1 | 在争议解快期间,除有争议的事项外,各方应继续全面发行履行本合同 | During the period when a dispute is being resolved, each party shall continue to implement this contract in all respects other than the matters in dispute | |
2 | 战斧类似的工具或武器 | A similar implement or weapon. | |
3 | 这个小小的铁制泡酒壶是不是让你想起穿着马褂的孔乙已,用它暖壶酒,再要上一碟豆子,感觉一定会很惬意。 | Does this little iron stoup remind you of a certain Kong Yiji, who wearing his mandarin jacket, warms his wine with such an implement , and orders a small dish of beans to go with his wine. How cozy it must have been! | |
4 | 针,缝衣针用于手工缝纫或外科缝合的小而细的器具,通常是由不锈钢制成,在一端有一个眼可以让线穿过 | A small,slender implement used for sewing or surgical suturing,made usually of polished steel and having an eye at one end through which a length of thread is passed and held. | |
5 | 中国还将实施可持续发展的战略,促进全国的创新工作,加快技术进步,努力解决国民经济中的主要问题,加快科技事业的发展。 | China will also implement strategies for achieving sustainable development, promote national innovation, speed up technological progress, make great efforts to solve major problems in national economy, and enhance the development of Sci. & Tech. | |
6 | 中国将实施全国科技发展第十个五年计划和2000年长期规划,以此重新适应世界的工业结构和国际市场的变化。 | China will implement the Tenth Five-Year Plan for National Scientific and Technological Development and the Long-Range Plan to the Year X to readjust to the worldwide industrial structure and the change in world market demands | |
7 | 中国应在过渡期内完成执行这些规定所必需的立法程序。 | China shall complete all necessary legislative procedures to implement these provisions during the transition period | |
8 | 中国正在努力简化关税配额管理制度和程序,以便利使用、提高效率和深化改革。 | China was trying to simplify the TRQ administration regime and procedures in a bid to facilitate use, enhance efficiency and implement further reform | |
9 | 钻带切割刃或尖端的工具,用于在坚硬材料上钻孔,一般靠旋转磨损或反复击打实现钻孔 | An implement with cutting edges or a pointed end for boring holes in hard materials, usually by a rotating abrasion or repeated blows; a bit. | |
10 | 最后,依据非达标问题的严重程度,术语“主要污染源”被重新定义,把小污染源也包括进去,结果是那些小污染源将必须执行技术标准,例如最低可实现的排放率和合理可用的控制技术。 | Finally, depending on the severity of the non-attainment problem, the term "major source" is redefined to include small sources, with the result that those smaller sources will have to implement technology-based standards such as LAER and RACT |