1 | “我都清楚了,”英国人答道,“一场新的灾难又降临到了您的身上,而这只能增加我为您效劳的愿望。” | "I see," returned the Englishman, "that a fresh and unmerited misfortune his overwhelmed you, and this only increases my desire to serve you." | |
2 | 1996年美国约曼芝加哥公司收购了莫里斯污水处理产品系列。收购莫里斯,使得美国约曼芝加哥公司的泵系列扩展到6,000加仑;分钟至15,000加仑;分钟以上," | In 1996 Yeomans Chicago Corporation acquired the Morris Pumps waste water product lines. The acquisition of the Morris line increases the Yeomans Chicago Corporation capability from 6,000 Gallons/Min. to over 15,000 Gallons/Min. | |
3 | 补血药增加血液中血红蛋白数量的药物 | A drug that increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. | |
4 | 采用甲基丙烯酸甲酯时,粒子直径随转化率呈直线增大,这就表明粒子发生了聚集。 | With methyl methacrylate the particle diameter increases linearly with conversion indicating particle aggregation | |
5 | 产量与年递增。 | The output increases progressively with years | |
6 | 从1999年底的84%覆盖率,参保职工9400多万,发展到2000年11月,参保人数达10346万人,覆盖率上升到92% | from 84% by the end of 1999 with employees participating in the insurance of over 94 million increases to 92% by November of 2000 with employees participating in the insurance of over 103.46 million | |
7 | 从经验上讲,合并也同样可以看作是集中增加的主要根源。 | empirically, mergers have also been identified as a major source of concentration increases | |
8 | 大量沾污也会使二级管电流随反向偏压的增加而呈现反常的增大。 | The presence of a large density of contaminant causes anomalous increases in the diode current with increasing reverse bias | |
9 | 大批工厂都报告说,和前一年相比,产量有很大增长。 | A large number of factories reported sizable increases in output as compared with the previous year | |
10 | 胆石症的发病率随年龄而逐渐增高。 | The incidence of gallstones increases progressively with age | |
11 | 当进水浓度提高时,去除同样百分比的BOD则需要加大设备。 | As the concentration of the influent increases , the removal of the same percentage of BOD will require additional facilities | |
12 | 当静态平衡时,在水面以下,静水压力随深度而增加。 | Below the water table at static equilibrium, hydrostatic pressure potential increases with increasing depth | |
13 | 当射程增大时,热噪声将成为一个主要的误差源。 | As the range increases thermal noise tends to take over as the major source of inaccuracy | |
14 | 当元素的数目增加时,变分表达形式中的导数趋于常数,特别情况下可趋于零。 | When the number of elements increases , the derivatives within the variational statement will tend to have a constant, or in particular a zero, value | |
15 | 第三是伴随生产率提高而产生的不良的外部影响问题。 | The third involves the undesirable externalities that may accompany productivity increases | |
16 | 对户数的增加的推算 | Projections of increases in number of households | |
17 | 对于很多地方说来,生产的规模大了,经营的部门多了,劳动的范围向自然界的广度和深度扩张了,工作做得精致了,劳动力就会感到不足。 | For many places the labour shortage becomes: evident as production grows in scale, the number of undertakings increases , the efforts to remake nature become more extensive and intensive and the work is done more thoroughly | |
18 | 而且当身体脂肪增加的时候,大脑失去了对这些激素作出反应的能力--所以肥胖的人就更加容易肥胖。 | Complicating matters still further is that the brain loses its ability to respond to these hormones as body fat increases --so the obese are doubly penalized | |
19 | 分别会使平庸的感情削减,却能使深厚的感情增强(拉·劳土福科)。 | Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones(La Rochefoucauld. | |
20 | 服从《防止大气质量严重恶化》规章的地区可被划为三类,大气污染物密度提高的最大允许值以及超过基线密度的,都被划归各类等级。 | Areas subject to PSD regulation are divided into three classes, and maximum allowable increases in ambient concentrations of air pollutants, above initial baseline concentrations, are defined for each class | |
21 | 负耗阻性管由栅极和极板电势组成的四极管,其中当极板电流降低时极板电势反而增加 | A tetrode with grid and plate potentials so arranged that plate current decreases when plate potential increases . | |
22 | 格拉斯说,2000年,星巴克将价格提高了3%左右,继1994、1997和1999年的类似增幅后,(现在)是时候再次提价了。 | The company raised its prices by about 3 percent in 2000, following similar increases in 1994, 1997 and 1999, and another hike is due, Glass said. | |
23 | 根据世界银行的报告,许多高收入国家的经验表明,即使在较为严重的走私面前,增税仍然可以带来政府收入的增加和对香烟消费的减少。 | According to the World Bank, the experience of a large number of high-income countries shows that, even in the face of high levels of smuggling, tax increases bring increased revenues and reduce cigarette consumption | |
24 | 耕种面积控制和投入补贴的作用背道而驰,每一方的作用都增加了对方的代价。 | acreage controls and input subsidies work at cross purposes, each increases the cost of the other | |
25 | 工资提高後减轻了物价上涨对我们的影响。 | Wage increases have cushioned us from the effects of higher prices. | |
26 | 估计美国汽车的数量还将大幅度增长。这是由于预计美国全国人口将在本世纪末翻一番;此外拥有一辆车以上的人数也将进一步增加。 | Yet further large increases in the numbers of vehicles are anticipated, partly because the national population is expected to double by the end of the century, and partly because there is still room for the further intensification of ownership | |
27 | 关于这一点,有一个明显的例子:你的社会地位越高,战争歇斯底里越甚。 | One clear illustration of this is the fact that war hysteria increases in intensity as one rises in the social scale | |
28 | 好的人际网络会增加你的知名度,并在你周围形成一个宝贵的人际关系圈,在这个人际关系圈里,你可以给予同时也获得支持和信息。 | Good networking increases your visibility and gives you a valuable circle of people from whom you can give and receive support and information | |
29 | 河流中沙垄和逆行沙垄的存在,使局部水深交替地增大或减小。 | The presence of dunes or antidunes in streams alternately decreases and increases the local depth | |
30 | 呼吸频率增加到正常水平以上50%。持续暴露会导致头痛、疲劳。 | Breathing rate increases to 50% above normal level. Prolonged exposure can cause headache, tiredness. |