属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯与德企 爱人不是敌人
1 | 入口被一块无法移动的石头堵住了。 | The entrance is blocked by an immovable rock. | |
2 | 税务局:这意味着你们是以转让无形资产换取房屋所有权。在这种情况下,你们应就转让无形资产的收入按5%交纳营业税。如果你们将分得的房产再销售,则须按销售不动产再交一道5%的税。 | Tax official:You mean that your company transfer the right to use land in exchange for the ownership of the housing.in this case,you company will be levied at the rate of5%on the transfer income.If you want to resell that part of the housing,you will be levied again at5%on the transfer of immovable property. | |
3 | 他的面容没有变化,只是那白色的,薄薄的咀巴有点儿极轻微可见的颤动。 | His countenance remained immovable , only there was the faintest conceivable tremor of the white attenuated mouth | |
4 | 他希望再紧握一次伯爵的手,但他的手却丝毫不能动弹。 | He wished once again to press the count’s hand, but his own was immovable | |
5 | 他一动不动地站着。 | He stood immovable . | |
6 | 他拥有许多不动产。 | He possesses a lot of immovable real property. | |
7 | 通常发生的是弹簧同阀杆和阀体腐蚀在一起,变得无法移动。 | What usually happens is that the spring corrodes to the stem and valve body and becomes immovable . | |
8 | 外国人继承在中华人民共和国境内的遗产或者继承在中华人民共和国境外的中国公民的遗产,动产适用被继承人住所地法律,不动产适用不动产所在地法律。 | For inheritance by a foreigner of an estate within the People’s Republic of China or of an estate of a Chinese citizen outside the People’s Republic of China, the law of the place of domicile of the decedent shall apply in the case of movable property; in the case of immovable property, the law of the place where the property is located shall apply. | |
9 | 我的本性虽然善良、坦率和宽大,但我却能变成了狡猾、奸诈、有仇必报,--或说得更确切一些,变得象命运一样的冷酷无情。 | Good-natured, confiding, and forgiving as I had been, I became revengeful, cunning, and wicked, or rather, immovable as fate | |
10 | 小马停在那里动也不动。 | The pony remained immovable | |
11 | 因不动产纠纷提起的诉讼,由不动产所在地人民法院管辖 | Actions started on account of disputes over immovable property come under the jurisdiction of the people’s court at the place of the immovable property | |
12 | 这一狂喜的感觉来自于你一直以为不能动的东西,突然一下子可以自己动了起来。 | The feeling of colossal pleasure lies chiefly in the consciousness that something which you have reckoned to be immovable , has got it in it to move on its own | |
13 | 征税对象:对公司和组织的不可动产(不包括土地)和所有土地征税。 | Tax Bases: tax on immovable property (excluding land)of enterprises and organizations and tax on land. | |
14 | 支点是不能动的。 | Supports are immovable | |
15 | 中国公民继承在中华人民共和国境外的遗产或者继承在中华人民共和国境内的外国人的遗产,动产适用被继承人住所地法律,不动产适用不动产所在地法律。 | For inheritance by a Chinese citizen of an estate outside the People’s Republic of China or of an estate of a foreigner within the People’s Republic of China, the law of the place of domicile of the decedent shall apply in the case of movable property; in the case of immovable property, the law of the place where the property is located shall apply. | |
16 | 资本资产;固定资产;永久资产;固定资本[会计]:由一个实体所拥有并在其生产货物或劳务的正常业务中使用的一切有形资产(动产和不动产)。 | Capital assets; fixed assets; permanent assets; fixed capital [accounting]: All tangible assets (movable and immovable )held by an entity and used in its normal operations for the production of goods or services. | |
17 | 但是这里没有出现不可移动的物体。 | But there were no immovable objects. | |
18 | 但它对于那些在俄罗斯有不动产投资的大型企业未必不是一个恐吓。 | but it is a scary one for those with big, immovable investments there. | |
19 | 毫不动摇的雅尼斯·瓦鲁法克斯 | The immovable Yanis Varoufakis | |
20 | 在职者连任 | Immovable incumbents | |
21 | 毕竟这是多达二十卷的超大部头书记,全套1600美元,而且如果你不是很强壮(sub-Ferrigno)的话,你根本拿不起来。 | After all, the twenty-volume mega-book is, at almost $1, 600 hellishly expensive and, if you’re sub-Ferrigno, immovable . | |
22 | 不动产登记与不动产物权变动的关系 | The Relationship between Registration and Real Right Change of Immovable Property | |
23 | 不过这股力量现在对抗的是不可抗拒的原子物理。 | But that force is now up against the immovable object of atomic physics. | |
24 | 单单是看到炮弹在坚不可摧的障碍物前弹开就确实已经乐趣无穷了。 | It’s actually fairly satisfying to just watch the effects as things bounce off immovable obstacles. | |
25 | 但是大多数会议被视为工作日程表中不可更改的部分。 | But most meetings are seen as immovable blocks in diaries. | |
26 | 对不动产能否成为抢劫罪对象的探析 | Probing into the Question whether Immovable Property can be the Target of Crime of Pillage | |
27 | 对上述各国来说,公众舆论或许是挡在拥核政府面前一道不可逾越的阻碍。 | for all those countries, public opinion could be an immovable obstacle in the path of pro-nuclear governments. | |
28 | 而我国《物权法》规定不动产物权的善意取得是符合我国立法实际的正确选择。 | As a regulation of innocent purchase of immovable property in our country, "Reality of laws" is a correct choice. | |
29 | 该模型适用于具有长期观测资料,同时观测位置相对固定的估计和预测问题。 | This model is applicable to the estimation and prediction with long-term observation data and comparatively immovable observation position. | |
30 | 假定防波堤刚性垂直薄壁、空间固定和水深恒定。 | The breakwater is assumed to be rigid, thin, vertical, immovable and located in water of constant depth. |