1 | 而对那些偶然的朋友我只有一个不完全的印象,一种我从下面方式中得到的印象:一次握手,我的指尖从他们的双唇上感触到的他们所说的话,或者是他们在我两手掌上轻轻地拍抚。 | but of casual friends I have only an incomplete impression, an impression gained from a handclasp, from spoken words which I take from their lips with my finger tips, or which they tap into the palm of my hand | |
2 | 发生了一个"新闻"错误。所有新闻组的搜索操作不完整。请重新尝试"查看所有新闻组"。 | A News error occurred. The scan of all newsgroups is incomplete . Try to View All Newsgroups again. | |
3 | 凡本票在未交付予受款人或持票人之前,仍属未完成及不完备之票据。 | A promissory note is inchoate and incomplete until delivery thereof to the payee or bearer. | |
4 | 房地产登记和交易系统仍不完善,即使报告交易,交易价格也不准确。 | Property registration and property transfer system coverage remains incomplete and transaction values are not always accurately reported, if they are reported at all. | |
5 | 分离使我俩变成残缺的个体,只有我们在一起时,才能结合成一个更美好的整体。 | Apart, we are incomplete ; together, we are greater than the whole. | |
6 | 风险分析的数据可能是不确定或不完全的,资料可能不完整,而当没有足够的书面依据时,事实和分析值的判定之间的界限可能是模糊的,因此,保持风险分析的透明度非常重要。 | Transparency is also essential because data are often uncertain or incomplete and, without full documentation, the distinction between facts and the analyst’s value judgments may blur. | |
7 | 负熵还会出现在不完整或模糊信号被完全接收到的情况中,这种情况要么是由于接收器填李遗失部分的能力,要么是接收器识别传播的意图和内容的能力造成的。 | Negative entropy may also occur in instances in which incomplete or blurred messages are nevertheless received intact, either because of the ability of the receiver to fill in missing details or to recognize both the intent and content of the communication. | |
8 | 概要的;不完全的;粗略的 | Lacking thoroughness and detail;incomplete ;rough | |
9 | 个人自述只是潦草地写了几句,填写获奖情况和个人成绩,至少是不完整的。 | His “essay” was a few scribbled sentences, and his listing of awards and accomplishments was incomplete , at best. | |
10 | 过去,只讲在社会主义条件下发展生产力,没有讲还要通过改革解放生产力,不完全。 | In the past, we only stressed expansion of the productive forces under socialism without mentioning the need to liberate them through reform. The conception was incomplete . | |
11 | 合同的基本条款和内容不完善。 | The Basic provisions and content of the contract are incomplete . | |
12 | 画家的这张画未完成。 | The artist’s picture is incomplete . | |
13 | 汇票可于下列情况承兑:未有发票人签署,或仍有不完整之处;业已过期,或在被拒承兑或被拒支付而不能兑现之后。 | A bill may be accepted:before it has been signed by the drawer, or while otherwise incomplete ;when it is overdue, or after it has been dishonoured by a previous refusal to accept or by non-payment. | |
14 | 汇票上之每项协约,不论属于发票人、承兑人或背书人者,须俟该票交付后始生效力,否则均属未完成及可撤销 | Every contract on a bill, whether it is the drawer’s, the acceptor’s or an indorser’s is incomplete and revocable, until delivery of the instrument in order to give effect thereto; | |
15 | 机械钟表机芯,不完整的(例如缺少擒纵器或发条夹板) | mechanical clock or watch movement,incomplete (i.e.,lacking escapement or barrel bridge) | |
16 | 计分员必须对不完全或不正确的计分表迅速向靶场总监反应(直接由靶场总监授权)。 | Ensures incomplete or inaccurate score sheets are promptly referred to the Range Master (under direct authority of the Range Master). | |
17 | 加上思想政治工作薄弱、法制不健全,什么违法乱纪和腐败现象等等,都出来了。 | It was because of this, because of our poor performance in ideological and political work and because of the incomplete legal system, that violations of the law and discipline, corrupt practices, etc. all came about. | |
18 | 监狱没有收到上述文件的,不得收监;上述文件不齐全或者记载有误的,作出生效判决的人民法院应当及时补充齐全或者作出更正; | The prison shall not put the criminal in prison without receiving the above-mentioned documents; if such documents are incomplete or have errors in the records, the people’s court which passed the effective judgment shall, without delay, make them complete or correct; | |
19 | 她对那个事件作了不完整的叙述。 | She gave an incomplete account of the incident. | |
20 | 她相当浮夸的房屋政策及其与社会形态关系的观点是不完善的。 | Her rather rhetorical view of housing and its relation to the shape of society was incomplete | |
21 | 她想到她常常想着的事:一个赤裸着的人体,是多么地脆弱,易伤而有点可怜!那是多么地欠缺而这完备的东西! | And she thought, as she had thought so often, what a frail, easily hurt, rather pathetic thing a human body is, naked; somehow a little unfinished, incomplete ! | |
22 | 尽管化石记录不很完全,但仍然给我们一幅关于到底发生了什么事情的大体轮廓。 | Although the fossil record is incomplete , it still gives us a broad brush outline of what happened | |
23 | 据不完全统计,仅噶厦(旧西藏地方政府)征收的差税种类就达200多种。 | According to incomplete statistics, there were over 200 kinds of taxes levied by the kasha (the former local government of Tibet)alone | |
24 | 据不完全统计,这一时期得到公开演奏并见载于报刊文字的即达80余部之多,其中影响最大、成就最高的当推小提琴协奏曲《梁祝》。 | According to incomplete statistics, more than 80 such works were performed in public and published, of which the most influential and successful was the violin concerto Liang Zhu. | |
25 | 老师要求我们列出过去自己曾感羞愧、负疚、缺憾和悔恨的事情。 | The instructor asked us to list anything in our past that we felt ashamed of, guilty about, regretted, or incomplete about. | |
26 | 没有西藏的现代化,祖国的现代化就不完整、不全面。 | Without Tibet’s modernization, the motherland’s modernization would be incomplete and incomprehensive | |
27 | 明胶是一种营养的不完全蛋白质。也用于各种医药制品。 | It is nutritionally an incomplete protein. It is also used in various pharmaceutical products. | |
28 | 那张纸有三分之一多一点已被火烧掉了。 | read it again, Dants, and then I will complete for you the incomplete words and unconnected sense." | |
29 | 能优雅地弹奏钢琴或演奏别的什么乐器(我这个人不但是乐盲,而且五音不全) | I want to be able to play the piano or some other instrument elegantly (I am not only totally ignorant about music, but am also tone deaf [inept at music, lit. five tones incomplete ]) | |
30 | 女性33岁,结婚4年。2月1日因不完全流产而刮宫,以后未再怀孕。2月21日因两年未孕来医院就诊。 | A female aged 33, married for 4 years. A spontaneous incomplete abortion of 6 weeks occurred on Feb 1st. Curettage was done on the same day. There was no more pregnancy since then. She visited the doctor because of no pregnancy for 2 years on Feb. 21 |