属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-普京高调反腐 新闻曝光各部长赃款及其情妇(1)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴以 新常态
1 | (指人)无目的的,无精神的,不能胜任的,不果断的,迟钝的 | (of a person)lacking purpose or spirit;ineffectual ,indecisive or dull | |
2 | 1987年以前的法律就竭力解决第208条中的问题,但效果不明显。 | Pre-1987 law made an ineffectual effort to grapple with the problem in section 208 | |
3 | 但他被认为能力较低不大可能履行诺言,尤其是在他领导笨拙不灵的九党联合政府之后。 | But he is considered rather ineffectual and unlikely to deliver the goods, especially since he heads an unwieldy coalition of nine parties | |
4 | 对癌症的无效治疗 | an ineffectual treatment for cancer. | |
5 | 换句话说,虽然董事会独立是公司会计责任的一个必要条件,但是除非有一个有关于独立的标准定义,否则现行的措施可能在很大程度上是无效的。 | In other words, while board independence is a necessary condition for corporate accountability, unless there is a standard definition of independence, current measures could be largely ineffectual . | |
6 | 会计机构、会计人员认为是违法的收支,应当制止和纠正;制止和纠正无效的 ,应当向单位领导人提出书面意见,要求处理。单位领导人应当自接到书面意见之 日起十日内作出书面决定,并对决定承担责任。 | Accounting agencies or accountants shall take action to stop or correct illegal income and outlays; where their action is ineffectual , they shall submit a written memorandum asking the unit’s leader to handle it. The unit’s leader shall, within ten days of receipt of the memorandum, make a decision which shall be put in writing, to which he is held accountable. | |
7 | 几年徒劳无益的服务,在论功行赏时就大有关系。 | The years of ineffectual service count big in the bestowal of rewards | |
8 | 她还不太懂如何举手投足,显示本能的优雅举止。她扬起头的姿态还不够优美。她的手也几乎没有用。她的脚虽然长得小巧,却只会频频地放在地上。 | In the intuitive graces she was still crude. She could scarcely toss her head gracefully. Her hands were almost ineffectual . The feet, though small, were set flatly. | |
9 | 企图阻止立法机关行为的无效努力 | an ineffectual effort to block the legislation. | |
10 | 使无效果或无用;使无效 | To make ineffectual or invalid;nullify. | |
11 | 他们的孩子留给了一帮佣人,得不到应有的照管。 | Their children were left to the ineffectual care of a parcel of servants. | |
12 | 他们提供给读者的主要查找途径--卡片目录--大部分已经失效。 | The principal finding aid they offer users--the card catalogue--is largely ineffectual | |
13 | 他们提名纽约的奥尔顿?帕克法官为候选人。他是一位既无名望又无能耐的三流政客。 | They nominated Judge Alton Parker of New York, an obscure and ineffectual third-rate politician | |
14 | 探照灯在雾中不起作用。 | The searchlights were ineffectual in the fog. | |
15 | 同时她也看到了他的孤弱无能,无所作为。 | She had felt at the same time that he was helpless and ineffectual | |
16 | 徒劳的;无效的,无用的 | Not availing; ineffectual or useless. | |
17 | 徒然尝试做某事 | Make ineffectual attempts to do sth | |
18 | 我倒有点儿象个落魄的王孙,象我家的老头子,一个气派十足的移民,一个经营无方的私酒商。 | I do seem to be a broken-down monarch of some kind, like my old man, the princely immigrant and ineffectual bootlegger | |
19 | 心有余而力不足的人. | A well-meaning but ineffectual person | |
20 | 这些话并不是有真生命的苍经的树上叶子,富有青春力量。它们只是一个无目的的生命的一阵落叶。 | They were not the leafy words of an effective life, young with energy and belonging to the tree. They were the hosts of fallen leaves of a life that is ineffectual . | |
21 | 中产阶级软弱无能,趋向依赖和屈服于统治阶级。 | The middle class is weak and ineffectual and tends to become dependent on and subservient to the ruling class | |
22 | 作领袖、作教师等不能胜任的 | Ineffectual as a leader,teacher,etc | |
23 | ||1:到2010年,希拉克是最受法国人钦佩的政治人物。||2:他晚年的无能掩盖了他强大的意志力和政治才能,这为他赢得了“推土机”的绰号,在20世纪60年代,他曾是英国首相乔治·蓬皮杜的排解纠纷者。||3:他也有魅力。1968年,他和把法国带到混乱边缘的抗议的领导者达成了停战协议。||4:不像之前的公共人物,他个人没有受到二战的争议的影响。 | ||1:By 2010 he was France’s most admired political figure.||2:His ineffectual latter years belied formidable willpower and political talent, which earned him the nickname, as Prime Minister Georges Pompidou’s troubleshooter in the 1960s, of "the bulldozer".||3:He could charm, too. In 1968 he negotiated a truce with the leaders of protests that had taken France to the brink of chaos.||4:Unlike previous generations of public figures, he was personally untouched by the controversies of the second world war. | |
24 | ||1:针对普京集团的反腐还可以遏制一下官员们的过分行为,正是他们的过分行为使得普京在政治上变得脆弱,也导致整个国家效率低下。||2:当他当政的12年里,官僚腐败已经上升到了“不受惩处,不受看管,不受控制”的地步,来自游说团体透明国际的艾莲娜潘菲洛娃这样说道。||3:更糟糕的是,公务员有恃无恐的吸取资源甚至不考虑维持社会稳定。||4:潘菲洛娃指出把少数高官当作靶子是“让人意识到一定程度的畏惧”的一种方式。 | ||1:Launching corruption cases against his inner circle can also rein in excesses that make Mr Putin politically vulnerable and the state ineffectual .||2:In his 12 years in power, bureaucratic corruption has gone “unpunished, unattended, and uncontrolled”, says Elena Panfilova of Transparency International, a lobby group.||3:Worse, state employees now feel emboldened to siphon off resources even without sustaining social stability.||4:Targeting a few high-profile officials can be a way to “introduce a certain level of fear,” Ms Panfilova notes. | |
25 | 无论如何,巴勒斯坦都无法维持现状。阿巴斯疲倦无能。在他的领导下,西岸的巴勒斯坦人要想过上正常生活就得接受被以色列占领,而同时,以色列就会贪婪地占领更多地方。国家地位堪忧,巴勒斯坦人民坐立不安。 | In any case, the status quo on the Palestinian side looks untenable. Mr Abbas is tired and ineffectual . Under him, normality for the West Bank’s Palestinians has come to mean accepting Israeli occupation while Israeli settlers gobble up ever more territory. Without even the prospect of statehood, Palestinians are impatient. | |
26 | 在拉丁美洲,同其他地区一样,投票者认为精英为贪污腐败、低效无能、自视高人一等,对此满怀怒火。 | In Latin America, as elsewhere, voters are furious at elites they regard as corrupt, ineffectual and condescending. | |
27 | 安慰剂效应是指一个没有治疗效果的物质,但如果你相信它有,就会起到一定的作用。 | The Placebo effect is when an ineffectual substance that is believed to have healing properties produces the desired effect. | |
28 | 不过,我们也目睹了在政治以及其他领域当中,许多诚实的领导人竟然能力不佳。 | But we have also seen plenty of examples in politics and elsewhere of honest leaders who were surprisingly ineffectual . | |
29 | 不过这些改变都有风险,要么可能没有效果,要么干扰了证劵市场的流动性。 | But such changes risk being either ineffectual or interfering with the liquidity of stockmarkets. | |
30 | 大屠杀日益成为一段遥远模糊的记忆,而阿拉伯国家变得日益强大和自信。 | The Holocaust is increasingly becoming a faint and ineffectual memory and the Arab states are increasingly powerful and assertive. |