1 | “交杂着骄傲和谦逊的红晕顿时涨满了那位青年女子的两颊,再加上她那明亮的眼睛和她那充满尊严的一段话,在全场上产生了一种难以形容的影响。 | The blush of mingled pride and modesty which suddenly suffused the cheeks of the young woman, the brilliancy of her eye, and her highly important communication, produced an indescribable effect on the assembly | |
2 | ”少校带着一种无法形容的焦急的神色望伯爵。 | The major looked at the count with an indescribable expression of anxiety | |
3 | 不可言喻的难以表达的;难以描叙的 | Incapable of being expressed; indescribable or unutterable. | |
4 | 大家的头全竖起来。 | All heads were raised: the sensation was indescribable | |
5 | 当我得到罗斯福总统再度当选的消息后,我的欣慰之情真是难以形容。 | It was with indescribable relief that I received the news that President Roosevelt had been re-elected | |
6 | 格洛弗小姐由于神经紧张而极度痛苦,那种认为要对非常棘手的问题担风险的想法使她感到有说不出的苦恼。 | Miss Glover suffered terribly from nervousness, and the notion of broaching so delicate a subject caused her indescribable tortures | |
7 | 结果,那种充满了鬼影的现实和充满了现实的鬼域替他构成了一种几乎无可言喻的内心状况。 | All these things, realities full of spectres, phantasmagories full of realities, had eventually created for him a sort of interior state which is almost indescribable | |
8 | 经受了难以形容的喜悦 | Experienced indescribable delight. | |
9 | 就那个时代女性举止优雅的风范而论,她也属贵妇之列;她自有一种端庄的风韵,并不同子如今人们心目中的那种纤巧、轻盈和不可言喻的优雅。 | She was ladylike, too, after the manner of the feminine gentility of those days; characterised by a certain state and dignity, rather than by the delicate, evanescent, and indescribable grace, which is now recognised as its indication. | |
10 | 那旅客用一种无法形容的悲哀的声音把这句话复述了遍。 | repeated the traveller in an accent of indescribable sadness | |
11 | 那真是无法描绘的绮丽风光。 | The scene was one of indescribable beauty. | |
12 | 难以形容的美(痛苦). | indescribable beauty (sufferings) | |
13 | 然后就发生了旁遮普惨案,从佳连娃拉巴的屠杀开始,接着又是罚爬、鞭挞示众和各种难以形容的侮辱。 | Then followed the Punjab horrors beginning with the massacre at Jallianwala Bagh and culminating in crawling orders, public floggings and other indescribable humiliations | |
14 | 说不出的感觉. | indescribable sensations | |
15 | 四小姐看得呆了;像是快慰,又像是悲怆,更像是异常酸痒的味儿一齐在她心里翻滚! | Huei-fang just stood there and gazed at them, while an indescribable mixture of feelings tumbled through her mind: something akin to gladness----or was it desolation? It was both of these and a sort of empty, yearning besides | |
16 | 他的眼里射出一种无法形容的闪烁的光辉,给人以一种可怕的、完全不正常的感觉。 | There was an indescribable flickering glow in his eyes, creating a fearsome and wholly unnatural effect | |
17 | 他的眼里射出一种无法形容的闪烁的光芒,给人以一种可怕的、极不寻常的感觉。 | There was an indescribable flickering glow in his eyes, creating a fearsome and wholly unnatural effect. | |
18 | 他那忧郁的脸上掠过一丝说不出的快乐,犹如太阳消失在云彩中,进入坟墓前的最后一丝光亮。 | An indescribable ray of joy illumined that wretched countenance like the last ray of the sun before it disappears behind the clouds which bear the aspect, not of a downy couch, but of a tomb | |
19 | 他只能在这两种人中选择一种,同时他觉得自己有一种不可解的刚毅、规矩、严谨的本质,面对他自身所属的游民阶层,却杂有一种说不出的仇恨。 | he had no choice except between these two classes,at the same time, he was conscious of an indescribable foundation of rigidity, regularity, and probity, complicated with an inexpressible hatred for the race of bohemians whence he was sprung | |
20 | 它具有一种难以形容的神韵。 | It has an indescribable romantic charm. | |
21 | 文章接着谈到不断膨胀中的伦敦贫民窟无限悲惨的非人生活情况。 | Then the article goes on to speak of the truly indescribable and bestial conditions of life in the swollen London slums | |
22 | 我得建造一座房子,编造一个故事,来配合那个难以描述的“感觉”,这种感觉好比小说的灵魂,我对它穷追不放顽固坚持,因为没有其他东西比它更难确定界限的了。 | I’ve got to make, I’ve got to build up, a house, a story, to fit around the indescribable "feeling" that is like the soul of the story, and which I must insist upon in dogged, embarrassed way, as being no more definable than that | |
23 | 现在他们已经不是单纯地用语言交流感情了。他在她身上看到了那些构成美丽和魅力的难以描绘的气质。 | There was much more passing now than the mere words indicated. He recognised the indescribable thing that made up for fascination and beauty in her. | |
24 | 隐约传来一连串单调的敲击声,使人迷惑的是这声音很有规律,它勉强穿过了雪絮蒙茸的空气。 | An indescribable succession of dull blows, perplexing in their regularity, sent their sound with difficulty through the fluffy atmosphere | |
25 | 有那么一会儿,他用一种严肃而又含有顽抗意味的神情作出一种无法形容的姿势,意思就是说(并且说得那样正确):“见鬼! | At a certain moment he made that indescribable gesture of a sort of authority mingled with rebellion, which is intended to convey, and which does so well convey, "Pardieu! | |
26 | 在剪裁修改、时期选择、情节交织和另起炉灶之中,作家开始识别出起初脑中并未意识到的那些素材常常导致异乎寻常的自我发现时刻的这种有机过程是一种难以说清的迷恋。 | In the breaking and remaking, in the timing, interweaving, beginning afresh, the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously in his mind when he began. This organic process, often leading to moments of extraordinary self-discovery, is of an indescribable fascination. | |
27 | 在特兰以南的地方,这种人与人之间的极端隔绝也许是不存在的。但是在中部和北部的工业区,他们间的隔绝是言语所难形容的。 | Gulf impassable, breach indescribable , such as is perhaps nonexistent south of the Trent. But in the Midlands and the industrial North gulf impassable, across which no communication could take place. | |
28 | 这身衣服的颜色,尤其是那说不出来的独特的样式,有一种使她轮廓模糊、不引人注目的效果 | Not more by its hue than by some indescribable peculiarity in its fashion, it had the effect of making her fade personally out of sight and outline; | |
29 | 这种构思过程具有难以形容的魅力,常常导致不寻常的自我发现的时刻。 | This organic process,often leading to moments of extraordinary self-discovery,is of an indescribable fascination. | |
30 | 这周围有一种几乎难以形容的气氛,使得初来的人相信这里才是该来的地方。 | There was an almost indescribable atmosphere about it which convinced the newcomer that this was the proper thing. |