属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-The political waning of Ame
1 | ||1:其实目前不管是美国还是多国体系都不像布雷默所认为的那样虚弱无力。||2:巴西和土耳其在他们的伊朗科项目问题的谈判中失败了。||3: 事实上, 伊朗已经从谈判桌上撤退,缅甸正在向民主的方向转变,这些事实都驳斥了布雷默认为制裁变得无效的观点。 ||4:他认为世界银行和国际货币基金组织由于中国力量的崛起受到了削弱,这一点是正确的。||5:但是另一方面由于美国和中国都支持世界贸易组织的裁决,所以世贸组织的影响力显著地加强了。||6:《各自为战》对当前重大事务做了很好的总结,但是并没有对当前复杂世界形势提出有益的分析和指导。 | ||1: Neither America nor the multilateral institutions are as impotent today as Mr Bremmer claims. ||2: Brazil and Turkey failed in their negotiation over Iran’s nuclear programme. ||3: The fact that Iran has been dragged back to the negotiating table and Myanmar is veering back towards democracy contradict Mr Bremmer’s thesis that sanctions are becoming ever less effective. ||4: He is right that the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have been weakened by China’s growing power. ||5: But the opposite is true for the World Trade Organisation, whose clout has been enhanced significantly by the fact that both America and China abide by its rulings. ||6: “Every Nation For Itself” is a useful summary of current events. But as a guide to a complex world, it falls short. | |
2 | ||1:虽然戈德利·韦恩的出生背景会让人误以为是特权阶层,但其实是模糊不清的。||2:他的祖父基尔布拉肯一世虽曾是自由党首相格莱斯顿的门生,却是个保守派;||3:而他的父亲基尔布拉肯二世休·戈德利也是一名保守党成员,疯狂爱上了另一位自由党首相的女儿维尔莉特·阿斯奎思。休·戈德利大约在韦恩出生后就与韦恩的母亲分居,是一个性欲低下者、反犹太者、嗜酒者。||4:当韦恩还是一个孩子的时候,他妈妈在他面前展示她的裸体,并会告诉他她从性爱中获得的强烈快感。可是,成长至17岁的戈德利·韦恩先生尚不知女性是有阴道的。 | ||1:His background, though it might misleadingly be called privileged, was mixed up. ||2:The first Lord Kilbracken had been a protégé of a Liberal prime minister, Gladstone, but was a Conservative; ||3:and the second, Wynne’s father Hugh, also a Tory, had been madly in love with Violet Asquith, the daughter of another Liberal prime minister. Hugh separated from Wynne’s mother about the time he was born, and was impotent , anti-Semitic and alcoholic. ||4:Wynne’s mother paraded naked in front of him and would tell him, as a child, of the intense pleasure she got from sexual intercourse. But he reached the age of 17 not knowing that women had vaginas. | |
3 | 缺乏简单的解决办法会让政客找不出简明的口号,但不至于让反垄断机构无能为力。 | The lack of a simple solution deprives politicians of easy slogans, but does not leave trustbusters impotent . | |
4 | 1998年,美国食品和药物管理局批准了辉瑞制药公司生产的用于治疗男性yangwei的药品“伟哥”。(暴汗~) | 1998, The FDA approves the drug Viagra made by pharmaceutical company Pfizer to treat impotent in men. | |
5 | G8集团并不是唯一看起来老式和无能的全球俱乐部。 | The G8 is not the only global club that looks old and impotent (see article). | |
6 | 阿拉伯联盟对叙利亚暴力镇压的反应已经使其显得无所适从及软弱无力。 | The Arab League has looked divided and impotent in its response to the violence in Syria. | |
7 | 按照他的说法,中央银行是无辜的;面对全球宏观经济的转变,他们只是无能为力的旁观者。 | In Mr Greenspan’s telling, central banks were innocent and impotent bystanders in a global macroeconomic shift. | |
8 | 朝鲜在网络空间方面也许无能为力,但它的邻邦就不同了。 | North Korea might be impotent in cyberspace but its neighbour is not. | |
9 | 当名义利率像现在一样降至很低时,这尤为重要,因为此时联邦储备局变得无能。 | This is necessary when nominal interest rates get very low, as they are now, because Fed policy becomes impotent . | |
10 | 弗劳恩菲尔德先生恰当地突出了被那些防止乱拆乱动的标签封条激起的无力的愤怒,以及自如地掌控那些难以驯服的装置的乐趣。 | Mr Frauenfelder rightly highlights the impotent fury aroused by tamper-proof tabs seals, and the joy of mastering recalcitrant gadgets. | |
11 | 高校选课系统是高校教务管理系统的重要组成部分,本文在对ASP。 | Courses Selecting System is an impotent party of the educational administration system. | |
12 | 国有企业拥有强大的政治力量,而争取利益民用的声音却是弱小的,改革将是一项大挑战。 | Yet the SOEs are politically powerful while households are impotent , so reform could prove a major challenge. | |
13 | 可以肯定的是,关于财政政策是无能的观点从未完全消失过。 | To be sure, the idea that fiscal policy was impotent never entirely disappeared. | |
14 | 里面躺着瞎眼的,瘸腿的,血气枯干的,许多病人。(有古卷在此有等候水动。 | In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. | |
15 | 另外,如果手术有并发症的话,你将会带着他终此一生。 | Plus if there are complications you can end up impotent for life. | |
16 | 农业院校职业生涯规划教育是高等教育领域中一项重要内容,也是农业院校就业指导的重要内容之一。 | The education of career planning in agricultural universities is one of the impotent contents of higher education and employment guide. | |
17 | 如果人们不愿借债,货币政策(尽管不是羸弱无效)对经济所起的推动作用也比通常要小很多。 | If people do not want to borrow, monetary policy, although not impotent , gives a smaller lift to the economy than it normally would. | |
18 | 虽然在晋级路上显得相当无力,但葡萄牙将此视为早早抢占第二名的机会。 | Despite looking rather impotent at times in qualifying, Portugal will see this as a chance to stake an early claim on second place. | |
19 | 他只能在一旁干着急。 | He could only looked on in impotent fury. | |
20 | 我们既不是无所不能也不是无力的。 | We’re neither omnipotent nor impotent . | |
21 | 休•戈德利大约在韦恩出生后就与韦恩的母亲分居,是一个性欲低下者、反犹太者、嗜酒者。 | Hugh separated from Wynne’s mother about the time he was born, and was impotent , anti-Semitic and alcoholic. | |
22 | 因此中国的战略是使日本处于军事上软弱无力、外交和道德被动防守的地位。 | So China’s strategy is to keep Japan militarily impotent , and on the diplomatic and moral defensive. | |
23 | 英国最先采取了其中大多数措施,在这个问题上,立法机构权力不大,对政府倒是有利的。 | Britain was first to put most of these elements in place. It helps to have an impotent legislature. | |
24 | 尤其是当美国联邦储备系统表现出一种虚弱无力的时候,他看到了另一场量化宽松所引发的飓风。 | In particular, he sees another flurry of quantitative easing by the U. S. Federal Reserve as being "impotent . " | |
25 | 政府现在只能做些疲软的动作,岗位补贴计划就是其中之一。 | The government is reduced to impotent gestures, of which the job-subsidy plan is one. |