属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-意大利 路漫漫其修远兮
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-科技公司和医疗保健 头文字云
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-艾滋病 伙计们,请一起行动
1 | 下面已利用时机解除了大批无用的人,而上面许多无用的人却碰都未碰过。 | Opportunity was taken to get rid of a great deal of inefficient material in the lower ranks,but in the higher ranks much dead wood was left untouched. | |
2 | 效率低的泵. | an inefficient pump | |
3 | 效率低的经理人员、行政机构、一群工人等. | An inefficient management,administration,body of workers,etc | |
4 | 效能低劣的民族迟早要被征服,要提高效能,就不能有幻觉。 | Inefficient nations were always conquered sooner or later, and the struggle for efficiency was inimical to illusions | |
5 | 新老板来了以后,不称职的人就遭殃了. | The new boss was the scourge of the inefficient | |
6 | 新老板来了以后,不称职的人就遭殃了. | The new boss was the scourge of the inefficient . | |
7 | 需要注意的是,这些探测器将可探测一些电磁辐射(7射线和x射线),但是,它们效率极低,一般不用于这一用途。 | It should be noted that these detectors will detect some electromagnetic radiation (gamma and x-ray), however, they are extremely inefficient , and generally should not be used for this purpose. | |
8 | 许多出借者认为小农场主是效率低的和缺乏管理技能的。 | Many lenders believe that small farmers are inefficient and lack management skills | |
9 | 一个浪费时间的设计;过时且费料的方法 | An inefficient design;outdated and inefficient methods. | |
10 | 一窍不通;愚蠢;无能 | Be totally ignorant,stupid or inefficient | |
11 | 一些原来效率低、成本高、产品积压甚至亏损的重复生产企业,在专业化生产下获得了生机 | Some enterprises that were originally engaged in inefficient repetitive production with high production costs, overstocked products, or even great loss, have gained vitality from specialized production. | |
12 | 因效率低遭辞退 | Dismissed for being inefficient | |
13 | 用电过多的机器效率低. | A machine that uses too much power is inefficient . | |
14 | 由于效率不高或缺乏质量管理程序,每年都要浪费大量的时间、金钱、人力和物力。制造业已发展出全面质量管理的概念。 | Great expenditures of time, money and resources, both human and material, are wasted each year because of inefficient or nonexistent quality management procedures. The manufacturing industry has developed total quality management concepts. | |
15 | 在那以前,青霉素的生产使用的是效率很低的间歇方法,直到Shell发展公司介入并且使用他们的单元操作方法。此后1年半之内,青霉素救活士兵的数目增加了60多倍。 | Penicillin was being produced in a highly inefficient batch process, until a company (Shell Development)stepped in and applied their knowledge of unit operations. Within a year and a half, 60 times more soldiers could be treated! | |
16 | 这种明显刻意筑起一道墙的做法,既没效率也显得落伍。 | I see this as a deliberate effort to create barriers that was both inefficient and unnecessary. | |
17 | 这种又慢又低效的方法之所以留存下来是由于产品质量优良的缘故。 | The survival of this slow and inefficient method is attributable to the high quality of the product | |
18 | 政府还必须把土地从效率不高而又保护性很强的农业部门解放出来,使更多的人可以得到而且买得起土地。 | The government would also have to free up land from an inefficient and protected agricultural sector, making it available and affordable to more people | |
19 | 政府拒绝补贴效益不佳的行业. | The government refuses to prop up inefficient industries. | |
20 | 中国的国有行业备受庇护且效率低下,而处于不利地位的私营企业却富有活力,上述举措似乎也说明政府试图为国有行业和私营企业创造平等的竞争环境。 | The move also appears consistent with attempts to level the playing field between China’s cosseted but inefficient state industries and a disadvantaged but dynamic private sector | |
21 | 总经理开除了这个部门中的不称职人员。 | The general manager cleaned out inefficient personnel in the department | |
22 | 最优化为的是获得一个更洁净、更经济和更高效的过程。例如,一个效率不高的锅炉,绝热不良会浪费很多热量。 | Optimising a process can provide a cleaner, cheaper and more efficient process. For example an inefficient boiler may waste, much heat, due to poor insulation. | |
23 | ||1:经济学家有些摸不着头脑。||2:互联网已经消除了从保险业到旅行业等其他行业的混日子的中介。||3:可是为什么这些行业中没有美国的房地产界?虽然贴现经纪人人数和for-sale-by-owner网站的点击率不断蹿升,传统的全包式服务中介在不减少佣金的情况下仍保持了80%的市场份额。 | ||1:Economists are baffled.||2:The internet has squelched inefficient middlemen in other industries, from insurance brokers to travel agents.||3:Why not American realtors? Although scores of discount brokers and for-sale-by-owner websites have sprouted up, traditional full-service realtors have somehow maintained their market share of 80% without reducing fees. | |
24 | ||1:总之,意大利结构上的深层次症结——失效的政治系统,老化的社会人口,没落的公立大学,效率奇低的法院系统——所有这些,都需要很长的时间去一一解决。||2:欧元危机已经昭示了改革的迫在眉睫,然而滞缓的国内发展困境又让改革举步维艰。||3:如今在意大利,原本拥护改革的人,现已所剩无几了。 | ||1:Above all, the deep structural failings of Italy—an inefficient public sector, a poor demographic outlook, lousy universities, a calamitously slow judicial system—will take years to put right.||2:The euro crisis has shown the urgent need for reforms, but by stunting growth it has also made them harder.||3:And Italy has few liberals who genuinely believe in reform. | |
25 | 如果是这样,迟钝低效的医疗保健行业将享受到更快的数据传送和更灵敏的数据分析,以及更好的诊断。医生、护士、病人,和所有相关公司、部门,都将从中受益。 | If so, the slow, inefficient health-care industry will enjoy faster transmission and smarter analysis of data, and better diagnoses. Doctors, nurses and, above all, patients, will benefit. | |
26 | ||双方都对对方的行为表示不满。 UNAIDS主席 Michel Sidibé认为这样的两份独立却又类似的报告既浪费又达不到效果。WHO负责HIV/AIDS项目的主管 Gottfried Hirnschall称三家组织早已达成一致在2011将一起发表一份报告。|| | ||Both sides seem miffed by the other’s actions. Michel Sidibé, the head of UNAIDS, described the production of separate reports as "costly and inefficient ".|| Gottfried Hirnschall, the WHO’s director of HIV/AIDS, says it had been agreed that in 2011 the three organisations would work together and jointly release a single report. | |
27 | ||双方似乎都因对方的行为略显愠怒。联合国艾滋病规划署事务长西迪贝称两份独立的报告“费钱又没效”。世卫组织艾滋病司司长赫恩斯歇尔则说三者经过商定,决定于2011年携手合作并发布联合报告。|| | ||Both sides seem miffed by the other’s actions. Michel Sidibé, the head of UNAIDS, described the production of separate reports as “costly and inefficient ”.|| Gottfried Hirnschall, the WHO’s director of HIV/AIDS, says it had been agreed that in 2011 the three organisations would work together and jointly release a single report. | |
28 | “而且,一旦你意识到市场的混乱,很多事情会改变。” | "And once you recognize that markets are inefficient a lot of things change. " | |
29 | “人类生殖令人惊讶的低效并且十分复杂,”AliciaStanton医生说,美国康涅狄格州格拉斯顿伯里的一位妇产科医师。 | "Human reproduction is surprisingly inefficient and quite complex, " said Dr. Alicia Stanton, an OB-GYN based in Glastonbury, Conn. | |
30 | “这似乎根本就没有效率”,Bharat对一家公共广播公司Mediashift说。 | "It seemed fundamentally inefficient , " Bharat told Mediashift, a Publish Broadcasting Service. |