属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 7755-4.4.4-1997
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN ISO 14239-1999
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-非洲企业家 求知若饥虚心若愚(下)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-非洲企业家 求知若饥虚心若愚(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-清洁水源 生命的银丝带
1 | 碳、氮源浓度和培养时间对裂殖壶菌生长和脂肪酸组成的影响 | Effects of Concentration of Carbon and Nitrogen Sources and Incubation Time on the Growth and Fatty Acid Composition of Schizochytrium limacinum | |
2 | 头两个胃称为瘤胃,实际是充满了细菌与原生动物的大型培养室。 | The first two, known as the rumen, are essentially vast incubation chambers teeming with bacteria and protozoa | |
3 | 土壤酸化对温室气体排放影响的培育实验研究 | The Incubation Experiment Studies on the Influence of Soil Acidification on Greenhouse Gases Emission | |
4 | 土壤质量 在好氧条件下测量土壤中有机化学品的矿化的实验室培育系统 | Soil quality-Laboratory incubation systems for measuring the mineralization of organic chemicals in soil under aerobic conditions | |
5 | 土壤质量.生物学方法. 微菌污染物效应.在需氧条件下土壤中有机化合物矿化的测量用实验室培养系统 | Soil quality-Biological methods-Effects of pollutants on microbes-Laboratory incubation systems for measuring the mineralization of organic chemicals in soil under aerobic conditions | |
6 | 土壤质量.在需氧条件下土壤中有机化合物矿化的测量用实验室孕育系统 | Soil quality-Laboratory incubation systems for measuring the mineralization of organic chemicals in soil under aerobic conditions | |
7 | 微晶硅薄膜太阳电池中孵化层研究 | Study of Incubation Layers in Microcrystalline Silicon Solar Cells | |
8 | 为了证明品层的稳定性,加一种对曲线形状有稳定作用的化合物使老化实验与新鲜涂层进行比较。 | To demonstrate the stability of the magenta layer when the curve shape stabilizing addendum is added, tests on incubation are compared to fresh coatings | |
9 | 温度对中国林蛙卵孵化和孵出热耐受性的影响 | Effect of Temperature on Incubation and Thermal Tolerance of the Chinese Forest Frog | |
10 | 蜈蚣藻盘状体诱导丝状体及其采苗的初步研究 | Induction and Seedling Incubation of Filaments from Crusts of Sea Weed Grateloupia filicina | |
11 | 新城疫病毒Lasota系疫苗生产中鸡胚孵化条件的优化 | Optimization of Condition for Incubation of Embryonic Eggs during Production of Newcastle Disease Virus Lasota Vaccine | |
12 | 新感温病与伏气温病考辩 | Thinking on Current Affection of Febrile Diseases and Epidemic Febrile Disease Occurring after Incubation | |
13 | 新生大鼠海马齿状回神经干细胞的分离培养与鉴定 | Isolation, Incubation and Identification of Neural Stem Cells from Dentate Gyrus of Hippocampus of Neonatal Rats | |
14 | 血液净化膜材在凝血过程中对凝血十二因子的接触活化 | The Contact Activation of Factor XII during Plasma Incubation with Blood Purification Materials | |
15 | 再引入黑颈长尾雉的产卵、孵卵行为 | Laying Eggs and Incubation Behavior of Syrmaticus humiae | |
16 | 在家禽饲养场监视孵化温度 | Monitor the incubation temperatures at your poultry farm. | |
17 | 在融合前的温育时间里许多断裂已经修复。 | Many breaks had been repaired during the perfusion incubation time | |
18 | 在需氧条件下土壤中有机化合物矿化的测量用实验室孕育系统 | laboratory incubation systems for measuring the mineralization of organic chemicals in soil under aerobic conditions | |
19 | 在自然条件下,肥育舍饲牛的潜伏期,还没有确定。 | Under natural conditions, the incubation period in feedlot cattle is uncertain in length | |
20 | 这是一种将面粉悬浮在27℃条件下培养1小时之前和之后,对还原糖的定量测定的实验。 | This is a quantitative determination of reducing sugars prior to and incubation of a flour suspension at 27℃ for 1 h. | |
21 | 浙江丽水中国石龙子卵孵化温度效应的进一步研究 | Further Study on Effects of Temperature on Egg Incubation in Chinese Skinks, Eumeces chinensis at Lishui, Zhejiang | |
22 | 蔗糖浓度及ICSI前培养时间对人卵母细胞慢速冷冻影响的初步研究 | Effect of Sucrose Concentrations and Different Incubation Time before ICSI on Oocyte Cryopreservation by a Slow-freezing Protocol | |
23 | 自然发酵黄豆酱酱曲培养过程中蛋白酶的形成及蛋白质的分解 | The Proteases Formation and Proteolysis during the Incubation of Naturally Fermented Soybean Koji | |
24 | 自然孵育下大紫胸鹦鹉生长发育的观察 | Growth and Development of Psittacula derbiana (Fraser)under Natural Incubation Condition | |
25 | 2011年,当Michael Oluwagbemi在拉各斯建立Wennovation Hub时,他发现在他认为能推出正式孵化项目前,不得不教那些想成为企业家的人们如何编写应用程序和设计网站。 | When Michael Oluwagbemi set up Wennovation Hub in Lagos in 2011, he found he had to teach wannabe entrepreneurs how to write applications and design websites before he could even launch the formal incubation programme. | |
26 | iHub是内罗比的第一批中心之一,成立于2010年,iHub有一个主要集中在移动技术的孵化装备,称之为m:lab。 | One of the first hubs was iHub in Nairobi, launched in 2010, which has an incubation arm focused on mobile technology, called m: lab. | |
27 | 几天以后,细菌经过多次繁殖开始逐渐扩大,颜色不一且十分漂亮。 | Several days and multiple rounds of incubation later, her son’s hand-print had flowered into large and strangely beautiful design. | |
28 | 随后每次过滤实验得到的几滴水被放在孵化盘中用以观察水中剩余物质的状况。 | A few drops of the filtered water from each experimental run were then scattered on an incubation plate to see what was left to grow. | |
29 | 它们是很好的例子表明,考虑到SARS-COV-2潜伏期所造成的14天延迟, | And they make a good case that, allowing for a 14-day delay caused by SARS-COV-2’s incubation period, | |
30 | 138例狂犬病潜伏期特点及其影响因素研究 | Study on Influence Factors and Epidemiology Characteristics of Rabies Incubation Period of 138 Cases |