属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-调色板上那一抹晦暗 Paint a palette b
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 卡斯特罗来到华盛顿
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-幻灭的上班族 屌丝之梦
1 | 作者在其著作中留下他性格的特征. | An author leaves the impress of his personality on what he writes. | |
2 | ||1:梵高首先想到的是利用荷兰农民常用的黑木炭作画,“画画时我能看得更透彻”他曾这么说。||2:提奥清楚地知道这些画是没有销路的,所以建议梵高画一些充满色彩的风景画。||3:最终,在伦勃朗的影响下,梵高开始了在图画中使用彩色和变换创作主体(画风景)的转变,并在1886年于巴黎开始绘制亮橘和亮棕色的向日葵,希望这些画作能引起一些沉溺于酒色的意大利模特们的兴趣。||4:这种绘画风格上的转变直到1888年梵高南下来到法国阿勒斯时才趋向成熟。 | ||1: Van Gogh first concentrated on dark charcoal drawings of Dutch peasants. “When I draw I see clearly,” he said. ||2: Theo saw clearly that they did not sell, and suggested colourful landscapes instead. ||3: Van Gogh was eventually converted to the idea of colour by Rembrandt, and he started to paint bright orange and brown sunflowers in Paris in 1886, hoping they might impress a particularly voluptuous Italian model. ||4: His conversion to colour and landscape was not complete, however, until he went south to Arles in 1888. | |
3 | ||1:卡斯特罗似乎正在尝试一些有趣的事情:把HUD当做市政厅,这给选民们留下了迥然不同的世界观和需求的印象(就像其它大都市的政府一样)。||2:在最近对德克萨斯奥斯汀为期两天的访问中,他坦言了HUD的限制。||3:每年都有一万个房屋单位失修。||4:如今大多数恢复项目都需要私人或慈善的合作伙伴。||5:但私人买进是个积极信号,卡斯特罗称。||6:他把联邦政府看做“催化剂”和“裁判员”,当某些州无法帮助那些需要帮助的人们时,政府就进行干预。||7:为了保证对公共投资的广泛赞同,他希望HUD能更好地测量成果,例如追踪公共住房青少年的高中毕业率。||8:他热衷于地方创新,并在一次市政官员会议上说:“我的名片上是HUD部长,但我本质上仍然是个市长。” | ||1:Mr Castro seems to be trying something intriguing: treating HUD like a city hall, which (like the government of any metropolis) must impress voters with very different world-views and needs.||2:On a recent two-day visit to Austin, Texas he was frank about HUD’s constraints.||3:Every year, 10,000 public-housing units are lost to disrepair.||4:Nowadays most restoration projects require private or charitable partners.||5:But private buy-in is a positive sign, Mr Castro says.||6:He sees the federal government as a “catalyst” and a “referee”, stepping in when some states fail those who need help.||7:To secure broad consent for public investments, he wants HUD to measure outcomes better, for instance tracking high-school graduation rates of children in public housing.||8:He enthuses about local innovations, telling a conference of city officials: “My business card may say HUD secretary, but I’m still a mayor at heart.” | |
4 | ||1:门户网站搜狐的网络剧集《屌丝男士》无情地嘲讽着这一群体。||2:自2012首播以来,这部剧集已经被浏览了15亿次。||3:最近一集中,某男想向跟他约会吃饭的美女炫耀他的工作有多忙。||4:然后,他接到了一个工作电话并抱歉地返回了办公室,结果在美女结账时却又现身了——原来他是个服务员。||5:同一集中,一个沮丧的新手驾驶员在向隔壁车道的兰博基尼不停地叫骂,并大叫道:“你欺负我就因为我不认识交警吗?”||6:到了下一个场景里,他已经带上了脖套,鼻子也受伤了。 | ||1: An online video sketch show, “Diaosi Man”, shown on Sohu.com, an internet portal, mercilessly mocks the tribe. ||2: Since its debut in 2012, the show’s episodes have been streamed more than 1.5 billion times. ||3: In one recent episode a man tries to impress his beautiful dinner date with how busy he is at his job. ||4: He then receives a phone call from work, apologetically takes his leave to go to the office and finally pops up again as a waiter when his date asks for the bill. ||5: In the same episode a frustrated new driver curses repeatedly at a Lamborghini in the next lane and screams, “Are you bullying me because I don’t know any traffic cops?” ||6: In the next scene he is in a neck brace and his nose is broken. | |
5 | ||1:网络工程并非一个光鲜的行业,而且最为庞大网络的实物构造缺乏水电大坝的宏伟壮观,也没有洲际铁路的绵延大气。||2:但它确实有自己的特点:普普通通、几乎废弃的大楼里,整齐地排满了富含高科技的服务器和路由器,由厚厚的几捆电缆连接起来,它们的散热风扇在冷清昏暗中组成了一支正在高歌的合唱队。||3:无论大楼在哪,这种特点都会受到本地文化的影响。||4:因此,一个追求超高科技风格的美国公司,打造“网络交通”的外观是给客户留下深刻印象的一种尝试途径。||5:法兰克福网络交换中心就是良好理性的一个模板,而伦敦的则是脏乱带着些破裂。 | ||1:Network engineering is not a glamorous profession, and the physical structures of the greatest network ever built lack the grandeur of a hydroelectric dam or a continent-spanning railway.||2:But they do have their own style: featureless, virtually deserted buildings, full of marching rows of high-tech servers and routers fed by thick bundles of cable, their cooling fans forming a roaring chorus in the chilly gloom.||3:That style is modulated by the local culture of wherever the building happens to be.||4:Thus one American firm goes for a super high-tech, “cyberrific” look in an attempt to impress clients.||5:Frankfurt’s internet exchange is a model of cool rationality, whereas London’s is grotty and coming apart at the seams. | |
6 | ||1:优衣库创始人柳井正先生坦言,优衣库的品牌形象在国外市场要好于日本国内。||2:由于这个原因,3月16日他在东京最时尚的繁华购物街——东京银座——开设了其史上最大的购物店。||3: 柳井正先生在纽约也如法炮制,开设了一家大型时髦的店面以添其品牌服饰更多的吸引力。||4:现在,他不仅想要给日本购物者们留下深刻印象,也想让中国消费者们给优衣库服饰在形象上加分。 | ||1:Tadashi Yanai, Uniqlo’s founder, admits that his brand has a better image abroad than in Japan.||2:So on March 16th he opened his biggest-ever store in Ginza, Tokyo’s smartest street.||3:He has done the same thing in New York, opening a big posh shop to give his clothes more allure.||4:Now he wants to impress not only Japanese shoppers but Chinese ones, too. | |
7 | “Kachoufuugetsu”,这会给很多人留下印象。 | "Kachou fuugetsu" . That’ll impress people. | |
8 | “参与游戏制作对我很重要,因为我要让我19岁的儿子高兴,”Dusty说。 | "The reason it was important for me to be involved in the game was so I could impress my 19-year-old son, " Dusty said. | |
9 | GrandiloquentDictionary:你可以用从这里找到的大量单词让朋友们大跌眼镜。 | Impress your friends by using huge words you found here. | |
10 | Impress由泡沫和压力传感器制成,利用触摸和压力密度来工作。 | Made of foam and force sensors, Impress works with both touch and the intensity of pressure. |