属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 卡塔尔退出OPEC 美议员断定沙特王储下令杀
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 美国驻巴格达使馆遇袭 东非蝗灾肆虐 弹劾审判
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-瑞士房产 心痛之处是为家(下)
1 | ||1:佛罗里达州是采用“无限防卫权”法律的20多个州的一员。这项法律规定若行为人有理由认为自己的生命面对威胁,可以在诉诸致命暴力前免除首先尝试逃跑的法律义务。||2:很多人推测警方可能认为这项法律是阻碍起诉齐默曼的绊脚石。||3:自2005年,这项法律生效以来,正当杀人的案件增长了两倍。||4:但是齐默曼的律师表示如果他的当事人被捕,自己并不打算援引这项法律。同时这项法律的一名起草人表示不管怎样,这项法律并不适合这一案件。因为齐默曼本可以避免遇到马丁。 | ||1:Florida is one of 20-odd states to have adopted a “stand your ground” law, which exempts those with reason to believe their lives are in jeopardy from any legal obligation to attempt to retreat before resorting to deadly force.||2: Many have speculated that the police thought that the existence of the law would impede Mr Zimmerman’s prosecution. ||3:Findings of justifiable homicide have tripled since the law took force in 2005. ||4:But Mr Zimmerman’s lawyer says he does not intend to invoke the law if his client is arrested, while one of the law’s authors says it would not apply in this case, anyway, as Mr Zimmerman seems to have gone out of his way to confront Mr Martin. | |
2 | ||安德烈斯·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯·奥夫拉多尔宣誓就任墨西哥总统。他在就职演说中批评了墨西哥政府间歇持续了30年的自由主义的正统思想。他发誓要“终结阻碍墨西哥复兴的腐败和有罪不罚现象”。后来,他将石油开采合同的拍卖暂停了三年。|| | Andrés Manuel López Obrador was sworn in as president of Mexico. He used his inaugural address to criticise the liberal orthodoxy to which Mexican governments have intermittently adhered for three decades.|| He vowed to “end the corruption and impunity that impede Mexico’s rebirth”. He later suspended the auction of oil contracts for three years.|| | |
3 | 司法部长威廉·巴尔为其澄清特朗普总统的罪行的决定辩护。此前,唐纳德·特朗普总统被称因阻碍特别律师罗伯特·穆勒对俄罗斯的调查而构成妨碍司法公正的罪行。 | Attorney General William Barr defended his decision to clear President Donald Trump of criminal obstruction of justice by attempting to impede Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia inquiry. | |
4 | 印度部分恢复了8月以来一直被封锁的克什米尔地区的互联网接入。但是当局只允许克什米尔人访问301个“白名单”网站。社交媒体服务仍然被禁止,移动数据传输速度也被故意降低。政府表示,需要采取这些措施来阻止恐怖主义。 | India partially restored internet access in the Kashmir valley, where it has been blocked since August. But the authorities are only allowing Kashmiris to visit 301 “whitelisted” websites. Social-media services remain banned and mobile-data speeds have deliberately been reduced.|| The government says the measures are needed to impede terrorism.|| | |
5 | 政治家掌控着税法,以及阻碍新房屋建设的规划权和租金管制权。 | The tax code is in the hands of politicians, as are the planning and rent-control regimes that impede the construction of new homes. | |
6 | “感情用事和夸夸其谈只能阻碍对真理的追求”(麦考利)。 | " Sentiment and eloquence serve only to impede the pursuit of truth" (Macaulay). | |
7 | “后一类企业经常会遇到瓶颈。直到电脑能力开始妨碍公司的业务发展,它们才会去解决问题。” | "The latter will be constantly running into bottlenecks. They will grapple with a lack of capacity until it starts to impede the business. " | |
8 | “利益冲撞与理念冲突”可能导致峰会陷入僵局,从而妨碍复苏进程。 | A "clash of interests and a clash of perceptions" could result in a stalemate at the summit that would impede progress towards recovery. | |
9 | “消极”的特征意味着契约的稳定力量不会妨碍到生产的灵活性。 | That "negative" charactermeans that the stabilizing power of contract does not impede productive flexibility. | |
10 | “一些欧洲国家的债务危机阻碍了欧洲经济的复苏。” | "The debt crisis in some European countries may impede Europe’s economic recovery, " he said in Tokyo. | |
11 | GPS接收机这么小,根本不妨碍蝙蝠飞行,给新型研究带来很大方便。 | GPS receivers small enough not to impede flight enable new classes of research questions | |
12 | Impede的意思是通过使活动、行动发生困难而延缓发展: | To impede is to slow by making action or movement difficult: | |
13 | XML允许许多问题存在,这些问题尽管不足以导致软件故障,但会影响流畅的阅读。 | XML happily permits a number of errors that, although not sufficiently grave to cause a software fault, nevertheless impede smooth reading. | |
14 | 不应该也决不能阻碍私人部门成立新的银行。 | It should not and must not impede the formation of new banks by the private sector. | |
15 | 大型粮食储备可能成本高昂、容易变质,并且抑制生产商的积极性。 | Large stocks can be costly, degrade easily and impede producers. | |
16 | 大自然把人体多余的脂肪组织尽可能分布在远离重要器官的地方,以便不影响后者的有效运行。 | Nature distributes excess fat tissue as far from the body’s vital organs as possible so as to not impede their effective operation. | |
17 | 但全球爆发猪流感疫情很可能会阻碍经济复苏,尤其是那些依赖于贸易和旅游的新兴经济体就更是如此。 | But a global flu pandemic would likely impede recovery from the recession, especially for emerging economies dependent on trade and tourism. | |
18 | 当前系统并不能满足需要,这些挑战性解决方案还会在很多重要的方面对银行造成阻碍。 | The current systems simply do not work; these challenged solutions impede banks in many critical ways. | |
19 | 对货币制度的严格控制阻止了任何对中国公司可能有用的金融工具。 | Currency controls impede all manner of things that could be useful to Chinese firms. | |
20 | 而汇丰辉煌的历史看起来往往成为其形成清晰思路的阻碍。 | But a glorious history often seems to impede clear thinking at HSBC. | |
21 | 妨碍学生自主选择性道德人格培养的德育误区与成因探析 | The Mistakes that appear in Moral Education and Impede Students’Initiative Choice of the Ethical Personality Cultivation and the Reasons | |
22 | 购买国货及当地采购政策,将为国际贸易设置新的壁垒,阻碍全球经济复苏。 | Buy national and source local policies would create new barriers to international trade and impede global recovery. | |
23 | 国家通过贸易、保护主义或是具有破坏性的汇率干预都会妨碍增值过程。 | They can impede the process of adding value through trade, protectionism or disruptive currency interventions. | |
24 | 环保主义者认为这条路将会妨碍大迁徙并导致食草动物数量锐减。 | Conservationists say the road would impede the migration and lead to a big drop in the populations of grazing animals. | |
25 | 换句话说,高价格和负面的认识阻碍了消费者进行绿色采购的进程。 | In other words, high price and negative perceptions impede these consumers’ progress toward a greener purchase. | |
26 | 加沙地带的哈马斯领导们担心贸易友好型的技术统治政权会阻碍其伊斯兰主义计划。 | Leading Hamas people in Gaza are afraid lest a technocratic, business-friendly government in Gaza impede their Islamist plans. | |
27 | 家长不参与子女的教育,只会成为老师学生努力创造真正教育的阻碍。 | Parents who aren’t involved in their children’s education only impede the efforts made by teachers and students to create a true education. | |
28 | 解释,并提供至少一个法律和监管力量如何影响全球贸易的例子。 | Explain and provide at least one example of how legal and regulatory forces impede global trade. | |
29 | 金钱源源不断地涌入这个国家,却没有被用来解决阻碍经济发展的长期问题。 | Money is pouring into the country, yet little goes into fixing long-term problems that impede growth. | |
30 | 尽管银行方面声称他们接受提高安全缓冲的目标,但他们争辩道,任何大的改变都将阻碍经济增长。 | Although they claim to accept the objective of raising safety buffers, banks argue that any big changes will impede economic growth. |