属类:法学专业-中国法律-外商投资产业指导目录( 2004 年修订)
属类:法学专业-中国法律-外商投资产业指导目录( 2004 年修订)
1 | “窝种”的第二天,老通宝拿一个大蒜头涂上一些泥,放在蚕房的墙脚边 | The second day of incubation , Old Tong Bao smeared a garlic with earth and placed it at the foot of the wall inside the shed | |
2 | 12 .高新技术、新产品开发与企业孵化中心 | 12.Centers for hi-tech, new products developing, and incubation of enterprises | |
3 | 39. 全自动酶免系统(含加样、酶标、洗板、孵育、数据后处理等部分功能)设备制造 | (39)Manufacturing of equipment for auto elisa immuno system (including the functions of application of sample, elisa photo meter, wash plate, incubation , data, post treatment, etc.) | |
4 | Cat-CVD方法制备多晶硅薄膜的孕育层控制 | Restriction on Amorphous Incubation Layer of Polysilicon Thin Films by Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition | |
5 | ELISA法检测HBsAg影响结果的重要因素的分析 | Effects of Incubation Conditions on Results of Qualitative | |
6 | hβ-CGRP预孵育对H2O2致心肌细胞内游离钙离子浓度增加的影响 | Effects of Pre-incubation with hβ-CGRP on Elevation of Intracellular Free Calcium Concentration Activated by H2O2 in Myocardial Cells | |
7 | 半滑舌鳎胚胎发育及其与水温的关系 | Embryonic Development of Cynoglossus Semilaevis and Its Relationship with Incubation Temperature | |
8 | 保温干预对老年腹部手术患者生命体征的影响 | Effect of Incubation Intervention on Vital Sign of Senile Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgery | |
9 | 编号J163EK-A35的测试表明:经过4小时的观察,实验细菌金黄葡萄球菌和链球菌在威盛亚耐蚀理化板表面减少的量已达93.4%和93.3%,而在对比样组上减少的量分别为0%和47.4%,而大肠杆菌和肺炎克雷伯西艺勒菌在理化板表面减少的量已达70.1%和72.1%,对比样品组减少的量都是零。 | The test result of No J163EK-A35 showed that it was observed after 4 hours’ incubation , the amount of Staphylococcus Aureus,Streptococci Faecalis,Escherichia Coli,Klebsiella Pneumoniae on the surface of Wilsonart Chemsurf decreased by 93.4%, 93.3%, 70.1% and 72.1% respectively, vs.0% ,47.4%, 0%, and 0% for glass control respectively. | |
10 | 编号J165EK-A35的测试表明:对对比样品组进行21天观察,并在重复两次实验以后,实验显示细菌在威盛亚耐蚀理化板上无生长痕迹,而在对比样品组上则是重度生长。 | The test result in duplicate of No J165EK-A35 showed that no bacterial growth was visible beneath sample of Wilsonart Chemsurf and severe bacterial growth was visible beneath sample of glass control after 21 day’s incubation period. | |
11 | 薄起始层的VHF PECVD底栅微晶硅薄膜晶体管 | A VHF PECVD Micro-Crystalline Silicon Bottom Gate TFT with a Thin Incubation Layer | |
12 | 不同催青处理的二化性家蚕体内过氧化氢代谢 | Effect of Different Treatments during Incubation on Metabolism of Hydrogen Peroxide in Bivoltine Silkworm, Bombyx mori | |
13 | 不同品种鸡胚蛋孵化期间营养成分的变化 | Changes of the Nutrient Components in Different Types of Embryonated Eggs during Incubation Period | |
14 | 不同状态样品培养下太湖地区黄泥土好气呼吸与CO2产生潜力 | Change in CO2 Production Potential by Soil Respiration from a Paddy Soil under Aerobic Incubation by Using Differently Disturbed Samples | |
15 | 布子不须再“窝”了,很小心地放在“蚕房”里。 | incubation was no longer necessary, and the eggs were carefully placed in the special shed | |
16 | 出现沉淀的孕育时间常常需要一分钟或更多的时间。 | The incubation time for incipient precipitation is often a minute or more | |
17 | 创造性思考的四个阶段是准备、沉思、启迪、求证。 | The four stages of creative thought are preparation,incubation ,illumination,and verification. | |
18 | 催青过程中温、湿度对蚕卵孵化率的影响 | Influence of Temperature and Humidity on the Hatching Rate of Silkworm Eggs in the Incubation Process | |
19 | 大部分重要的流行是由于潜伏期短、易于传播的传染病所致,霍乱和食源性疾病就是很好的例子。 | Most important epidemics are due to communicable diseases with a short incubation period that are easily transmitted. Cholera and food-borne diseases are good examples. | |
20 | 大鼠视网膜干细胞体外培养、增殖及分化 | Incubation , Proliferation and Differentiation of Retinal Stem Cell in the Rat Eyes | |
21 | 但对第八章规定以外的其他病种染疫嫌疑人,可以从该人员离开感染环境的时候算起,实施不超过该传染病最长潜伏期的就地诊验或者留验以及其他的卫生处理。 | As for those suspects suffering from contagious diseases other than plague, cholera and yellow fever as defined in Chapter VIII of these Rules, they shall be subject to on-site clinical check-up or check-up detention as well as other measures of sanitization for a period of time not exceeding the longest incubation period of that contagious counting from the day they left the infected environment. | |
22 | 当温度在40-70摄氏度之间时,可得到非常令人满意的产率。处理的时间取决于酶的浓度和温度,处理时间可以是几分钟,若温度较低时,也可以长达几个小时。 | Very favourable yields are obtained at a temperature within the range of 40 to 70°C. The incubation time depends on the enzyme concentration and the temperature and may vary from a few minutes to several hours at lower temperatures. | |
23 | 第八十四条 黄热病的潜伏期为 6 日。 | Article 84 Incubation period of yellow fever is 6 days. | |
24 | 第六十八条 鼠疫的潜伏期为 6 日。 | Article 68 Incubation period of the plague is 6 days. | |
25 | 第七十五条 霍乱潜伏期为 5 日。 | Article 75 Incubation period of cholera is 5 days. | |
26 | 第十二条 国境卫生检疫机关对检疫传染病染疫人必须立即将其隔离,隔离期限根据医学检查结果确定;对检疫传染病染疫嫌疑人应当将其留验,留验期限根据该传染病的潜伏期确定。 | Article 12 A person having a quarantinable infectious disease shall be placed in isolation by the frontier health and quarantine office for a period determined by the results of the medical examination, while a person suspected of having a quarantinable infectious disease shall be kept for inspection for a period determined by the incubation period of such disease. | |
27 | 动物粪堆肥于不同土壤水分与培育温度下氧化亚氮之排放 | Nitrous Oxide Emission from Soil Amended with Animal Dung Composts at Various Incubation Temperatures and Soil Moistures | |
28 | 对检疫传染病染疫嫌疑人应当留验到该病潜伏期期满。 | and the person suspected with a communicable disease shall be kept under observation until the incubation period of that disease is over. | |
29 | 发病的日期对确定潜伏期和传染源可能是很重要的。 | The date of onset of the illness may be important in determining the incubation period and the source of infection | |
30 | 发酵乳制品具有与众不同的风味与香气,这主要取决于微生物的培养条件及所使用的接种方法。 | Fermented milk has distinct flavors and aromas, depending on incubation conditions and the microbial inocula used . |