1 | 不相称地不符合形势的;不合时宜的 | Not suited to the circumstances;inappropriate . | |
2 | 不宜空烧。 | Never make any inappropriate idle-running of the set. | |
3 | 才能太差或不适当的制度,或行政总负责人漠不关心,都会迅速招致冷言冷语。 | Too little skill, or inappropriate system, or CEO indifference, leads rapidly to cynicism | |
4 | 采取税收保全措施不当,或者纳税人在限期内已缴纳税款,税务机关未立即解除税收保全措施,使纳税人的合法利益遭受损失的,税务机关应当承担赔偿责任。 | Where the legitimate interests of a taxpayer are jeopardised due to the implementation of inappropriate measures for retaining tax revenue or to the failure on the part of the tax authorities to lift the measures for retaining tax revenue immediately after the taxpayer has made the tax payments within the prescribed time limit, the tax authorities shall assume compensation responsibility for damages. | |
5 | 除非此类国际标准或其中的相关部分无效或不适当,例如由于保护程度不足,或基本气候或地理因素或基本技术问题。 | Except where such international standards or relevant parts would be ineffective or inappropriate , for instance, because of an insufficient level of protection or fundamental climatic or geographical factors or fundamental technological problems. | |
6 | 除非应请求做出适当说明,指出此类指南、建议或其中的相关部分特别由于如下原因而不适合于有关成员 | Except where, as duly explained upon request, such guides or recommendations or relevant parts are inappropriate for the Members concerned, for, inter alia, such reasons as | |
7 | 除非有任何呈交的陈述书令注册官信纳终止该船舶的注册不适当 | Unless he is satisfied that it would be inappropriate to do so by any representations made pursuant to that subsection. | |
8 | 除非这些国际标准或其中的相关部分对达到其追求的合法目标无效或不适当,例如由于基本气候因素或地理因素或基本技术问题。 | Except when such international standards or relevant parts would be an ineffective or inappropriate means for the fulfilment of the legitimate objectives pursued, for instance because of fundamental climatic or geographical factors or fundamental technological problems. | |
9 | 除非指明的费用在上述期间内获得清缴;或依照该款向他呈交的陈述书令他信纳终止该船舶的注册不适当。 | Unless the specified fee or charge is paid within that period; or he is satisfied by any representations made pursuant to that subsection that it would be inappropriate to close the ship’s registration | |
10 | 除非指明的费用在上述期间内获得清缴;或在该段期间内,该船东或转管租约承租人、或其代表向注册官呈交陈述书,因而令注册官信纳终止该船舶的注册不适当。 | Unless the specified fee or charge is paid within that period; or he is satisfied by any representations made to him by or on behalf of the owner or demise charter within the period that it would be inappropriate to close the ship’s registration. | |
11 | 打扰不合适的或不受欢迎的加入 | An inappropriate or unwelcome addition. | |
12 | 第十九条 企业辞退、处分职工,工会认为不适当的,有权提出意见。 | Article 19 A trade union which believes that an enterprise’s dismissal or penalizing of an employee is inappropriate shall have the right to put forward its views on the matter. | |
13 | 第五条 登记主管机关有权纠正已登记注册的不适宜的企业名称,上级登记主管机关有权纠正下级登记主管机关已登记注册的不适宜的企业名称。 | Article 5 The competent registration authorities are entitled to rectify the inappropriate enterprise names already registered. The competent registration authorities at higher level are entitled to rectify the inappropriate enterprise names registered by the competent registration authorities at lower level. | |
14 | 第一条就是要同人民一起商量着办事,决心要坚定,步骤要稳妥,还要及时总结经验,改正不妥当的方案和步骤,不使小的错误发展成为大的错误。 | First, when handling matters we should consult the people, act resolutely but prudently, analyse our experience from time to time and correct inappropriate plans and methods so as to prevent minor mistakes from becoming major ones. | |
15 | 对…不合适或与…不相称 | To be unsuitable or inappropriate for. | |
16 | 厄当说:"这是一个抽象的、前卫的镜头,但是现在已经不合时宜了,所以要将其剪切。 | "It is an abstract, highly stylish shot that is completely inappropriate and will be removed from the film," said Urdang | |
17 | 否则在该款所指的期间届满后,处长须在可行范围内尽快指令注册官终止该船舶的注册。 | The Director shall direct the Registrar to close the ship’s registration unless he is satisfied that it would be inappropriate to do so by any representations made pursuant to that subsection. | |
18 | 该船东或转管租约承租人、或其代表向注册官呈交的陈述书令注册官信纳终止该船舶的注册不适当,否则注册官打算在该段期间届满后,终止该船舶的注册。 | He intends to close the ship’s registration unless he is satisfied that it would be inappropriate to do so by any representations made to him by or on behalf of the owner or demise charter within the period. | |
19 | 各成员应保证用以实施进口许可制度的行政程序符合本协定解释的GATT1994的有关规定,包括其附件和议定书,以期防止因不适当实施这些程序而产生的贸易扭曲,同时考虑发展中国家成员的经济发展目的及财政和贸易需要。 | Members shall ensure that the administrative procedures used to implement import licensing regimes are in conformity with the relevant provisions of GATT 1994 including its annexes and protocols, as interpreted by this Agreement, with a view to preventing trade distortions that may arise from an inappropriate operation of those procedures, taking into account the economic development purposes and financial and trade needs of developing country Members. | |
20 | 海关如认为条目明显引用不当,可主动与项目审批部门沟通协商 | If the customs office deems an item cited as obviously inappropriate , it may initiate communication and consultation with the project examination and approval department | |
21 | 后者比该组织的家长机密声明表更可取,这种家长机密声明表对外国留学生完全不适用。 | The latter is preferable to the Parents’ Confidential Statement (PCS)of the CSS, which is totally inappropriate for a foreign student | |
22 | 或以任何身分在该船舶受雇或被任用的人的安全、卫生及福利。 | or to the safety, health and welfare of persons employed or engaged in any capacity on board the ship, it would be inappropriate for the ship to be registered. | |
23 | 将众多的思想归结于一处是不太合适的 | It is inappropriate to combine many streams of thought into one river | |
24 | 经婚前医学检查,对诊断患医学上认为不宜生育的严重遗传性疾病的, | After pre-marital medical examination, physicians shall, in respect of the male or female who has been diagnosed with certain genetic disease of a serious nature which is considered to be inappropriate for child-bearing from a medical point of view, | |
25 | 就注册船舶来说,凡处长信纳在考虑第22(3)(a)或(b)或(4)条所述事项后,该船舶继续获注册是不适当的 | Where the Director is satisfied in relation to a registered ship that, having regard to the matters mentioned in section 22 (3)(a)or (b)or (4), it would be inappropriate for the ship to continue to be registered; | |
26 | 利用数据来指责或迁怒于一小撮人是一种短期行为,也是不恰当的。 | It is short-sighted and inappropriate to use statistics to blame a few individuals.如 | |
27 | 令牌的类型对其尝试使用的方法不适当。 | The type of the token is inappropriate for its attempted use. | |
28 | 另一方面,正如黄先生的案例中所述,在所谓的“现代”外衣掩盖下的不恰当的、低效率的习惯行为会给这些标准带来不利影响。 | On the other hand, as the case study of Huang illustrates, can also cloud the standards when inappropriate and inefficient habits persist under the cover of a supposedly “modern“ outfit. | |
29 | 敏感问题不适于大众讨论。 | Sensitive issues, inappropriate for public discussion. | |
30 | 莫名其妙地浪费了半个钟头后,乔丹低声地说:“咱们走开吧。” | "Let’s get out," whispered Jordan, after a somehow wasteful and inappropriate half-hour |