1 | 全国某些部门存在的“三乱”现象严重侵犯了农民的利益 | Some departments across China have seriously violated the rights of the farmers by so-called “three vices”---indiscriminate fines, arbitrary quotas and service charges, and random apportionment | |
2 | 撒胡椒面(指投资资金分配) | indiscriminate distribution of funds; commitment of financial appropriation to all projects regardless of their importance | |
3 | 使…变陈腐因不加区别的使用而使之变得平庸,陈腐 | To make banal or hackneyed with indiscriminate use. | |
4 | 他最大的本领似乎是对人胡吹乱捧。 | His great power seemed to be his power of indiscriminate admiration | |
5 | 通过打击乱罚款、乱收费、乱收费、乱征税来减轻农民的财务负担 | reduce the financial burden on farmers by combating indiscriminate fines, charges and levies | |
6 | 同时,要从全局出发,坚决贯彻执行国务院关于制止乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款的各项规定,对各种收费进行清理整顿,切实减轻个体、私营经济业户的税外负担,保证查帐征收工作的顺利进行。 | In the meantime, they should proceed from the overall situation, resolutely implement various rules of the State Council concerning curbing arbitrary collections of fees, unjustified financial levies and indiscriminate fines, conduct a sorting out and consolidation in collection of fees and earnestly alleviate the non-tax payments of business households of self-employed private economy so as to ensure the smooth implementation of the work of taxation on audit of accounts. | |
7 | 我的弟弟不加选择地乱集邮票。 | My brother is indiscriminate in collecting stamps. | |
8 | 我们对中间派过去所扣一切不适当的帽子都要取掉,以后也不要乱扣。 | All the inappropriate labels we pinned on the middle elements in the past should be removed and indiscriminate labelling should be avoided in the future | |
9 | 无选择的购物者;在音乐上无特殊品味的 | An indiscriminate shopper;indiscriminate taste in music. | |
10 | 血洗野蛮的、不加区别的杀戳;大屠杀 | Savage,indiscriminate killing;a massacre. | |
11 | 要严格掌握退休、退职条件和招工条件,防止因招收退休、退职工人子女而任意扩大退休、退职范围和降低招工质量。 | Strict control should be imposed on the conditions for retirement, resignation or recruitment , guarding against any indiscriminate extension of retirement coverage or lowering of recruitment requirements. | |
12 | 以及在办展过程中有乱摊派、损害参展单位合法权益等违反法律法规行为的, | as well as indiscriminate apportionment in the process of holding exhibitions and infringement on the legitimate rights and interests of the participating units and other acts in violation of laws and regulations, | |
13 | 抑制重复建设,防止经济过热 | Check indiscriminate repetition in construction and prevent the economy from overheating. | |
14 | 这样的例子为数不少,比较明显的有:鲁莽驾驶、非法停车、在不适当的场所使用手机和其他电子设备、不守时赴约。 | This is clearly manifested in the irresponsible way many of us drive and park our vehicles, the indiscriminate use of hand phones and other electronic devices, unpunctual for business and private appointments, to name just a few of our more glaring failings. | |
15 | 中国赞成对地雷的使用进行适当、合理的限制,以防止地雷滥杀滥伤平民。 | China supports appropriate and reasonable restrictions on the use of landmines, so as to prevent their indiscriminate use against civilians. | |
16 | 众人皆有馀,而我独若遗。我愚人之心也哉! | The people of the world possess more than enough. I alone seem to have lost all. I must be a fool, so indiscriminate and nebulous. | |
17 | ||1:首先,国际货币基金组织应该创造新的特别提款权(SDRs),即某种可以兑换成美元的货币,但其数量由基金控制。||2:这有点像印钞票,为每个国际货币基金组织成员国提供价优的永久信贷额度。||3:2009年,全球金融危机爆发后,国际货币基金组织发行了2500亿美元的特别提款权;如今,在不得不请求美国国会允许这种情况继续下去之前,国际货币基金组织本可以创造超过当年两倍数额的特别提款权。||4:创建特别提款权将在不会耗尽国际货币基金组织储备的情况下,提供无理由、无条件的援助。||5:然而,这是有争议的。||6:该基金的核心任务是有条件地偿还贷款,而不是印钞。||7:建立必要的支持可能需要时间。||8:与此同时,富裕国家应该把特别提款权借给缺乏储备的国家。||9:这在政治上可能比借钱更容易接受。 | ||1:First, it ought to create new special drawing rights (SDRs), a currency of sorts which is convertible into dollars but whose quantity the fund controls.||2:This is a bit like printing money to ?nance a cheap perpetual credit line for every IMF member.||3:In 2009, after the global ?nancial crisis, the fund created $250bn in new SDRs; today it could create more than twice that amount before having to ask America’s Congress for permission to continue.||4:Creating SDRs would provide indiscriminate , unconditional aid without draining the IMF’s reserves.||5:However, it is controversial.||6:The fund’s core mission is making conditional loans that are repaid, not printing money.||7:It could take time to build the necessary support.||8:In the meantime, rich countries should lend their SDRs to countries that are short of reserves.||9:This may be more politically palatable than lending dollars. | |
18 | ||1:最重要的是,不分青红皂白的制裁可能会让伊朗的强硬派有所行动。||2:美国方面的压力让其有了不良行为的借口;对外冒险主义变成了自卫;经济寡头控制被描绘成一种破坏制裁的手段;批评家被斥责为大撒旦的傀儡。||3:如果伊朗摆脱“伊核协议”的核限制,美国和以色列将不得不在伊朗制造核弹的风险和阻止轰炸行动的危险之间做出选择。 | ||1:Above all, indiscriminate sanctions are likely to strengthen Iran’s hardliners.||2:American pressure gives them excuses for bad behaviour; adventurism abroad becomes self-defence; oligarchic control of the economy is portrayed as a means to bust sanctions; and critics are dismissed as puppets of the Great Satan.||3:If Iran casts off the JCPOA’s nuclear constraints, America and Israel will have to choose between the risk of Iran building a nuclear bomb and the dangers of a bombing campaign to stop it. | |
19 | 但是埃尔多安先生报复是不分青红皂白、不成比例的。 | But Mr Erdogan’s revenge has been indiscriminate and disproportionate. | |
20 | 相反,它会显示出任意的性行—并且这将足以把它的基因传给下一代。 | Rather, it would have exhibited indiscriminate sexual behaviour—and this would have been good enough to transmit its genes to the next generation. | |
21 | 以儿童为中心的教育技术没头没脑的和不分青红皂白的应用,而且很少重视结果,最终带来了反弹。 | It was the unthinking and indiscriminate application of child-centred education techniques, with little attention paid to outcomes, that eventually brought about a backlash. | |
22 | Djankov先生担心近几周不加区别的抛售可能打击改革者。 | Mr Djankov worries that the indiscriminate sell-off of recent weeks may dishearten reformers. | |
23 | 巴西卫生部门认为,滥用抗生素可能是超级细菌蔓延的原因之一。 | Brazilian health authorities think that the indiscriminate use of antibiotics could have contributed to the spread of the bacteria. | |
24 | 不过,穆斯林领导人指责警方在发生炸弹爆炸之后不加区分地逮捕民众。 | However, Muslim leaders accuse the police of making indiscriminate arrests in the wake of the bomb attacks. | |
25 | 不过,他和其他专家都忠告,不要以为人们会不加区分地抵制外国资本。 | Yet he and other experts counsel against assuming that there is an indiscriminate shift towards rejecting foreign capital. | |
26 | 丹东式的恐怖演变为杀戮狂暴,对于这种无差别杀人行为,丹东表示了公开的反对,同时他还敦促罗伯斯庇尔保持克制。 | Danton’s terror became a murderous rampage. He spoke out against the indiscriminate killing and urged restraint on Robespierre. | |
27 | 但工党可能不是唯一要遭受痛苦的政党:它有一个新的候选人,而反弹似乎是滥杀无辜。 | But Labour may not be the only party to suffer: it has a new candidate, and the backlash seems to be indiscriminate . | |
28 | 但是,与其它公司中如瀑布般倾泄而下的一视同仁新年感谢辞相比,我收到的感谢信数量根本微不足道。 | Yet this is nothing by comparison to the cascade of indiscriminate thanking that has been going on in other companies. | |
29 | 但是除了Splash胡吃海塞的坏习惯以及对网球的热爱之情之外,我对它的了解甚少,对于我来说,它就像是个毛茸茸的谜团。 | But beyond Splash’s indiscriminate eating habits and love of tennis balls, he was little more than a furry mystery to me. | |
30 | 但他也不像外界所称的,是一个“伊斯兰—法西斯主义者”或者是倡导滥杀无辜的暴徒。 | But he was not, as has been suggested, an "Islamo-fascist" or an advocate of indiscriminate violence. |