属类:文学表达-外国名著-Bel - Ami By Guy de Maupassant
1 | “噢,那一点我完全可以办得到,而且非常高兴!” | "Oh, that I do, and with infinite pleasure," answered Albert | |
2 | “台州地阔海溟溟,云水长和岛屿青”,表达了诗人对郑虔此行的担忧。 | Expressed the worry over his trip with the poem: On the infinite and infinite sea the vast Taizhou bordering, With the green and green islands the water and cloud singing. | |
3 | “完全适合,我应该这么认为。”P·D·詹姆士小说中的一个男人如是说。“我以为它需要有永无休止的好奇心、不懈的努力和探听他人事情的嗜好。” | "Entirely suitable, I should have thought," says a man in a P D James novel, "requiring, imagine, infinite curiosity, infinite pains and a penchant for interfering with other people." | |
4 | 波既不能有不连续处,又不能有几率为无穷大的区域。 | The wave has neither discontinuities nor regions of infinite probability | |
5 | 尝尝这个吧,一切的界限都会消失的,无限的太空就会展现在你的眼前,你可以自由自在地走入无边无际,无拘无束,尽情欢乐的天地。 | taste this, and the boundaries of possibility disappear; the fields of infinite space open to you, you advance free in heart, free in mind, into the boundless realms of unfettered revery | |
6 | 超越的不能表示为整数或整数的根或商的,用指来数字,尤其是无限不循环小数 | Not expressible as an integer or as the root or quotient of integers.Used of numbers,especially nonrepeating infinite decimals. | |
7 | 从上述例证可以断定,汉语词汇的位移和组合几乎有无限的灵活性,而且词序的变换使句法意义和语义产生变化。 | A conclusion can be drawn from these examples that there is almost infinite flexibility in the shifting and combination of words and that the mere shifting of 0rder ends in different syntactic and semantic meanings. | |
8 | 但弥尔顿给予我们的是力量--也就是说,运用自己潜在的感应能力,向着无限的领域扩张。 | What you owe is power-that is , exercise and expansion to your own latent capacity of sympathy with the infinite | |
9 | 但是,如果不断向后推求,这样的因果关系将是无限的 | But if there is no end to this backward progression of causes, the progression will be infinite | |
10 | 德·坎特尔和妻子呕气,便把弗赖斯节叫做“可怜的查理”,每次他总是用一种无限怜悯的口吻来说这个名字。 | To pique his wife de Cantel began to call Forestier "poor Charles," always using an accent of infinite pity when he spoke the name. | |
11 | 的确须将问题或解答重新叙述借以取得有限维与无穷维间的协调一致。 | To be sure, either the question or the answer must be reformulated in order to bring the finite and the infinite into harmony | |
12 | 对无边的宇宙和永恒的事业以及“主教老头儿的种种无稽之谈”,他常喜欢用解颐的妙语来加以述说。 | He laughed willingly and pleasantly over infinite and eternal things, and at the "crotchets of that good old fellow the Bishop." | |
13 | 而随着歌唱者的或远或近,或上或下,也给这些歌声本身带来不同的特点,这样所产生的效果自然就是有千万种声调,非常丰富。 | Each change in the height, distance’ and position of the singer giving the sound a different character, so that the effect produced was one of infinite variety. | |
14 | 非常非常大,非常非常多并不意味着“无穷大”。 | Very, very big,or very,very many does not mean infinite . | |
15 | 非极限的,非无限小的既非无穷大也非无限小 | Being neither infinite nor infinitesimal. | |
16 | 该系统有若干输电线,这些输电线与4个变电站联接,其中的一个接有无穷大功率的母线。 | This system has several transmission lines that ties four substations, one of which is connected to an infinite power bus. | |
17 | 工程师能够用于工业的材料种类几乎是无限的。 | The number of materials, which are available to the engineer in industry, is almost infinite . | |
18 | 故其战胜不复,而应形于无穷。 | Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances. | |
19 | 贵族以无穷无尽的零碎的苛捐杂税来压榨农民。 | The nobility ground down the peasants with an infinite variety of petty exactions | |
20 | 混沌世界一些宇宙起源论认为的在有序宇宙形成以前的未成形物质和无尽空间的混乱状态 | The disordered state of unformed matter and infinite space supposed in some cosmogonic views to have existed before the ordered universe. | |
21 | 即使我每天都为那做出牺牲,临终时我也无法对她偿以还不清的欠债,因为有了她我才活了下来。 | And should every one of my days have been marked by some sacrifice for her, I should still, at the day of my death have discharged nothing of the infinite debt that my existence owes to her. | |
22 | 假如支付期是无限的,称为永久年金。 | If the payments are made over an infinite period of time the annuity is called a perpetuity | |
23 | 教小孩子需要极大的耐心。 | It takes infinite patience to teach little children. | |
24 | 教幼儿需有极大的耐心。 | Teaching little children takes infinite patience. | |
25 | 她儿子的去世使她悲痛欲绝。 | The death of her son gave her infinite pain. | |
26 | 她喜爱夏天的平静--当天空万里无云,一望无际时,夏日呈现出一派平静。 | She loved the calm of summer, when the sky is cloudless and infinite | |
27 | 她转过身去背对着纽特,望着那无穷无尽的行道树。 | She turned her back to Newt, looked into the infinite colonnade of the woods | |
28 | 尽管运动的方式多种多样,但是人们通过对某些简单运动形式的研究而创立了力学。 | Motion is infinite in variety, and the study of certain simple type of motion constitutes the science of mechanics. | |
29 | 经极度精心修复的画 | A painting restored with infinite care | |
30 | 具有基数s\s。的集合,被称为是可列的或可数无穷的。 | A set with cardinality ssis said to be denumerable or countably infinite |