1 | 全电动钟表机芯,不完整的(例如,缺少显示器或电路元件) | fully electric clock or watch movement,incomplete (e.g.,lacking display or circuit components) | |
2 | 如果地址不全或有错误,代收银行可尽力查明适当的地址,但其本身不承担任何义务和责任。 | If the address is incomplete or incorrect, the collecting bank may, without any liability and responsibility on its part, endeavor to ascertain the proper address. | |
3 | 如果发现技术文件所规定的标准和规范不完整 | If the standards and codes specified in the Technical Documentation are found incomplete | |
4 | 如所收到的有关通知、保兑或修改信用证的指示不完整或不清楚,则被要求执行该指示的银行可以给受益人一份预先通知,仅供其参考,但该行不负任何责任。 | If incomplete or unclear instructions are received to advise, confirm of amend a Credit, the bank requested to act on such instructions may give preliminary notification to the beneficiary for information only and without responsibility. | |
5 | 虽设置帐簿,但帐目混乱或者成本资料、收入凭证、费用凭证残缺不全,难以查帐的 | although accounting books have been kept, the accounting entries have not been entered in an appropriate manner or the information on costs, receipt vouchers and expense vouchers are incomplete , causing difficulties in conducting an audit. | |
6 | 他的禀赋既不完全,智力又受了摧残,通过他那种不健全的辨别能力,他隐约感到有一种怪物附在他身上。 | athwart the unhealthy perceptions of an incomplete nature and a crushed intelligence, he was confusedly conscious that some monstrous thing was resting on him | |
7 | 他们从这次实验中只得到了一组不完整的答案。 | They only got an incomplete set of results from the experiment. | |
8 | 他们须知自己的知识是偏于感性的或局部的,缺乏理性的知识和普遍的知识,就是说,缺乏理论,他们的知识也是比较地不完全。 | They must realize that their knowledge is mostly perceptual and partial and that they lack rational and comprehensive knowledge in other words, they lack theory and their knowledge, too, is relatively incomplete | |
9 | 通信器无法复制目录,因为服务器的复制记录信息不完整。 | Communicator is unable to replicate the directory because the server’s replication information is incomplete . | |
10 | 通信器无法复制目录,因为服务器的更改运行记录信息不完整。 | Communicator is unable to replicate the directory because the server’s change log information is incomplete . | |
11 | 推测基于非结论性的或不完全的证据作出的推论或判断;猜测 | Inference or judgment based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence;guesswork. | |
12 | 完善和准确的注册信息和地籍簿:房地产信息经常簿完善,过时,而且分布在不同部门,相互间没有沟通。 | Accurate and complete property register and cadastre: Real estate databases frequently incomplete , outdated, incorrect, and located in more than one administrative agency with no simple means of communicating between those agencies. | |
13 | 伪证罪在宣誓后故意提供假的、易引起误解的或是不完整的证据 | The deliberate,willful giving of false,misleading,or incomplete testimony under oath. | |
14 | 我们关于世界理性的科学经验是零散而不全面的;宗教致力于将这些碎片连在一起,从而组成一个关于整体的一致的有意义的形象。 | Our rational, scientific experience of the world is fragmented and incomplete , and religion attempts to bring these fragments together to form a coherent, meaningful image of the whole | |
15 | 污染、残缺或者褪色、变色,难以辨认的;从邮资信封、邮资明信片、邮资邮简上剪下的邮票图案。 | The postage certificates which are contaminated, incomplete or illegible due to fading or discolouring, and stamp patterns cut from stamped envelopes, stamped postcards and stamped aerogrammes shall not be used. | |
16 | 无论那个梦是什么,假使我们略过不提,那一夜的经过便不完全:那是一个害着心病的人的一段辛酸的故事。 | Of whatever nature this dream may be, the history of this night would be incomplete if we were to omit it: it is the gloomy adventure of an ailing soul | |
17 | 项目名不完整。 | The entry name is incomplete . | |
18 | 一次失败的前扑接球 | an incomplete forward pass. | |
19 | 一九六二年以前,《统一贯例》拟定的主要目的,是在买方所作的指示不完整或不明确时,用以保护银行的利益。 | Prior to 1962 the UCP were primarily designed to safeguard the banker when the buyer gave incomplete or imprecise instructions | |
20 | 一氧化碳(co)是一种无色无味的有毒气体,比空气稍轻,这是由燃料中的炭不能完全燃烧生成的,主要来源是内燃机,大多产生于机动车辆。 | Carbon monoxide (co)is a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas, slightly lighter than air, that is produced by the incomplete burning of carbon in fuels. The main sources are internal combustion engines, mostly in motor vehicles | |
21 | 一种处理过程,用于确定数据是否不精确、不完整或不合理。注:数据证实可包括格式检验、完整性检验、检验键测试、合理性检验和范围检验。 | A process used to determine if data are inaccurate,incomplete ,or unreasonable.Note:Data validation may include format checks,completeness checks,check key tests,reasonableness checks and limit checks. | |
22 | 一组不完整的答数. | An incomplete set of results | |
23 | 衣服未穿完整 | Partial but incomplete dress. | |
24 | 由于树脂不能完全渗入到纤维中,因而造成了大量微小的气泡。 | There came the presence of a large number of minute air bubbles resulting from incomplete impregnation of the fibers by the resin | |
25 | 有很多学生还犯些基本语法错误,诸如人称、数量、时态、语态、语气、正确使用句型以及破句或不完整句等。 | Many a student still makes basic grammatical mistakes such as person, number, tense, voice, mood, the correct use of sentence patterns and the broken or incomplete sentences etc. | |
26 | 有一个重子消失就有另一个重子出现的说法是不够完善的,因为它没有把反重子算进去。 | The statement that for every baryon that disappears another baryon appears is incomplete because it leaves antibaryons out of the reckoning | |
27 | 在不完全的燃烧中,一些烃燃料裂解。 | During incomplete combustion some of the hydrocarbon fuel is cracked | |
28 | 这充分说明了当年道德标准的缺欠,我们虽然认为十分严格,但对那些浪迹海洋的人却网开一面,不仅容忍他们在陆上为所欲为,而且听凭他们在自己的天地里,更加无法无天。 | It remarkably characterised the incomplete morality of the age, rigid as we call it, that a license was allowed the seafaring class, not merely for their freaks on shore, but for far more desperate deeds on their proper element. | |
29 | 这套茶具残缺不全。 | The tea set is incomplete . | |
30 | 这套盘子不全。 | This set of plates is incomplete . |