属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-回到原点的银行 Bank to square one
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚马逊上的评论 五星假好评
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-收缩包装 经济增长与经济衰退程度挂钩(2)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 黄热病肆虐疫情区扩 大多数美国现役军人支持特
1 | 要不你就收回言论,要不你就不要咨询,因为没有人会相信你会客观公正研究公众意见。 | You should either withdraw your comments or you should not conduct the consultation as no one would believe you will be objective and impartial in studying the views collected. | |
2 | 也许获得公正无私的证人的最好方法是由法庭任命或者法庭支付专家证人的薪酬,而不是由当事人。 | Probably the best way of gaining the testimony of impartial witnesses is for courts, rather than litigants, to appoint and pay for expert witnesses. | |
3 | 一个公平的老师。 | an impartial teacher | |
4 | 以农业良好操作规程(GAP)应对日本肯定列表制度 | Holding and Impartial Common Heart, Using GAP to Answer the Positive System of Japan | |
5 | 以招标或者其他公开、公正的方式确定的出版物发行企业可以从事中小学教科书的发行 | Jointly with the administrative department of price at the provincial level or above by means of bid invitation or by other public and impartial means may engage in the distribution of text books | |
6 | 应该设有解决纷争的仲裁机构及方法。 | An impartial board must be established to help settle disagreements between divisions over transfer prices. | |
7 | 由于贸易扩大增加了诉讼的可能性,今后,WHO作为卫生方面公正科学的专家意见的惟一国际源泉,将可能越来越多地被请求提供意见。 | As expanding trade raises the likelihood of litigation, WHO may well in the future be increasingly called upon to advise as the only international source of impartial scientific expert ise in health matters. | |
8 | 有或表现出不偏袒的或无偏见的性情的;公平的 | Having or exhibiting a disposition that is free of favoritism or bias; impartial | |
9 | 原产地规则应以一致、统一、公平和合理的方式进行管理 | The rules of origin are administered in a consistent, uniform, impartial and reasonable manner | |
10 | 原产地规则应以一致、统一、公平和合理的方式进行管理;原产地规则应具有一致性 | Rules of origin should be administrable in a consistent, uniform, impartial and reasonable manner;rules of origin should be coherent | |
11 | 在此类情况下,采购实体应对任何此类申诉给予公正和及时的考虑,且以不损害在质疑制度下获得纠正措施的方式进行。 | In such instances the procuring entity shall accord impartial and timely consideration to any such complaint, in a manner that is not prejudicial to obtaining corrective measures under the challenge system | |
12 | 在消防队和大火之间,我不能同意不偏不倚。 | I cannot undertake to be impartial as between the fire brigade and the fire. | |
13 | 这个城市的人们都很尊敬这位公正的法官。 | People in the city held the impartial judge in high regard. | |
14 | 这位法官公正无私,受到人们的信任。 | The judge is impartial and selfless. He is trusted by people. | |
15 | 这位法官明镜高悬。 | He’s an impartial and perspicacious judge. | |
16 | 这些裁判很公正。 | These referees are impartial . | |
17 | 知常容,容乃公, | Whoever knows the eternal is open to everything. Whoever is open to everything is impartial . | |
18 | 只有两种办法可以做到不偏不倚,一种是完全无知,一种是完全不在乎。 | There are only two ways to be quite unprejudiced and impartial . One is to be completely ignorant.The other is to be completely indifferent. | |
19 | 制定出版物发行网点设置规划须经科学论证,遵循合法公正、符合实际、促进发展的原则。 | Must, before making the planning on the setup of publication distributing network, have it scientifically demonstrated, and comply with the principles of being lawful, impartial and practical, and of promoting the development. | |
20 | 美国最高法院首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨宣誓就任主审。然后他要求所有参议员举起右手宣誓“根据宪法和法律进行公正审判。” | Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court was sworn in to preside over the trial. He then asked all senators to raise their right hands to take an oath to "do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws, so help you God?" | |
21 | ||1:但是这些对于莫里斯远远不够,这样一个大银行里他还是觉得不舒服。||2:在2007年初,尽管经济前景不乐观,他依然选择离开并创建自己的银行。||3:在开业后的第一天,莫里斯赢得了希尔顿酒店从黑石集团260亿美元的收购要约——买断热潮中最大的一笔交易。||4:随着经济衰退的确立,对“精品”银行的中立意见的需求增加,但是那些有着众多顾客和巨额自营交易(译者注:公司为赚取直接收益,而不是佣金的交易。具体来说,指公司决定通过直接市场交易,而不是通过赚取处理买卖的佣金而获利)的投行巨头们却很难提供。 | ||1: That was not enough for Mr Moelis, who says he still felt uncomfortable at such a big bank. ||2: In early 2007, despite the worsening economic outlook, he left to set up a bank of his own. ||3: A day after opening Moelis & Company he won the job of advising Hilton Hotels on a $26 billion takeover bid from Blackstone Group—one of the biggest deals of the buy-out boom. ||4: As the recession took hold, demand grew for the impartial advice that “boutique” banks offered but that the giants, with their myriad customers and huge proprietary-trading operations, struggle to provide. | |
22 | 对于旨在提供中肯评价的网站,这些行为会损害网站的宗旨。 | For websites that claim to be an impartial resource, such practices are troubling. | |
23 | 更为重要的是法律地位的上升,保证了纠纷由公正的法庭解决。 | More important is the rise of the rule of law, enabling disputes to be settled by impartial courts. | |
24 | 明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)的十名候选陪审员在告知法官他们无法在审判中保持客观公正后,获准将职位移交给他人。一名候选陪审员表示,与被美国联邦调查局逮捕的人同处一室会让自己感到“不舒服”。他们本将出席三名索马里裔美国人的审判,此三人被指控密谋加入“伊斯兰国”武装组织(Islamic State)并犯有谋杀罪。 | ||In Minneapolis ten potential jurors in the trial of three Somali-Americans accused of conspiring to join Islamic State and commit murder were allowed to step down after telling the judge they could not be impartial in the case.|| One of the jurors said she felt “uncomfortable” being in the same room as the accused, who were arrested by the FBI. | |
25 | “啊,她说没有。不过我看还是订婚了的好!”这位心胸豁达的母亲说。 | "Oh, she says she isn’t engaged. But she might as well be! " this impartial parent resumed. | |
26 | BGS在地球科学的所有领域提供专家服务及合理的建议。 | The BGS provides expert services and impartial advice in all areas of geoscience. | |
27 | Vargo指出:“WTO是一个解决贸易争端的公正场所,所以不必诉诸于贸易战争。” | The WTO is "the impartial place you go to resolve trade disputes so you don’t have to have a trade war, " Vargo said. | |
28 | 奥巴马先生需要声明以色列的袭击无法接受并支持公正的国际调查。 | Mr. Obama needs to state clearly that the Israeli attack was unacceptable and back an impartial international investigation. | |
29 | 初次分配也要贯彻公平原则 | The First Distribution should aslo Carry Out Impartial Principle | |
30 | 但是,伊拉克法官是否有足够的经验,去确保庭审公平公正呢? | But did Iraqi judges have the experience to deliver a fair and impartial process? |