属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 1687-1-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 1683-1-1998
1 | 在狱中的时候,法利亚每见他显出萎靡不振,无精打采的样子时,就常常对他说:“唐太斯,你可不能老是这个样子。 | Often in prison Faria had said to him, when he saw him idle and inactive , "Dants, you must not give way to this listlessness | |
2 | 这些是惰性元素。 | These are inactive elements | |
3 | 治疗结果表明,只要按时注射干扰素,就能使病毒处于静止状态。 | Studies of this treatment are showing that the virus stays inactive as long as interferon is injected regularly | |
4 | 众人熙熙,如享太牢,如春登台。我独泊兮,其未兆;沌沌兮,如婴儿之未孩;累累兮,若无所归。 | The people of the world make merry as though at a holiday feast or a spring carnival. I alone am inactive and desireless, like a new-born baby who cannot yet smile, unattached, as though homeless. | |
5 | 重金属合金的铸件毛坯.砂模铸造.一般公差及加工余量.不适于新结构 | Rough castings of heavy metal alloys-Sand mouldings-General tolerances, machining allowances; inactive for new design | |
6 | 猪流行性腹泻、猪传染性胃肠炎和猪轮状病毒三联苗免疫试验 | Studies on the Three-Combined Inactive Vaccine of the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus, Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus and Rotavirus | |
7 | 铸钢毛坯.一般公差及加工余量.不适于新结构 | Rough steel castings-General tolerances, machining allowances; inactive for new design | |
8 | 自然界中可能不存在纯铱,通常和其它贵金属共生于天然合金中(化学活性不活跃或迟钝)。 | It probably does not occur uncombined in nature but is found in natural alloys with other noble (i.e., chemically inactive or inert)metals. | |
9 | 足癣:脚部罹患的一种癣。有干型及炎症型两种:炎症型可能长期处于潜伏状态,偶尔在起水泡时变为急性,好发于脚趾之间 | Athlete’s foot:Form of ringworm that affects the feet. In the inflammatory type, the infection may lie inactive much of the time, with occasional acute episodes in which blisters develop, mostly between the toes. | |
10 | 组织细胞存在于正常边连接组织中的相对不活跃的、静止的巨噬细胞 | A relatively inactive ,immobile macrophage found in normal connective tissue. |