属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 2017-1995
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 2015-1995
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 65055-1992
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 29546-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 65121-1992
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 65237-1996
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 29544-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 65186-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 65113-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 28136-14-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 1684-1-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 1686-1-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 1688-1-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 1685-1-1998
1 | 航空和航天.航空轴承.双列不锈钢制球面球轴承.直径系列2.尺寸和负荷.不适于新结构 | Aerospace-Bearings-airframe rolling, double row self aligning ball bearings in corrosion resisting steel; diameter series 2-Dimensions and loads; inactive for new design; | |
2 | 航空和航天.航空轴承.双列钢制球面球轴承.直径系列2.尺寸和负荷.不适于新结构 | Aerospace-Bearings-airframe rolling, double row self aligning ball bearings in steel; diameter series 2-Dimensions and loads; inactive for new design; | |
3 | 航空和航天.夹紧螺栓和夹紧螺母.交货技术条件.不适用于新结构 | Aerospace; threaded control cable ends and turnbarrels; technical specification; inactive for new design | |
4 | 航空和航天.铝塑性合金薄片.板材和带材;交货的技术条件.不适于新结构 | Aerospace; wrought aluminium alloys sheet, plate and strip; technical specification; inactive for new design | |
5 | 航空和航天.螺丝,螺母和附件.制造车间用螺丝,螺母和附件的一览表.选用不适应于新结构 | Aerospace; bolts, screws, nuts and associated parts; survey and selection for workshop; inactive for new design | |
6 | 航空和航天.双层钢活塞节轴承.交货技术条件.不适用于新结构 | Aerospace-Spherical plain bearings, steel on steel-Technical specification; inactive for new design | |
7 | 航空和航天.无缝的铝管和精炼铝合金管.交货技术条件.不适于新结构 | Aerospace; seamless duct tubing of aluminium and wrought aluminium alloys; technical specification; inactive for new design | |
8 | 航空和航天.用薄板和带材造型的铝合塑性合金型材.交货的技术条件.不适用于新结构 | Aerospace; wrought aluminium alloy sheet and strip shaped profiles (sections); technical specification; inactive for new design | |
9 | 航空和航天;铝和铝塑性合金棒和压制型材.交货的技术条件.不适应新结构 | Aerospace; bars and extruded profiles of aluminium and wrought aluminium alloys; technical specification; inactive for new design | |
10 | 几天来,我们那只狗懒洋洋地躺在屋角里一动不动,可今天早晨它又开始活跃起来了。 | For several days our dog lay in a corner,listless and inactive ,but this morning he began to perk up. | |
11 | 既不能接受那显而易见的解释,又想不出别的什么涵义,只好保持沉默,静观上天似乎就要进行的裁决。 | Unable to receive the explanation which most readily presented itself, or to imagine any other-that they remained silent and inactive spectators of the judgment which Providence seemed about to work. | |
12 | 将资金投入新的或不景气的公司或行业以刺激其发展. | Encourage the growth of a new or inactive business or industry by investing money in it | |
13 | 搅拌容器.第14部分:BE型d1=2400--3600mm的搪玻璃钢搅拌容器用支座配置H和CE型d1=2400--3600mm的搪玻璃钢搅 | Agitator vessels-Part 14: Position and sizes of cover nozzles for glass lined steel agitator vessels, position H for vessels form BE with d = 2400 mm to 3600 mm and position K for vessels form CE with d = 2400 mm to 3600 mm; inactive for new design | |
14 | 禁止给予刺激。病人必须一动不动至少24小时。 | Do not give stimulants. Patient must remain inactive for at least 24 hours. | |
15 | 静止贷款:一笔已经生效但尚未进行支付的贷款。 | Inactive loan: A loan which is in force but not being disbursed. | |
16 | 静止借款国:指目前并未向世界银行寻求新的贷款的会员国。 | inactive borrower, nonactive borrower: Country that is not currently seeking new borrowings from the Bank. | |
17 | 科学家发现病毒有时可处于不活跃状态达数年时间,但是能突然感染任何无防御的细胞。 | Scientists have found that viruses may sometimes remain inactive for years, but can quickly infect any defenceless cell. | |
18 | 可锻铸铁毛坯.一般公差及加工余量.不适于新结构 | Steel raw castings of malleable iron-General tolerances, machining allowances; inactive for new design | |
19 | 懒散而不幸福的生活 | an inactive and unhappy life | |
20 | 另一种蛋白质水解酶--胰蛋白酶在此PH时活性甚低而在PH8时效率最高。 | Another proteolytic enzyme, trypsin, is quite inactive at that PH but functions effectively at a PH of 8 | |
21 | 慢性HBsAg携带者及非活动性HBV感染状态的病理学研究 | The Pathological Study of Chronic HBsAg Carriers and Inactive HBV Infectious State | |
22 | 酶原酶的非活性或近似非活性的前体,通过蛋白质水解过程转变成活性酶 | The inactive or nearly inactive precursor of an enzyme,converted into an active enzyme by proteolysis. | |
23 | 你要是好动一些也不至于这么胖! | If you weren’t so inactive you wouldn’t be so fat! | |
24 | 你要是好动一些也不至于这么胖! | If you weren’t so inactive you wouldn’t be so fat! | |
25 | 片状石墨铸铁毛坯.一般公差及加工余量.不适于新结构 | Rough castings of grey iron-General tolerances, machining allowances; inactive for new design | |
26 | 普瑞斯莱是个不可救药的梦想家,优柔寡断,喜静厌动,常常会觉得郁郁不乐。 | Presley was a confirmed dreamer, irresolute, inactive , with a strong tendency to melancholy | |
27 | 轻金属合金的铸件毛坯.砂模铸造.一般公差及加工余量.不适于新结构 | Rough castings of light metal alloys-Sand mouldings-General tolerances, machining allowances; inactive for new design | |
28 | 球墨铸铁毛坯.一般公差及加工余量.不适于新结构 | Rough castings of cast iron with spheroidal graphite-General tolerances, machining allowances; inactive for new design | |
29 | 商业上不景气的;萧条的 | Commercially inactive ; sluggish | |
30 | 实验显示:细胞内的许多基因在大部分时间或所有时间是被动的,但它们能被"打开"或"关闭"。突变发生于基因之基质顺序或数目错乱的时候。 | Experiments have shown that many of the genes within a cell are inactive much or even all of the time, but they can be switched on and off. Mutations occur when the number or order of bases in a gene is disrupted. |