1 | 他们会帮你找借口解释你不成功不出名的原因,说什么:你太敏感呀;你对金钱不感兴趣呀 | And they find excuses and explanations for your inability to succeed and become famous: you are too sensitive, you are not interested in money | |
2 | 他因无法了解她而焦虑不安。 | His inability to understand her bothered him. | |
3 | 他在理解数学方面能力之差. | His inability to understand mathematics | |
4 | 同时,我们也看到,中国传统媒体在利用互联网的过程中还存在一些问题,主要是从业人员还不能改变传统媒体的习惯,不擅于在互联网的屏幕上充分展现新闻信息,以更好地适应网民的需求。 | However, there still exist some problems with this process, mainly the lack of adaptability of employees to the new media, and the inability to provide people with sufficient news and information through the Internet | |
5 | 我们想要强调的是我们并不是怪罪会计师没有办法准确地评估损失准备(当然这会影响到最后的盈余数字) | We want to emphasize that we are not faulting auditors for their inability to accurately assess loss reserves (and therefore earnings). | |
6 | 无能力或无意愿与他人和睦工作-造成人际分裂 | Inability or unwillingness to work harmoniously with others-disruptiveness | |
7 | 香港特别行政区终审法院的首席法官只有在无力履行职责或行为不检的情况下,行政长官才可任命不少于五名当地法官组成的审议庭进行审议,并可根据其建议,依照本法规定的程序,予以免职。 | The Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may be investigated only for inability to discharge his or her duties, or for misbehaviour, by a tribunal appointed by the Chief Executive and consisting of not fewer than five local judges and may be removed by the Chief Executive on the recommendation of the tribunal and in accordance with the procedures prescribed in this Law. | |
8 | 心力衰竭:左心和(或)右心无力排出足以适应身体需要的血液量。 | Heart failure: Inability of one or both sides of the heart to pump enough blood for the body | |
9 | 心排血量不足,见于大片心肌梗塞、肺栓塞、胸主动脉的夹层动脉瘤和大量心包积液压迫心脏引起的心包填塞 | Inability of the heart to pump enough blood, due to heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or cardiac tamponade (compression of the heart by fluid in the membrane around it); | |
10 | 性功能障碍:因生理或心理上的问题,而无法在平常情况下达到激发性或获得性满足。 | Sexual dysfunction: Inability to experience arousal or achieve sexual satisfaction under ordinary circumstances, as a result of psychological or physiological problems. | |
11 | 性无能:指男性阴茎无法勃起或维持阴茎勃起状态,因此而无法在性交过程中全程参与。 | Impotence: Inability to achieve or maintain erection of the penis; hence, inability to participate fully in sexual intercourse. | |
12 | 许多大城市的现有道路系统无法满足现代交通的需求,故使隧道建设成了值得人们认真考虑的问题。 | The inability of existing road systems of many large towns to cope with modern traffic requirements has made tunnel construction a proposition well worth serious consideration. | |
13 | 许多女人听到这样的噩耗会神情恍惚,不相信是真的,她却不然。 | She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance | |
14 | 严重的中风可导致半身瘫痪、无法说话、昏迷或者在数小时或数天之内死亡。 | A massive stroke can produce one-sided paralysis, inability to speak, coma, or death within hours or days. | |
15 | 眼下我亦急需现金,故贤侄所求,实非绵力就能应命,至以为歉,倘或有他处可设法解燃眉之急,倍感万幸。我处则惟有愧对贤侄而深感内疚。 | I am Very sorry to say that I am myself in need of ready money,and therefore I have it not in my power to comply with your request. hoping you may be more successful in some of other quarter,and with feelings of deep regret at my own inability to render you a service. | |
16 | 耶利内克作品的主题是关于女性生存状态的,女性无法摆脱社会传统观念的束缚,无法过自己想过的生活,张扬自己的个性。 | The basic theme of her work is the inability of women to live as people beyond the roles and personalities traditionally expected of them. | |
17 | 因为星云对射电波的散射很小,所以最明显的优点就是能够全面而真实地勾画出星云气体分布的外貌。 | The most obvious advantage is that because of their inability to scatter appreciably, nebular radio waves completely and genuinely delineate the distribution of nebular gas | |
18 | 应在25天内,提供不可抗力详情及合同不能履行,或者部分不能履行,或者需要延期履行的理由的有效证明文件,此项证明文件应由不可抗力发生地区的公证机构出具。 | They should provide detailed information of the events and a valid document for evidence issued by the relevant public notary organization explaining the reason of its inability to execute or delay the execution of all or part of the contract within 15 days thereafter. | |
19 | 婴儿的不能步行 | the inability of an infant to walk | |
20 | 营养不良:由于膳食不足、或是疾病引起的身体不能吸收或代谢营养素而造成的身体状况。 | Malnutrition: Condition resulting from inadequate diet or from inability to absorb or metabolize nutrients. | |
21 | 忧郁症一种精神或神经状态,其特征是不能集中精力,失眠,感到过度忧郁、沮丧和绝望 | A psychotic or neurotic condition characterized by an inability to concentrate,insomnia,and feelings of extreme sadness,dejection,and hopelessness. | |
22 | 由于不可抗力,致使合同无法履行,或是由于合营公司连年亏损、无力继续经营,经董事会一致通过,并报原审批机构批准,可以提前终止合营期限和解除合同。 | In case of inability to perform the contract or to continue operation due to heavy losses in successive years, force majeure, or not being able, the duration of the joint venture and the contract shall be terminated before the time of expiration after unanimously agreed upon by the board of directors and approved by the original examination and approval authority. | |
23 | 由于肌肉运动不协调而不能站立。 | Inability to stand because of motor incoordination. | |
24 | 由于所需印刷纸张无法解决,因此,贵公司订购我公司发行的杂志"奇闻奇事"未能安排 | "Your order for a supply of our booklet ""A Wonderful Story"" hsa not been filled, because of our inability to procure the necessary paper for printing." | |
25 | 犹豫不决,举棋不定不愿或不能决定;优柔寡断 | Reluctance or an inability to make up one’s mind;irresolution. | |
26 | 有人已经提出衡量辐照作为检疫处理效果的标准应基于阻止成虫羽化或基于害虫种不能延续(Burditt,1991)。 | It-has been proposed that the criterion for efficacy of irradiation as a quarantine treatment should be based on preventing adult emergence or on the inability of the species to perpetuate itself (Burditt, 1991). | |
27 | 在回波抑制器控制的电话线路中,用户的一方或双方因为过量的局部线路噪音或对方连续说话而不能通话的情况。 | In a telephone circuit controlled by an echo-suppressor,the inability of one or both subscribers to get through because of either excessive local circuit noise or continuous speech from one subscriber. | |
28 | 在任何情况下,如因工程师未曾或不能在一合理时间内发出承包商按18.1条发出的通知----书中已说明了任何图纸或指示 | If, by reason of any failure or inability of the Engineer to issue, within a time reasonable in all the circumstances, any drawing or instruction for which notice has been given by the Contractor in accordance with Clause 18.1 | |
29 | 在视网膜锥形细胞中缺乏感绿色素,便导致了对绿色辩别无力或绿色盲。 | Lack of the chlorolabe pigment in the retinal cone cells results in inability to discriminate green colors, or deuteranopia | |
30 | 在小规模世界中,我们无法观察到个别事件的真实面貌,这也是稳健显得特别重要的原因之一。 | In the small-scale world, our inability to observe precise features of individual events is one reason for the special importance of conservation laws |