也高于经合组织的平均水平。 | ||1: Mr Bartlett’s critique of America’s tax system is that it creates a deceptive picture of the influence of government, and is far too costly. ||2: On revenues as a share of GDP, America’s government looks small relative to its European peers. The difference is illusory . ||3: European health spending shows up on the government’s ledgers whereas America’s tax preferences for health insurance do not. ||4: But the government intervention is there all the same. ||5: In 2012 the deduction for employer-provided insurance cost some $434 billion, or roughly 3% of GDP. ||6: Include these “tax expenditures” in the budget, Mr Bartlett says, and America’s state looks as bloated as any in Europe. ||7: Net social spending rises to 27.2% of GDP—above the level in Italy and Denmark and higher than the OECD average. | |
3 | ||1:当然,他本可以拒绝相信眼前看到的一切。||2:很多人都认为他看到的其实是别的东西,如一段树干、一只巨大的鳗鱼、一只海豹、一只水獭、一只翻了的小船,或是风在水面上掀起的一道波浪。||3:而且这只生物是在傍晚时分出现的,这是一天当中容易引发错觉的时候。||4:并且莱恩斯已经预备自己会在湖上看到什么东西。||5:前一年,他半带着怀疑参加了一项科学实验,用水中麦克风收集水下深处“鸟叫似的啾啾声”,他甚至合成了一种香水来吸引害羞的“小尼斯”来到他的船边。||6:他那时最喜欢读的书是康斯坦斯·怀特的《不只是传说》,该书用她从目击者那里得来的证词来肯定水怪的存在。||7: 莱恩斯同意她的讲法——这是“一本真正超级无敌的‘whodunit’式的侦探小说[这个类型的侦探小说只有到了结尾才知道谁是凶手。——译者]”;在这场凶案中,“目击者看到了被害人的尸体, 却拿不出证据来。” 也许他能。 | ||1: He could have refused to believe his eyes, of course. ||2: Plenty of others suggested that he had really seen a tree trunk, a huge eel, a seal, an otter, an upturned boat or a ripple of wind on water. ||3: The creature had appeared at dusk, an illusory time of day. ||4: More pertinently, Mr Rines was already primed to see something in the loch. ||5: The year before he had taken part, half-sceptically, in experiments with underwater microphones that had picked up “bird-like chirps” in the deeps, and he had even had a perfume concocted to draw shy Nessie to his boat. ||6: His favourite reading then was Constance Whyte’s “More than a Legend”, which argued for the creature’s existence with testimony from witnesses she knew. ||7: With her, he agreed that this was “a really super ‘whodunit’”—a murder in which “the witnesses have seen the corpse, but cannot produce it.” Perhaps he could. | |
4 | ||1:为了刺激对其产品的需求,权健设计了一个诱人的方案。||2:购买七双魔术鞋垫就可以从会员成为经销。||3:对无辜的消费者来说,这似乎是光明正大的:权健拥有合法直销公司的所有标志,包括商务部颁发的许可证(商务部今年2月表示,已暂停发放直销许可证)。||4:但权健的金字塔式招聘方法是被禁止的。||5:在中国,使用这种方式的公司通常被称为“商业邪教”。||6:这是因为犯罪团伙经常诱骗求职者加入。||7:疯狂的集会让参与者一直怀揣致富梦想。 | ||1:To boost demand for its products, Quanjian devised an alluring scheme.||2:Buying seven pairs of the magic insoles would earn a member the right to become a distributor.||3:To innocent consumers, that seemed above-board: Quanjian has all the trappings of a legal direct-sales firm, including licences from the Ministry of Commerce (in February the ministry said it had suspended the issuing of permits for direct selling).||4:But Quanjian’s pyramid-type recruitment method is banned.||5:Companies that use it are commonly described in China as “business cults”.||6:That is because gangs often ensnare jobseekers into joining.||7:Ecstatic rallies keep alive participants’ illusory dreams of enrichment. | |
5 | ||1:这些突变在男性和女性中是一样普遍的,所以一个对分歧发生率的解释是对于同等的基因毁坏,男性大脑比女性的更容易受伤害。||2:这被称为女性保护模式。||3:另一个广发的解释是社会偏见理论,认为这些不同是虚幻的。||4:这些被诊断不足的女孩,因为她们被评估的方式或对环境的处理不同,而不是他们真的很少有这个症状。||5:例如,一些研究者声称,女孩能更好的隐藏这些症状。 | ||1:Most of these mutations are as common in women as in men, so one explanation for the divergent incidence is that male brains are more vulnerable than female ones to equivalent levels of genetic disruption.||2:This is called the female-protective model.||3:The other broad explanation, social-bias theory, is that the difference is illusory .||4:Girls are being under-diagnosed because of differences either in the ways they are assessed, or in the ways they cope with the condition, rather than because they actually have it less.||5:Some researchers claim, for example, that girls are better able to hide their symptoms. | |
6 | 世界卫生组织于1988年定下的原始目标——到2000年实现全世界无脊髓灰质炎——被证明是天方夜谭。 | The World Health Organisation’s original target, set in 1988—a polio-free world by 2000—proved illusory . | |
7 | (不确定性增加本身就似是而非,泡沫时期提供的具体模型误导了大家) | (The impression of additional uncertainty is itself partly illusory : the clarity models provided during the bubble was misleading. ) | |
8 | 奥巴马和他的对手都带来了庞大的预算,其中充斥着华而不实的节约,并且无视巨大的权利计划。 | Both Mr Obama and his foes have produced fantastical budgets, full of illusory savings and ignoring the huge entitlement programmes. | |
9 | 巴西成为石油大国的可能性并不是虚无的。 | This possible rise to power is not illusory . | |
10 | 从虚幻的真实再探文学艺术的真实性 | Re-exploration of the Authenticity of Literary Art from the Perspective of Illusory Reality | |
11 | 但好莱坞的铁杆拉拉队却建议明显迁移了的观众应回到传统的图像前的不实际的。 | But die-hard cheerleaders in Hollywood suggest the apparent migration of audiences back to traditional flat images is illusory . | |
12 | 但明显增加价值只是幻觉。 | But the apparent value added is illusory . | |
13 | 但是,这道光是人造的,虚妄、惹人挂虑般的肤浅。 | But it is artificial, illusory and alarmingly shallow. | |
14 | 但我所说的中国革命高潮快要到来,决不是如有些人所谓“有到来之可能”那样完全没有行动意义的、可望而不可即的一种空的东西。 | When I say that there will soon be a high tide of revolution in China, I am emphatically not speaking of something illusory , unattainable . | |
15 | 但这种痛觉只是我们混乱的神经受体产生的一种虚幻作用,辛辣食物根本不热。 | But that pain is just an illusory side-effect of our confused neural receptors. There is nothing "hot" about spicy food. | |
16 | 对华府而言,现在谈结束伊拉克和阿富汗两场战争的“和平红利”应当是奢望。 | Talk in Washington of a "peace dividend" from ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is illusory . | |
17 | 对于英国来说真正的危险在于,完全欧盟成员之外的选择都是不切实际的幻想。 | The danger for the British is that alternatives to full EU membership are themselves illusory . | |
18 | 多年来,Dennett博士一直在争论“感觉”的问题,这个感觉在哲学里被称为虚幻。 | For years Dr. Dennett has argued that qualia, in the airy way they have been defined in philosophy, are illusory . | |
19 | 杠杆化只能在市场上升时期产生虚幻的收益,而在下跌时期带来真切的痛苦。 | This just created illusory gains on the way up and real pain on the way down. | |
20 | 各国的财政状况似乎都在控制之下:爱尔兰和西班牙甚至有着巨大的(尽管是虚幻的)财政盈余。 | Fiscal positions seemed under control everywhere: Ireland and Spain even ran substantial (albeit illusory ) fiscal surpluses. | |
21 | 公平分配的错误感知和可行性的破灭之间存在一定的因果关系。 | There is a certain causal relationship between the perceptual illusion and the illusory feasibility of distributive justice. | |
22 | 幻想的心甚至比背景颜色更洁白一些,而事实上它们的颜色是完全相同的。 | The illusory heart even looks slightly whiter than the background, although it is actually the same shade. | |
23 | 基于虚拟仪器技术的电子汽车衡探讨 | Inquire into Vehicle Electronic-weighing System in the Basic of Skill in Illusory Apparatus | |
24 | 即便我有意雇用一个清洁工,来清洗那些脏得毫无意义的盘子,表面上创造的就业也是一个假象。 | Even if I was inclined to hire a cleaner to wash pointlessly dirty dishes, the apparent job-creation is illusory . | |
25 | 她被承认的独立很容易使人产生幻觉的。 | And its professed independence is largely illusory . | |
26 | 论唐代小说的虚幻性主题 | On Illusory Themes of Tang Novels | |
27 | 你肯定会要我解释这两种让人产生错觉的现象。 | You are asking me to explain two illusory phenomena. | |
28 | 欧元区政府没有提供任何担保,而有关税收收入的声言所提供的不过是虚幻的保障。 | Governments offer no collateral, while claims on tax revenue offer illusory security. | |
29 | 其次,如果自我是错觉,那么来自于冥想的主观视角不也同样是错觉? | Secondly, if the self is an illusion, then aren’t subjective insights from meditation illusory as well? | |
30 | 全部的作品都清楚地表明,在幻视艺术中,艺术和幻觉之间的联系在自身范围之内和作为其自身时,都是一种极具美感的艺术形式。 | But all of them make it obvious that in op art, the link between art and illusory perception is an artistic style in and of itself. |