属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本教训 Japanese lessons
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-约翰逊议会选举大胜 英国正式开启脱欧
1 | 战争的目的就是胜利,而非犹豫不决。在战争中,没有可以代替胜利的东西。--麦克阿瑟 | War’s very object is victory, not indecision . In war, there is no substitute for victory.--Douglas MacArthur | |
2 | 这句答话虽不含什么优柔寡断的意味,却来得那么迟。 | The answer was so long in coming, though there was no indecision in it | |
3 | 这是一场全球人类休戚与共的生存战,不容丝毫迟疑与动摇。 | This is a war about the very survival of mankind-there is no room for wavering and indecision . | |
4 | 这些讨论并没有使我们的行动延迟或犹豫不决。 | These discussions caused no delay or indecision in our actions | |
5 | ||1:欧元区处在更危险的境地。||2:它的复苏慢的可怕。||3:它的前景惨淡:8月1日公布的数据显示德国、法国和意大利的制造业正以增长的速度在萎缩(英国也被拖下水)。||4:对于不足的刺激行动和萎靡的行业状况可看作是日本教训的第三个特征——政策无能。||5:8月2号,欧洲央行行长德拉吉暗示说银行迅速购买债券是协调救市计划的一部分。||6:股市明显下降,说明投资者不相信它能像日本一样复苏,拯救欧元区。 | ||1:The euro area is in a more dangerous position.||2:Its recovery has been painfully slow (see bottom right-hand chart).||3:Its prospects look grim: data released on August 1st showed German, French and Italian manufacturing contracting at an increasing rate (dragging Britain down with them).||4:And to the meagre stimulus and zombification of industry can be added a third Japanese trait—policy indecision .||5:On August 2nd Mario Draghi, the ECB’s head, indicated the bank’s readiness to buy bonds again as part of a co-ordinated rescue plan.||6:Stockmarkets initially fell, suggesting the investors are unconvinced that it will save the euro area from aping Japan. | |
6 | 悬而未决之时 | Indecision time | |
7 | 自英国人在一次特别公投中决定脱离欧盟以来,时间已经过去了3年多。政治观察家表示,可能周四参与投票的选民,即使是那些想要留在欧盟的选民,都已经对这一问题和政治上的优柔寡断感到厌倦。 | It has been more than three years since Britons decided in a special referendum to separate from the EU. Political observers say it is likely that voters on Thursday, even those who wanted to stay with the EU, had grown tired of the issue and political indecision . | |
8 | “这种恶性循环的势头正在加强,坦率地讲,政策方面的优柔寡断和政治失灵加剧了这种情况。” | "This vicious cycle is gaining momentum and, frankly, it has been exacerbated by policy indecision and political dysfunction. " | |
9 | 唉!他并不见得比珂赛特站得稳些。 | Alas! he walked with no less indecision than Cosette. | |
10 | 不过,我这种优柔寡断的性格总的来说不会在工作或大的生活选择上折磨我(我大概只考虑了一秒钟就决定买下我们的房子)。 | My indecision doesn’t generally plague me at work or with large life choices. (I decided in about a second to buy our house). | |
11 | 但是,反对党自民党立即就政府推迟决定的做法提出批评,认为这进一步表明鸠山由纪夫优柔寡断,缺乏领导力。 | However, the opposition LDP immediately seized on the postponement as a further sign of Mr Hatoyama’s indecision and lack of leadership. | |
12 | 当美国队拿到一连串的角球,英格兰队的防守出现了不可饶恕的犹豫。 | There was inexcusable indecision from the England defence as the United States won a barrage of corners. | |
13 | 而且我将防范两个邪恶:草率、优柔寡断。 | And I will be on guard against two evils: hastiness and indecision . | |
14 | 分析师认为,布朗的犹豫不决,是其民意支持率下滑的起源。 | Analysts saw his indecision as the beginning of his descent in popularity. | |
15 | 刚开始卡萝尔既惊讶又犹豫,但是当他看到这群男人开始收集附近绳子上晾晒的衣服时,一股怒气直冲脑门。 | Her startled indecision quickly turned to indignant impulse when some of the men began to gather up drying clothes from a nearby line. | |
16 | 还会发现恋人的似是而非。纵然在刹那间我们下定了决心,却仍然会优柔寡断踌躇不前。 | And we discover the lover’s paradox. Suddenly, we have clear purpose, but we suffer overwhelming indecision . | |
17 | 就算是迟疑和不作为实际上也是决定和行动。 | Even indecision and inaction are really decision and action. | |
18 | 然而在金融危机这一竞选的主要问题中他却显得茫然不知所云,更显出恐慌和毫无决断力。 | Yet on the great issue of the campaign, the financial crisis, he has seemed all at sea, emitting panic and indecision . | |
19 | 事实上,她那种看上去的犹豫远远不是犹豫,而是疑惑。 | Her seeming indecision was, in fact, more than indecision: it was misgiving. | |
20 | 事实上,所有迫切的经济改革都受阻于政治阻力和领导人的优柔寡断。 | In fact, all urgent economic reforms were blocked by political resistance and indecision . | |
21 | 事实上,应遭诟病的,不是外界猜测而是优柔寡断和谨小慎微。 | In truth it is not speculation but indecision and timidity that are at fault. | |
22 | 双鱼准备好了依赖天蝎去弥补自己的优柔寡断,而者与天蝎期望主导的性格步调一致。 | Pisces are ready to rely on Scorpio to compensate their indecision , and will agree with the Scorpio’s aspiration to dominate. | |
23 | 他的同僚们表示(尽管他否认这点),白宫在中期财政控制上的犹豫不决让他失望。 | colleagues said (though he denied) that he was frustrated by White House indecision over medium-term fiscal control. | |
24 | 他们不急着下结论,能够忍受优柔寡断的感觉。 | don’t hurry to a conclusion. They’ll live with indecision . | |
25 | 我会制定一个计划,我也许不会严格地遵守它,但我一定要有计划。我会避免两种错误:仓促行事和优柔寡断。 | I will have a program, I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it. I will save myself from two pests: hurry and indecision . | |
26 | 我们会发现自己被陷住,被无法决策打倒,没有能力前进。 | We would find ourselves stuck, overcome by indecision and unable to move forward. | |
27 | 我们面临的第二个敌人是优柔寡断。 | The second enemy we face is indecision . | |
28 | 我也曾长期患有“急性午餐时间犹豫不决综合症”,所以我知道那有多可怕。 | I, too, have been a long-time sufferer from Acute Lunchtime Indecision Syndrome, and so I know how horrible it is. | |
29 | 一旦你犹豫不定或感到困惑时,你可以在家里做一些实际的事来减少下班回家带来的问题。 | Once you have dealt with indecision and guilt you can start taking some practical steps to minimize re-entry problems in your home. | |
30 | 一个关于设计广泛认同的决策理念可以让业务流程更高效。 | Indecision does. A widely shared set of decision criteria around design can make the process more efficient. |