属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-迪士尼 星球大战 迪士尼和神话创造
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-无人机 向无人机打手势
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-应对小行星撞击 近地掠过
1 | 使体力增加通过增加营养物恢复体力 | To impart physical strength or endurance to;invigorate. | |
2 | 事先给某人暗示用隐秘的、谨慎的方式将有用的信息告诉他人 | To impart useful information to(another)in a subtle,discreet way. | |
3 | 顺便提一句,不知道为什么尤斯坦也被蒙上了眼睛,大概是怕她会把秘密路线泄露给我们吧。 | Ustane, by the way, was also blindfolded, I do not know why, unless it was from fear lest she should impart the secrets of the route to us | |
4 | 他绝不想使他的祭服具有以利亚的法衣的皱褶,他对这黑暗世界中人事的兴衰起伏,不怀任何希冀 | He did not attempt to impart to his chasuble the folds of Elijah’s mantle,he projected no ray of future upon the dark groundswell of events | |
5 | 他没有什么消息可透露。 | He had no news to impart . | |
6 | 他们在人们眼前按部就班地一一定来,以使那刚刚组成的政府的简单机构获得所需的威严。 | All came forth to move in procession before the people’s eye, and thus impart a needed dignity to the simple framework of a government so newly constructed. | |
7 | 为了这个目的,他首先是慢慢改变大象驯良的天性,使它逐渐变得凶猛起来,成为一头印度话叫“马其”的猛兽。因此在三个月内,要用糖和牛奶来饲养它。这种办法似乎不可能产生那样的效果,但是那些养象的人,多半采用这种方法获得了成功。 | The Indian had begun already, by often irritating him, and feeding him every three months on sugar and butter, to impart to him a ferocity not in his nature, this method being often employed by those who train the Indian elephants for battle | |
8 | 味素使食品有味道。 | Monosodium glutamate impart flavo(u)r to food. | |
9 | 我将告诉你这些有趣的消息。 | I will impart the interesting news to you | |
10 | 我没有什么秘密可向你透露。 | I have no secret to impart to you. | |
11 | 我没有什么重要的事情给你们传达。 | I have nothing important to impart to you | |
12 | 我没有消息可告诉你. | I have no news to impart (to you). | |
13 | 狭长的轴距、精短的悬挂、拱起的发动机盖以及标准的18英寸车轮,共同造就了动感十足的运动车型。 | A long wheelbase and abbreviated overhangs, the arc of the bonnet and standard 18-inch wheels impart an unmistakably energetic air. | |
14 | 向学生传授知识 | Impart knowledge to students | |
15 | 遗传通过遗留或继承的方式给予或传达给另一个人;传下去 | To impart or convey to others by heredity or inheritance;hand down. | |
16 | 由小学到中学,所修习的无非是一些普通的基本知识。 | Primary and secondary school will impart to you only some rudiments of knowledge | |
17 | 有些整理效果可以迅速方便地检验出来,例如,对于抗皱整理,其效果并不难检验。 | Some finishes can be quickly and easily evaluated. For example, a finish intended to impart improved crease resistance can be readily checked. | |
18 | 在浓度低于此限值的条件下,壳牌确信,壳牌食品级润滑剂不会破坏食品的色、香、味,也不会造成不利的健康影响。 | At concentrations below this limit Shell believes that Shell food-grade lubricants should not impart undesirable taste, odour or colour to food, nor should they cause adverse health effects. | |
19 | 在其打破世界纪录名声大噪的那四年里,他从未受到邀请为去给运动员和教练员正式上过课,传授训练之道。 | During his record breaking spree of four years Coe’s father was never invited to impart his knowledge on official courses for athletes and coaches | |
20 | 在人类历史的所有紧急关头,所有庄严时刻,无论良知对世界上的事件做出如何评论,发出如 | Whatsoever oracles the human heart, in all emergencies, in all solemn hours, has uttered as its commentary on the world of actions, these he shall receive and impart | |
21 | 整理的目的是给织物附加一些特殊的性质,使之对顾客产生吸引力。 | The purpose of these finishes is to impart specific properties to the cloth to make it more appealing to the consumer. | |
22 | 织物的紧密程度(织物越紧密,其拉伸性能就越低);整理工艺(可以赋予织物良好的尺寸稳定性);机号(即单位宽度内针的数量) | The tightness of the knitting (the tighter the knit, the lower the amount of stretch); finishing techniques, which can impart good dimensional stability; gage(number of needles per unit of width) | |
23 | 作为聚合物改性剂,Exact塑性体可以将其具有的这些优良性能带到基础聚合物中。 | As polymer modifiers, they impart these attributes in their host polymers. | |
24 | ||1:神话故事架构可能未随时间流转变样,但是让其流传开来的技术手段却日新月异。||2:这也是迪士尼公司科技特长的精彩所在。||3:在荷马史诗的年代,英雄故事要用长短格六步格韵体写就;而在现代,计算机绘图,特效,3D,环绕立体声,在线视频转发等等媒介就能够承载这些故事。||4:迪士尼买下卢卡斯影业不仅获得了星球大战系列的版权,还同时把光影魔幻工业(特效行业最佳公司之一)收入囊中,这家公司对星战系列的重要性不亚于它对成就复仇者联盟做出的贡献。||5:动画制作在数字化转型,老牌迪士尼曾一度跟不上脚步,但收购皮克斯使其动画制作重焕生机。||6:毕竟皮克斯在数字动画制作领域的地位堪比当时手绘动画时代的沃特·迪士尼。||7:而且,现代奇幻作品通常采用多平台推广,漫威和星战就陆续出品系列电影、电视剧,图书,漫画和电游。||8:漫威影业要推出的作品续集已经排到了2020年。 | ||1:The internal mechanics of myths may not have changed much over the ages, but the technology used to impart them certainly has.||2:That highlights Disney’s second area of expertise.||3:In Homer’s day, legends were passed on in the form of dactylic hexameters; modern myth-makers prefer computer graphics, special effects, 3D projection, surround sound and internet video distribution, among other things.||4:When Disney bought Lucasfilm it did not just acquire the Star Wars franchise; it also gained Industrial Light & Magic, one of the best special-effects houses in the business, whose high-tech wizardry is as vital to Marvel’s Avengers films as it is to the Star Wars epics.||5:And when Disney was left behind by the shift to digital animation, it cannily revitalised its own film-making brand by buying Pixar, a firm as pioneering in its field as Walt Disney had been in hand-drawn animation.||6:Moreover, modern myths come in multiple media formats.||7:The Marvel and Star Wars fantasy universes are chronicled in interlocking films, television series, books, graphic novels and video games.||8:Marvel’s plans are mapped out until the mid-2020s. | |
25 | ||1:为了解决这个问题,Yale Song以3秒为一段将视频截开,在各段之间插入时间间隔。||2:这样就给计算机留出了响应时间。||3:同时识别的准确率也有所提高。因为这样计算机就能根据前一段及后一段的视频来理解当前这一段,看看结果是不是那种甲板指挥员可能真的想摆出的有特定意义的手势。 | ||1:To overcome this difficulty Mr Song imposed gaps by chopping the videos up into three-second blocks.||2:That allowed the computer time for reflection.||3:Its accuracy was also increased by interpreting each block in light of those immediately before and after it, to see if the result was a coherent message of the sort a deck officer might actually wish to impart . | |
26 | 看看结果是不是那种甲板指挥员可能真的想摆出的有特定意义的手势。 | to see if the result was a coherent message of the sort a deck officer might actually wish to impart . | |
27 | 人潮拥挤,班机延误,以及零售商机,机场带给人一种从愤怒乃至绝望的气息。 | With their crowds, delays and retail opportunities, airports impart feelings that range from irritation to despair. | |
28 | 一个通俗的方法是使用核武器。在小行星表面附近引爆一枚核弹可以蒸发掉一些岩石质量。根据牛顿第三运动定律,还会在其他方向产生作用力。 | Detonating a nuke near an asteroid’s surface could boil away some of the rock and-by Newton’s third law of motion-impart a shove in the other direction. | |
29 | “建筑构成基础”引导设计启蒙的教学探讨 | Teaching Approach to Using "The Base of Architectural Formation" as an Introduction to Impart the Rudimentary Knowledge of Design | |
30 | 本文首先分析了可重构光分插复用器(ROADM)的主要实现技术及其对目前光城域的影响。 | In the first part of this paper, we analysed main technology of ROADM, and discussed the impart to optical metro networks. |